the whole medical thing and social security and other things are utter hogwash I've posted this many times. Set aside the sex let's just look at a single person they have a sibling without medical insurance why can't the single person purchase the family plan through work and add his/her sibling? How about SS? The single person can work their entire life and die before ever collecting one red cent that they and their employer's paid all those years. Why can't the estate of that single person will some portion of the SS which they had withheld all those years? About the family not allowing an adult to visit someone in the hospital; I'm sure you are cherry picking one case. I can no longer be told anything medical about my children without their prior approval. God forbid if they became sick they could sign power of attorney over to me. (i'd rather die first) So, I believe many of these "outrages" which get posted are extreme cases and you don't create laws based upon exceptions. I don't agree with the "married" choice for taxes. I do agree to aiding parents by allowing exemptions. many of what you list can be handled via contracts so an avenue already exists. I am for less govt so you won't see me support one itsy bit more of govt control. I say the govt gets their mitts out of marriage altogether and let it go to the churches or meditation group. let legal contracts bind you for real property, investments etc. And make it so SS and medical insurance works the same for every person, not just married and not just those who are gay. Do you see how convoluted it all gets when govt gets involved?
Yep! Spot-on correct! You're making the most important points and you are right again! Great post! Thanks for sharing.
I agree. I think we should just give credits to individuals taking care of children. That way single people will benefit the same amount as couples and discrimination will be zero.
Of course. Yet, I don't expect gay couples who wish to be married... to wait around for that to be changed, before they are allowed to be legally married and treated just as heterosexuals are (even today).
I just still have a hard time understand why they are making such a big deal about it. One of my "friends" best response turned out to be because gay marriage would destroy the union of marriage. I asked him what about the current divorce rate, the single parent rate, the "quicky" marriages, ect. He spouted off something about gays being disgusting... Then he went to a bar, got drunk and went home with some chick that he had just met. No one against same sex unions ever seems to be able to answer: how will gay marriage (or gay unions) harm you or effect you in any way?
That is because they do not have any logical or universal answer to that question. It is time for people to be honest and say that they just don't like homosexuality. We already know that homosexual people should not be restricted or discriminated against because of that... but I think the honesty would be downright... refreshing. All that other anti-gay, phoney and HYPOCRITICAL BS people put out there... isn't worth the intellectual energy they imagine it is.
hmm so the answer and solution is to make it even more of a mess where we would segment based upon people who sleep with each other. In the meantime, the greatest % of the population gets shafted. It's called being blinded by your agenda Johnny. You've bought into the entire big brother mentality of govt and perhaps part of the problem, and this is based upon my observations is that most gay people support liberals who are in favor of making govt bigger and more difficult. I will not support "gay marriage" or "gay rights" any more than I support discrimination against heterosexual singles. It's time to focus on the real issue and that's a govt which needs to back off and to stop getting caught up in the emotion and wanting to legislate "acceptance"
Its not criminal in all states and ignorant argument anyway. Using your fool logic, making marriage to someone of the same sex illegal would eliminate any constitutional issues youve imagined.
There are no such laws. Ones sexual orientation is irrelevant to marriage. It is never determined and certainly no one is in any way limited from government contracts because of their sexual orientation. Two people of the same sex will never procreate, REGARDLESS of their sexuality and two people of the opposite sex have the potential to procreate, regardless of their sexuality.
Delusional gay fantasy land. Would be a physical impossibility for two people of the same sex to raise their biological child. Maybe science will get there some day, until then it is only your private little delusion. click the heels of your pretty red slippers together, close your eyes and say there is no place like home..... and maybe it will become true.
No sec... it's called 'adopting' an agenda. I have other issues which concern me in the political and legal realms which I also attend. Why don't YOU make what you're saying your own cause, and not try to tack it onto me as an obligation? If it is important to you, then continue to comment about it. No problem. Okay then, there is YOUR focus (as you define it); go with it. I'm not trying to take away from that, sec.
The arguments already made? Ok, lets take them one by one You stated that gay people are purposely discriminated against because they have no governmental interest. Discrimination is wrong, most people will agree with this. Gay people can not get married because they can reproduce. Neither can sterile couples or elderly couples but they are still allowed. Reproduction is no a prerequisite for marriage. Gay marriage is not allowed in 44 states. So was Alcohol at one time, as was interracial marriage, so your point is again, invalid. You cannot compare gay rights to black rights or women rights because you cannot "see" it. Ok, I move that we abolish all religion and all religious arguments. People that believe in a faith can no longer get married... See how stupid that is? Of course you don't (Please note I am religious so I am not actually advocating this) Two gays raising a child is worse than biological parents. I agree but it is better than a single parent household. Studies have also rebutted this statement. The only thing that even makes any sense is that government needs to get out of the marriage industry completely and do a form of child credit. But since that is not going to happen it is wrong to give benefits to people just because they belong to a certain group of people. The government makes a mess of everything they touch. Did I miss any, feel free to repeat them again tho, I am sure you will, as soon as you leave your "bathhouse" and get through "rubbing genitals" with your partner. Now can you address the question you quoted? How will it effect you? If you just hate the f**s just say it, that would actually be an opinion that you can stand on, as no one can debate your hatred.
LOLOLOLOL!!!! Spin that strawman. Their gayness is irrelevant. Never stated any such thing. YOU people are the ones who want rights based upon ones sexuality, thus the term "gay rights", "awarded to homosexual couples"
No, you are wrong. What we want are equal rights. This means equal treatment under the law, which includes marriage. And your whole "gays can't get married because they can't reproduce" is utter bunk. Who cares if someone can reproduce or not. That is not what marriage is about, but if it is, then it needs to be changed because that is an archaic and meaningless belief. Do yourself a favor and drag yourself into the 21st century.
Wow, you only ignored 90% of my post this time. At least you are improving, somewhat. I feel like I am trying to have a conversation with my 6 year old cousin, sigh. As for you "never stating any such thing", your post below states otherwise. I guess someone hacked your account and said that I have proved everything you have posted either wrong or manipulative of the facts. I'm done, -peace
So full of it. My statement Your silly fool interpretation Check the back of crayon box. See if maybe they have one of those built in sharpeners for you
If you actually hate gays, just say so... otherwise you aren't saying anything that is truly meaningful or worthwhile. It is my opinion that your views (as expressed in this forum), support hatred of and discrimination against homosexual people. And you surely need to be challenged, because the type of mindset you display here, tends to diminish the well-being of homosexual people. So yeah, you can say what you think is right/true... but I don't see any need to 'accept' or agree with your views overall.
I believe that to be an over reach perhaps because of the amount of coverage "gay rights" seems to get in the press. yes, the pendulum has swung way to the other side to once again where the govt thinks they need to step in and are way over reaching . In fact, the best thing is for govt to back off from our personal lives.
LOLOLOLOL!!!!! Dont be silly. I was referring to purposeful discrimination in favor of homosexuals. You dont have a clue.
You have 6 states to choose from. All of them would prohibit the mother and grandmother from marrying, even though theyve been raising 3 kids for 8 years, but these states have made marriage available to any two 18 yr old boys with boners on the off hand chance they might someday adopt.