Unveiler of the Souls

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Heretic, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    I've argued enough times, too many times really. And it wears me down. I've heard the same stupidities repeated, by the same minds, throughout different ages, different histories. All the arguments of the world end up exactly where they began, no progress is made, no greater Revelation is obtained by the blissful masses.

    How does the Atheist define God? He defines God as impossible, as unreal, as nothingness.

    And so, accepting that the Atheists *FREELY WILLS AND CHOOSES* to view God, in this way, what does this then mean? What is the consequence? Does the atheist truly define God, as nothingness?

    Or doesn't the atheist expose him or herself truly? Doesn't the atheist expose his own soul? Doesn't the atheist define his own soul? Yes, he does, and his soul is black, nothingness, impossible. Because the atheist is not actually defining God, as impossible and unreal. Instead the atheist is defining himself as impossible, and unreal.

    And this is how you see deep into the heart of another, into his soul, into his empty pit of a lifetime. No meaning, no purpose, no anything, there, empty. Dark. Nothingness.

    If God can bring light to the universe, then it is no wonder that this light can shine right through the soul of all of these "atheists". It is no question or mystery as to how rudimentary and elemental is the status of an atheist.

    A soulless, wretched creature, totally consumed by the prince of darkness.
  2. FirstTake

    FirstTake New Member Past Donor

    Oct 21, 2013
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    Do you have irrefutable proof of this?
  3. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Yes it's called I owe you nothing, proof.

    You owe me proof, not me who owes you proof. Give me proof of YOUR existence.

    What is the difference in this world if you had not been brought to life? What effect and mark have you left in the world? Have you made a difference at all?

    Or aren't you just adrift, with no guidance, no compass, no direction, no goal?

    I owe you nothing. And you have no strength in your voice to demand proof from me.
  4. FirstTake

    FirstTake New Member Past Donor

    Oct 21, 2013
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    Oh, but you require, so aren't you required to reciprocate?

    I need irrefutable proof of your claims.
  5. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    And what is proof of YOUR existence, atheist?

    Words on a computer screen, in this forum???

    And yet, you doubt words from God? What is the difference between the existence of you, through your words, and the existence of God, through His own???

    Do you expect me to believe in YOU, with blind faith? Can you even prove, to yourself, that you exist???

    I already know your answer is no. That is why I owe you nothing. And you owe ME the proof.
  6. HonestJoe

    HonestJoe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Have you considered the possibility that, with all these different people offering you the same responses over and over again, there could actually be something to what they're saying?
  7. SMDBill

    SMDBill Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2013
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    I'm a believer, not atheist, but I can see their side of the argument and respect it as well.

    It is believers who define God in terms non-believers and believers alike can understand within our definition. Atheists refute the possibility that God exists as you/we have defined. We base our perspective of our planet, our world, our universe, the other universes, all in terms as we believe them to be in terms of our faith, along with the sciences as we understand them. Non believers often base their world views on scientific evidence and their own life experiences. When they state a lack of evidence suggests there is no God to them, how can we refute their belief and only see one side of the argument? Both sides have measures of validity based on science, but only one side has validity based on faith as well. We differ where some have faith and some disbelieve in faith, but that doesn't make their view "nothingness" in the context of an inability to define God or a soul. It is you/we who believe they have a soul, not them, so they have nothing to prove to anyone. The onus really is on the side of the believer to express what they believe and why, not on a non-believer to prove they don't believe something. After all, they're saying they do not believe it so how do you prove not believing something other than to refute the claims of the Bible and other historical religious and world events? And being atheist is not the same as being a satanist, as your last sentence would suggest.

    I don't know what your aim for the discussion was when you posted it, but it was a bit bizarre to read it and then re-read it.
  8. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    If the heathen unbelievers cannot define exactly, let me emphasize EXACTLY, what it is they doubt and disbelieve, then this proves a disconnection of existence. Atheists don't care about actual, real, existence. Atheists don't want to look at reality. Because their dishonesty of definition exposes their underlying intentions and motivations.

    Atheists are not interested in the reality of God, while, atheists ONLY define God in ways in which help them cope with their own personal, subjective station in eternity. Atheists hate God, because defining Him will expose the atheists for what they are.

    It's not simply that atheists are vapid unbelievers. Instead it is much, much more hopeless. Atheists define God in the most negative, mocking, possible fashion. This demonstrates that it is not God they are truly attempting to define, but instead, an inner reflection of themselves and their own reality.

    It exposes atheism as the pathetic farce that it is. And these atheists want to claim how "smart" and "intelligent" they are, as well. This whole stupid joke needs to end, now. And I will end it. If atheists are so "smart" as they like to claim and think, then why can't they answer the simplest of all questions??? Why can't they respond? Why can't they offer just a few words?

    Because these words will all be used against them. And the cowardice will be exposed immediately afterward.
  9. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Actually it seems that most atheists are mocking religious belief systems and their adherents. Technically they are not mocking God, however, since in the atheist perspective there literally is no God to mock.
  10. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Atheists WANT to define God in a way to negate His existence, but they fail miserably. No matter how stupid an atheist tries to be, and how obvious, the atheist cannot redefine reality.

    No matter how much I want to define "tree" to mean "cat", to suit my personal agenda, it does not change reality nor existence. And it certainly does not negate the existence of trees!!!

    You atheists are all out of clever tricks. I expose you all for what you truly are.

    Empty, void, vapid, nothingness. Without purpose, hope, meaning.
  11. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    I agree that atheists cannot prove that God does not exist. But then again, believers cannot prove in a manner that fits into science that God exists. So neither side can gain any real traction in this ongoing debate.
  12. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    I disagree, I believe that TRUE Christians can define God using both faith AND science, both.

    The main problem is understanding what constitutes evidence of the supernatural, divine, and miraculous.

    Can you reproduce a miracle in a laboratory? If not, then that still doesn't mean miracles don't exist, and happen to some people. Miracles can happen, because impossibility can become overcome.
  13. SMDBill

    SMDBill Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2013
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    wrong. You cannot prove God no matter how strong your faith. Nor can I. That is why it is called faith. If you had proof you would no longer need faith because faith would become fact. They are mutually exclusive.
  14. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    Don't you think it sort of strange that even Christians and other Theist (believers) would attempt to place God within the confines of a simple 'definition', when in fact the Bible teaches that the mind of man cannot comprehend the vastness of God or the immeasurable power of God or the omniscience of God? Do you believe that God is going to allow Gods existence to be confined to such a limited box (the limited intellectual capacity of man)? Why can't God be more than what our limited intelligence would allow us to even consider?
  15. SMDBill

    SMDBill Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2013
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    You're absolutely right. We're just limited in what we can do, which is try to define things best we can.
  16. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    Seeing that you agree with me in the idea that words are inadequate due to our limited intelligence, easily establishes the notion that it is equally absurd to deny the existence of something that cannot be fully defined. To say that something does not exist due to an inadequate definition would automatically rule out things which we do know about but assign a definition that does not meet with that already accepted definition. Perhaps the accepted definition(s) are missing key descriptors that would allow us to see the existence of that subject mystery with no problem should we find and include the missing key descriptors. Therefore, perhaps the Atheists can also add to the definition in ways that would be constructive as opposed to always viewing the subject from a negative point of view. IMHO, it is self defeating to meditate upon the supposed faults when there are so many others things that can be considered. Perhaps our perspective (mans perspective) is suffering from a dependence upon those physical senses.
  17. Vicariously I

    Vicariously I Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2012
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    There aren't many theists on this forum who will refute what other theists have said so I'm glad to see this. And your not alone, it is very bizarre.
  18. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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    I've read this post 9 times in a row and I have no idea what you're trying to say
  19. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Existence requires no faith

    Yet atheists continue to claim God does not exist, without also illuminating What/Who they're claiming does not exist! If the atheist can stake this claim about God then they should at least understand God, shouldn't you?

    You should at least understand What/Who it is you're talking about??? What is the nature of God??????????? If atheists cannot address this then atheism is truly a laughing stock, a joke, a farce, a childish view of existence. Why do atheists fear God so much??? As mentioned, this complex really defines the nature of the atheist soul, as well as the soul of any person.

    So this understanding about the definition of God, of how to understand God, really exemplifies the deepest nature of a human.
  20. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Atheists have an agenda.

    Atheists want to define "tree" as a "cat", to redefine the idea of a tree. Atheists want to redefine God, as flying spaghetti monster, to SUIT YOUR AGENDA! That's why atheists MEEKLY ATTEMPT to redefine God in this way. Atheists, like Wolverine, only exist to MOCK GOD. They don't want to know Him. They only want to mock Him.

    And this becomes exposed by my threads. It's not about truth. It's about mockery, childishness, insult, and failure to understand God. All this is exposed by how atheists attempt to REDEFINE HIM.
  21. Prof_Sarcastic

    Prof_Sarcastic New Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    Since your premise is utterly incorrect, your entire post is totally without a shred of value.
  22. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Atheists WANT to define God as impossible. Because they want to mock Him.

    Atheists want to depict God as "flying spaghetti monster" and "santa clause" and anything else that mocks Him. This is all that the atheist has, nothing more than this. This is the extent of atheist "logic". And atheists have the nerve to call themselves "rational, logical, smart, intelligent"? It is a joke.

    No matter what, atheists will fail. Because atheists are not interested in Absolute Truth. If atheists were interested in truth then they would not begin to define God with mockery, contempt, and hatred for Him.

    The onset, the premise, is hatred against God. That is the root of atheism.
  23. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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    Im an atheist and i have no agenda nor do i want to redefine anything. I simply do not believe in any supreme beings.

    You lost me with the cat and tree thing?
  24. Prof_Sarcastic

    Prof_Sarcastic New Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    Contrary to what you may find in famous quotes, repeating a lie does not make it true. I repeat: I do not WANT to do anything of the sort.
  25. SMDBill

    SMDBill Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2013
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    I guess I'm missing your point. Atheists don't believe any god exists as defined by anyone. I honestly think it's that simple and the semantics of defining that which you don't believe in doesn't really change the fact that they just don't believe what you do. I'm not trying to speak on their behalf, because I'm not one of them, but I don't think there's something conspiratorial about their point of view. Failure to believe on their part in no way affects your ability to believe or not, unless you see their position as somehow destructive to yours?

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