Ok. I'll be serious. When 9 11 happened I was very young. I was in my cousins back yard one year later and a lebenese Australian was telling me it was "celebration day" or something like that. And we were celebrating. I got extremely derisive toward him and told him he was horrible. So there, I was loyal. But since then I've seen Wall street crash the world economy and learned about how horrifically we all treat the middle east. I've grown up and my opinions are mature. I don't take things for granted any more.
If you think it was JUST about being 'loyal',you've missed something, as for treating the middle east 'horrifically'...
Loyalty is immaterial. Relevance? Notwithstanding how they treat each other. Geopolitics are far more complicated than such a generalisation. Is that what they call 'bias' these days? Implying others do?
You can dwell in whatever arbitrary universe you want. Obviously, reality is mutable in your universe.
I don't think I black and white. I see all sides to a story. Do I know the facts of this occurrence, no. Does tne official story feel righ to me? No.
What?...you want discuss how Lucas destroyed the whole mythos of Star Wars by introducing the Midi Chlorians?
As everyone should. Dualistic thinking is irrational. It's not difficult to research, and it's all available if you care to look for it. Most don't get past the lunatic sites though (confirmation bias). Is that belief system driven by hatred of the government, or was it a rational decision based upon the empirical evidence? For the empirical evidence suggests otherwise. The con men selling crap on nutter sites won't tell you that.
Both towers collapsed at the point where an airliner destroyed parts of the supporting structure and the fire suppression system. It's quite clear how and why the twin towers collapsed, and WTC 7 as well. You and those like you ignore the facts, then claim there is "no proof." Creationists do the same thing WRT evolution.
I'm happy to believe a plane crashed the building down. Skyscrapers are not bunkers or forts. It's more the reason behind it. Is wall street oppressing arabs? I would have thought the Fed would be more to the point.
Would you still believe that if the engineer involved in designing and building the structure told you that the building had been designed to absorb the energy of a strike by a Boeing 707? And that the building performed in reality just as it had been designed to perform? Or would you rather hold faith and ignore reason?
Obviously the design failed in this case. The facts are there for all to examine - the structure was severely damaged and the fire suppression failed, allowing an already weakened support structure to be weakened further by heat damage from the fires. It is understood how the towers collapsed. It's not at all a matter of "faith" at this point. Importantly, this understanding is based on the facts - facts that the conspiracy theorists ignore or reject without good cause, because they're invested in their anti-government narratives that tend to blame the big bad government for everything bad that happens.
I don't understand the reasons too well either, but certainly it had something to do with American interference in the Arab world as perceived by certain radical elements there. The choice of target would seem to indicate either a desire to bring the US down economically or simply to send a strong public message that would not be missed by anyone. Then you have to consider the warped minds of those involved, who may have had designs that aren't so easy to understand logically, like you'll encounter when trying to understand any other mass killer. They tend to have twisted reasons that make sense only to them and maybe others like them.
I think you're in denial somehow--the design worked exactly as planned. The building withstood the strike and remained standing, as designed. Redundant design features came into play, and the structure remained standing. Office fires and gravity did not destroy the structures, explosive devices and controlled demolition destroyed the structures.
Office fires,massive damage and gravity however DID cause the collapse You keep harping on the fact that the towers were designed to take the impact of a 707..how long were they supposed to stand after suck an event? I doubt even the designers could guess.