He was elected to the legislature and Maduro is a dupe working for the Cubans. Maduro, like many of the worst thugs in history, inherited his position and was never legitimately elected to any thing.
Have you any facts or evidence showing the people of Venezuela tried to "correct their mistake"? In fact, in the last election there, observed by international observers, Maduro won fair and square. The people of Venezuela are suffering because of decades of US sanctions.
Oh goodness, the truth is admitted. Congratulations sir! He was elected to the legislature, not the presidency. Rather changes things doesn't it?
Wrong. The people are suffering because of their socialist rulers. It is not on other nations to prop up socialist disasters to save the failed idea
Nonsense, the sanctions applied only to maduro and a select few of his henchmen. Note Cuba has been under far tougher sanctions for far longer and the brothers Castro still didn't manage to trash their country as thoroughly as Maduro and his cronies have trashed Venezuela, and the brothers Fidel don't even have oil wells.
Nope not a bit. The legislature duly elected by the people voted to remove the corrupt, thieving Maduro.
We are When one blames the US for the absolute failure of THEIR government it is in fact a demand that we prop them up
Ahh, i see. By skirting around the failed economy of Venezuela, and posting an article about US imperialism, you have accomplished two things: 1. Suggested that the failure is not from socialism, but from US imperialism... which interestingly isn't even a point of discussion you desire according to your questions. 2. Excuse the failure of socialism, regardless of it's failure over and over and over.
I think what has been done by the US is a different animal, so I'm not comfortable describing it as imperialism. Not good, just different. Much of my reason is in the objectives involved. Britain saw it as growing both their country and power, and they ruled. I think what America has done is try to establish the greatest influence over those nations. Of course, the political representations made to the public are never going to be fully honest or accurate. I remember how the Vietnam war was sometimes described as fighting for American freedom, as if we don't do it there, we will have to do it here. I never bought that for a moment. With Hitler, that would have been true- but I don't know of any conflict since that would be. The acts were for American influence in a country or region, and I agree most should not have occurred regardless of the purported purpose. I don't think we wanted take over any of those countries, but we did want to change their politics for our own benefit. Not honorable actions.
Not a damn thing generally. But the US military hasn't done a damn thing to Venezuela, and US diplomacy hasn't done much more certainly not enough to collapse the best economy in South America.
It's a question of which definition you chose. The practice of using descriptions to the limit to imply what you want has been getting out of hand- For instance, there was a complaint made against a Cracker Barrel restaurant a few days ago, about a "noose" hanging from the ceiling in one of their stores. Thereby, a racist insult, and since somebody got their panties in a bunch over it, investigations followed. Turned out to be the extension cord of an antique soldering iron, looped and tied together so it didn't hang down. It has been there 22 years, but now suddenly it's a racist symbol. Cracker Barrel agreed to take it down, and check other stores for offensive "symbols". Some people from a black organization said there organization would check the stores, because white owners would not understand how black people might feel about things. Make sure Cracker Barrel doesn't have other subliminal hate messages in their stores. When we start to worry about the impression of a person who can't tell the difference in an extension cord and a hangman's noose, when we start to patronize paranoia, we have forgotten the meaning of the language and define reality by reactions and emotions. If you are determined to apply the blackest label you can, and cannot tell the difference between what Britain did a hundred years ago and what America did, by all means- call out the inspectors to find as many symbols of evil as possible, and tell your friends and neighbors what a terrible country they live in. Lots of people doing that today- the kind of people who know nothing about improving anything. They commit far more offenses against human decency than the rest of civilization, so they know a lot about what's "evil".