i dont know why so many people obsessed going war with china. full scale war with china will end in MAD
a) First of all create a secret ray gun that turns nuclear missiles to lead. b) Start an intensive super soldier breeding program designed to birth and raise 100,000,000 soldiers. c) I almost forgot- install a totalitarian Government in the United States, so that the government could ignore popular opposition, and then the government could take over all business and mandate a massive industrial manufacturing retooling, since the United States manufacturing is just too small currently to sustain that kind of action. The rest is just a matter of details.....
Create a secret chemical that it can add to rice that renders them sterile. Then sit back and wait 60 years.
Cut our wages and default on all loans. Start exporting like crazy and force them to go on the offensive. In a ground combat situation you should have 2-4 to 1 ratio going against an entrenched opposing force; we would never go in. We would need air supremacy and we would need to take out their CnC and naval forces first. After that we would negotiate an armistice as we did with north Korea because there is no way to win. Stalemate. They could not take us if that makes you feel any better.
Becarefull what wish for. China is currently patiently building up their military but any direct action by america with war would prompt them to turn their huge economic wealth to create a military industrial complex to rival the usa. Pumping out war toys and soliders, more nukes etc... But i dont get why the americans want to annoy the chinese with threats, insecurity maybe or something else?
Yeah. We can not defeat them. Actually we should work with them to regain the independence of both countries.
Pointless trying, but kind of fun with cyber war games on forums like this. Unless oneday an american or chinese leader has a rush of blood to the head and does something stupid then we are all screwed, finally get to see MAD at work in all its horrible glory.
A land invasion of China simply would not be possible. They have a "solid" 1 million man army and they could feasibly increase that to 200 million, poorly armed, men if they had too in an event of an invasion. Their factory's are also set up to be rapidly switched to military production. Also the sheer size of China means that by the time we gained any ground they would have reinforced key parts of the inner country. Without nukes it would be impossible to invade successfully.
I don't think the US could defeat china. The US public would not have the resolve to fight china. We can't even deal with 4,000 casualties in a decade long war. How would we be able the handle the media onslaught that would report the hundreds of thousands of casualties a war with china would cause.
Occupations always fail. They couldn't hold us down, nor could we them. The question truly is, why don't China, Russia and USA start their own campaigns of expansionism and consume the world? Every nation on earth's conventional military could be wipe out. No occupation needed, just subservient regimes to deal with any public uprising. Oh wait.... The only time occupations were successful in history is because one side had advancements the other didn't posses. The halberd, the long bow, Greek fire, Roman fighting techniques. In order for any of the big 3 to hold down the other, one would have to invent laser beam guns or something. Everyone went straight to nukes. Boring, I know.
We occupied Germany and Japan for decades. Was that a failure? A great many occupations in the past worked. Look at the occupations of the Roman Empire. Most of them effectively ended the culture in the area as it existed before. The difference today is that we now lack the resolve to even attempt such an undertaking. And today the rush is on to "return control" over to a new national government, if they are ready for it or not.
You know Berlin had a population of about 5 million people during WW2 and between us and the Russians it took a half million soldiers to occupy Berlin. Lack of resolve.. or idiocy? What are YOUR thoughts on occupying China?
No, it was not. Nowhere was it threatened that if Germany or Japan resisted the revolt we would nuke them. In fact, we could not do that, because we would have been nuking our own soldiers or that of our allies. So that does not work. A lot of the reason the post-WWII occupations went the way they did was shame. Once the actions of the military was rubbed into the face of most average citizens, shame at what their previous government did ended most reisitance. And in the ancient times, it was not technology that often made the difference, as much as normally an Interregnum when the existing power structure was eliminated, or the resolve of one nation to utterly destroy the existing culture and put everybody to the sword that resisted. Rome and the Babylonians were experts at this. The first "Jewish Diaspora" happened when Babylon choose to scatter the Jewish people, taking their leadership (political and religious) into captivity in exile. Those that scattered only took fragmented bits of their culture, and the rest soon lost what they had. The Romans took a much more brutal approach. And it is not the weapons that mattered, Judea had the same weapons. What they had was the willingness to destroy anybody who opposed their rule. When they finally won in the Jewish Revolt, they put entire towns to the sword, destroying Jerusalem, Yodfat, Gamia, Joppa, Masada, and many other cities. And those that were not killed were placed into slavery and deported away from the region. That is how Ancient cultures did it. It is not technology, because that may win a war, not an occupation. The idea was to simply make the occupation so brutal, and to torture and execute anybody that resisted in the most brutal way possible to prevent it from happening again. Just read about the Third Servile War to see this in action. Over 6,000 rebels were crucified along a 200 km section of road, to discourage anybody else from trying the same thing. Occupations are simply not done in this way today. But if they were, they would be a lot shorter, but infinately bloody.
Then, I look back at a great philosopher. "Never get involved in a land war in Asia", Fezzik The problem with so many of these threads is that there is absolutely no context at all. It is like talking about baseball. A great game for amateurs to play, but absolutely nothing of substance that somebody like me could comment on. Who is the agressor? What sets off the conflict in the first place? What other nations are involved and why? What is the scale of the conflict? Personally, I would just set up an international embargo, and sit back and watch them collapse on their own. China is now so critically dependent on inports and exports that if the US and 4 or 5 of their largest trading partners set up an embargo, they would collapse from within fairly shortly. Either there would be internal revolution, or they would return to their power in the 1960's. No war or occupation needed. Let them handle their own issues themselves. At most, consider returning to the Occupations of the early 1900's, where countries would take control of areas of dense population to protect them from the internal revolts and revolutions. That is what Hong Kong started as after all.
Can't be done cost is prohibitive. The USA found keeping an Army in Vietnam too expensive in blood and money. Today's China is vastly larger and stronger than 1965-73 Vietnam. This is just as well as there is no reason we should go to China and tell the Chinese what to do in China (I would consider Taiwan to be a rebel province of China too and Taiwan basically admits this.) The Chinese don't mind having a rebel province they don't control very much but would likely attack if it declared independence
The Romans never in their history forcibly relocated a native people... The Jewish diaspora began 600 years earlier because there was no water or opportunity.. and because JEWISH men wouldn't abandon their foreign wives.
If the US really wanted to they could split China in half, because the western part isn't really China, it's a whole other nation. Like Pakistan and India. And China would lose, and the US could defeat them, as in a WW3, money wouldn't matter.
Good luck getting there through Siberia. WW3 hasn't happened (fortunately) and yes both money and lives would matter the supply of either isn't infinite.