Not really. I've done my own studying, and it is painfully clear that the facts available work against the official story. For example, just as everybody at Shanksville noted, there was no crashed airliner there that day. Also, the airplane that struck the south tower was not flight 175. Further, the flight data provided regarding flight 77 was bogus and fabricated. The official story is a lie. It is easier to lie to a man than it is to explain to him that he has been lied to. We were all lied to about what happened that day. Years later, I have figured it out, but you have not.
1 NO 'facts' you have work against the truth.. 2 You're just making up stuff....everyone did NOT say no airliner crashed at shanksville,what WAS said by one person has been taken out of context by truthers 175 crashed into the tower,that is an undisputed fact,and the flight 77 data was NOT bogus,and anyone claiming that is lying 3 the truth is NOT a lie, your 'truth' however.... 4 WE were not lied to,YOU were though,by the truther movement
What happened in Shanksville is perhaps the least investigated of the 9/11 planes. Quoting an article from **The U.S. government has never released a detailed description of the alleged crash of Flight 93. Normally the NTSB would in their crash investigation report, but the FBI claimed jurisdiction over this alleged incident, so the NTSB said they are not planning to issue a report and no other government agency has released a detailed report so far. Therefore, we are left to gather the official details of this alleged crash ourselves from mainstream sources, such as news reports and the Flight 93 Memorial center, who recite the official story to visitors.** The following article brings up a lot of interesting questions:
Oh please... Anything that doubts the validity of flight 93 crashing into that field in a fairy tale People lost their lives,stop spitting on their graves
And that's true because you say it is? You seem to be unaware that a good deal of 9/11 families question the official story as well:
No it is not because anyone says it is it is because the evidence proves it overwhelmingly There is no questioning it you are simply deliberately and willfully ignoring the massive evidence which has been presented on this and other threads proving your tired theories are all fiction.
Ah, so now we have -2- people saying there's proof and as proof, they say they're proof ! Sorry, but proof is actually required to make it true, not just saying that the proof is out there. And yet, I am questioning it. How could this be ? Ah yes, the truth is out there and all I have to do is go look for it, eh ? I have seen this tactic used time and again. If you want to persuade me to your point of view, bring the evidence to me, don't expect me to go looking for it. If you -don't- want to persuade me, then just stop responding, it'll save you time and energy.
The proof has been presented to you in your face. You lie and willfully ignore it. Then you claim others are merely asserting. You question it out of a childish stubbornness to be right about something even though you have been proven wrong. The evidence is on these threads you HAVE seen it it HAS been brought to you and it is YOU using dishonest tactics
No it is not it is fact and you know it it is you stating the bald faced lie. You have been shown the evidence and lie to pretend you have never seen it
It's true because of the facts,ones truthers cannot dispute And NO,there are NOT a 'good deal' of families disputing 9/11.a few,at most.
Still peddling your religion, still not interested. If -1- family was disputing the facts, it would be more then enough. If someone's loved one was killed in 9/11 and they suspected a faction of their own government might be behind it, I believe they should have the right to investigate regardless of how many others families believed the same thing. As it stands, there are 300+ survivors and family members who question the official story.
Yes and they have been free to investigate for over a decade. Despite all the " investigations by frauds such as AE911 truth and others not one shred of evidence has been found to support any twoofer theory
You may not have noticed, but this whole discussion regarding the survivors and families of 9/11 victims came about because Lone mouthed off by saying "People lost their lives,stop spitting on their graves". That's why I pointed out that there were many families who don't believe the official story either. And yes, yet more faith talk from peddlers of the official story. It's true because you say it is, just like the Jehova's witnesses who used to come by my old house. You don't want a debate, you want more converts to your religion and to demonize those who disagree. All you faith trumps reason types make me sick.
It is people like you who are more akin to a religion. It is conspiracy theorists who ignore evidence and cling to faith. In this instance it is you willfully lying and claiming you have never seen the evidence you claim. You have indeed seen it you know it and that is fact. The thread started because of this fact
More faith based talk. If you ever want to provide the evidence that the official 9/11 story is true, let me know. Since you seem so uninterested, I figure I might as well introduce a 5 minute clip of the official conspiracy theory from someone who, like me, stopped believing in it long ago...
You tube is entertainment so it is no surprising that you ignore evidence which has been provided for you endlessly. You get your information and education from TV entertainment which is not real
Youtube is a medium that contains many messages. Some videos are banal, others entertaining and some are educational. The same can be said of others mediums, such as forum posts. I still don't know if you even looked at the video. It probably wouldn't matter anyway, your mind seems to be pretty set, just like many fundamentalists I've spoken to in the past. As I've said before, "never argue with someone who knows they're right". It's a waste of time and energy.
There are no fundamentalists. There are those who objectively view the evidence and then those like you who run off of faith based assertions. Your attempt to spin that around is lame and juvenile. The " official " story is proven by evidence your claims are not