The official story is contradicted by the facts and evidence. For example, the molten steel for 3 months at WTC could not possibly have been caused by office fires 900 feet above. For example, the complete absence of an airliner and dead passengers at Shanksville means that there was no airliner there. Making a movie about it and putting up a marble monument might sway the public's mind, but it doesn't change the facts--no airliner.
There is no evidence contradicting the official story. That molten steel was FOUND three months later at the bottom of the pit covered by the wreckage. No one ever claimed it was caused by office fires. You are misleading and being dishonest to imply someone else said it was caused by office fires. The fires did continue to burn covered by the wreckage for three months making it perfectly logical to find molten steel. The airliner and passengers at shanksville were never absent you lie about that one as well
There was no 'molten steel ' at the site...... truther lies And there WAS an airliner at shanksville...In thousands of pieces.
Are you suggesting that conspiracies are only a figment of people's imagination and don't really exist in polite society? History has proven that when it comes to politics and power conspiracy is the rule rather than the exception. Anyone who believes whatever the official government line is regarding wars or assassinations is very naive in deed.
There are conspiracies, which occur on an inconsequential and criminal level every day, and then there are conspiracy theories which are the bat-(*)(*)(*)(*) crazy musings of an unstable element of the population. That is the difference.
Are you suggesting that over half of those polled regarding the JFK murder who believe that there was a conspiracy to kill him are "Bat ---- Crazy? How about those who believe that alien spacecraft have been spotted and tracked. I for one think it is a pretty safe bet that our government has been lying and deceiving us for decades about important facts.
No, but some of the theories are. I do believe most 9/11 truthers that are left are bat-(*)(*)(*)(*) crazy (the rational people who questioned the story initially are generally ok with the evidence, but those left just ignore the evidence so I don't consider them rational). The Sandy Hook hoaxers; the Boston Bombing False flaggers; Chemtrailers and Lunar landing hoaxers are all bat-(*)(*)(*)(*) crazy. The Holocaust deniers are a different type and aren't crazy or stupid, just vile and objectionable, which of course can apply to those who adhere to the above as well. Ok. I consider that to be an 'unstable' position owing to a lack of evidence.
O There is ample eye witness evidence of alien spacecraft reported by hundreds of high ranking former military officers. Your position is the one that is unstable due to your lack of knowledge on the subject. Google disclosure project at Washington Press Club. I don't know much about Sandy Hook, Moon landing or chemtrails, but I have seen multitudes of evidence suggesting that we were lied to regarding the JFK assassination, the 911 attacks and contact with alien spacecraft.
They are not crazy just wrong and not paying much attention. Most do not think intelligently about JFK or ets. - - - Updated - - - There is no such evidence about JFK or aliens. A few witnesses can always be found and mean nothing
I don't consider the JFK thing to be similar to a modern conspiracy theory (except the truly irrational stories). Admittedly, the CT phenomenon was borne from the JFK mindset, but it has grown into an insane monster with Chemtrails, False Flag claims every time something happens; 9/11 no-planes/nukes/controlled demolition etc. There is no rational thought process in these stupid stories, just prejudice. It is no coincidence that many who believe this sort of tripe are also often very anti-Semitic/ anti-government and anti-social, and their ideas and opinions are irrational. As for the UFO thing, I'll wait for physical evidence. You may find this of interest. Written by the American Political Scientist, Michael Barkun:
Listen to what this guy says at the 5:00 time mark of the video. The Debate to end all debates Ken O'Keefe vs Washington Liar Part 1
Not sure why you're calling the video clip spam. I believe it brings up some very good points regarding evidence that Israel's Mossad was involved in 9/11.
You seem to be saying that you don't believe the official story concerning JFK, which I definitely think is a plus. At the same time, you also seem to be saying that you trust the government regarding 9/11. Is that what you're saying?
It is spam.without any evidence whatsoever - - - Updated - - - In both cases the official story is supported by evidence. The conspiracy theorists have none
There is no fact presented in that video buried or otherwise. it is the same tired assertions which have long since been proven false none of the hijackers are alive or were alive after the attacks, the terrorists did not live or get directed from caves. Those facts have long been established. The retarded fool in the video knows nothing about the financial aspects of leasing the towers. His only fact is that Silverstein is jewish.
If you really believe what you're saying, all I can say is go get informed.