Uhm, no. But that's ok, this is in the "Conspiracies" forum and there is a reason for why such forums exist. Thanks for the entertainment.
But why discount it out of hand? Anything is possible. I find it more implausible that a few arabs could pull off that heroic feat without... enablement, actually.
Indeed, I consider THAT to be a possiblity. But you are looking at the wrong group of people to make unfounded accusations about.
A lack of evidence. True, Darth Vader MAY have brought down the towers, but is it plausible? 'Heroic' is an odd adjective. The evidence that 19 Arabs hijacked and crashed four airliners is overwhelming. The evidence that Israel was complicit is nil.
oh, please tell us how the attacks on the Pentagon and WTC towers with hijacked passenger planes was an act of "heroism".
its not an act of courage to commit a suicide attack when you 100% believe you will be eternally rewarded in Heaven with lots of blond virgins.
I don't think hair colour is stipulated. And as if they believe that. They had to believe it all the way through, from waking up, going to the airport, checking in, boarding, hyjacking the plane and crashing it. It's not as though they didn't have many hours to question their faith.
I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith who lived many years ago. He was so powerful and so wise that he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.
I used it as an analogy in an effort to make someone understand the difference between 'possible' and 'plausible'.
No. It was in no way heroic. I missed that word the first time I read your posting. Only cowards take their own lives and the lives of as many people as they can with them. That's not heroism. That's cowardice.