I'd bet it was. http://www.flinttalk.com/viewtopic.php?t=12196&start=0 At the 5:45 time mark of this video... https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Auschwitz+-+Why+The+Gas+Chambers+Are+A+Myth&sm=12 ...it's said that the gas chamber doors were opened fifteen or twenty minutes after they were first closed and then they started dragging out the dead bodies. According to this video that was an impossibility. https://www.youtube.com/results?sea...+Probleme+Des+Chambres+a+Gaz+FRA+avec+ENG+SUB It's explained again in this video. Tehran Holocaust Conference 2006: Prof. Robert Faurisson - Victories of Revisionism - part 2/2 http://nazigassings.com/ (excerpt) --------------------------------- There are NO photographs of corpses of Nazi gassing victims. The cheap, dirty trick which really makes the hoax succeed is the wilful misuse of pictures of countless sick and dead in the camps at the end of the war—none of which are of people killed in gas chambers—but which are repeatedly shown to give the false impression that millions of people must have been murdered in gas chambers. There really is no direct connection--but for the more than gullible masses, the connection is “undeniable.” The people who show those pictures are all in on the trick. They all know perfectly well that the pictures are of people who died of other causes such as typhus—but they use the pictures anyway for their powerful psychological effect to precondition their audience for the gassing and mass extermination pitch which inevitably follows. The pictures are irrelevant except for their enormous shock value. Pictures of countless healthy prisoners in the same camps are generally not shown for reasons that are all too obvious. This delibeerate misuse of photographs is rather widespread and illustrates the collective eagerness of many people (the “hoaxers“ or co-conspirators in the hoax), especially in the American media, to throw whatever they can find against the Nazis, SS and Germans generally just like spiteful children. They want to believe in the hoax. ----------------------------------
If it's a fraud, it's the single greatest fraud of modern times with thousands upon thousands of people all a part of it for decades upon decades, all kinds of emotional faking, fake injuries, fake losses, all those people faking the deaths of their relatives who must have just moved across town or something instead, etc etc. You'd honestly have an easier time convincing folks that the moon landings were faked. It'd be no less stupid, but you'd have less evidence to try and dismiss.
The man who edited the moon landing on his death bed said it was a fraud, for what that is worth. The holocaust was not.
They were faked. http://www.politicalforum.com/index...-moon-missions-were-faked-in-a-studio.347662/ Come over to this section and we can talk about it. http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?forums/moon-landing.72/
It is amazing that anyone does not believe in the Holocaust. There were so many witnesses to the camps when they were found by Allied Forces.
The only thing fraudulent about the holocaust is the assertion that the Nazis rank so high on the genocide list. There's at least a half dozen from the 20th century that beat them on that score card. Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao come to mind immediately.
You're being simplistic. The revisionists say the camps were there but were slave-labor camps for the arms factories and not death camps. All those pictures of emaciated bodies are consistent with starvation caused by the breakdown of the food distribution system toward the end of the war and typus. There's a lot of good info here. http://nazigassings.com/ Looking at the revisionist version won't make you a fascist although some people will call you a fascist just because you take the time to actually look at their arguments. If you're going to criticize the revisionists, you ought to get informed on what their arguments are. I think that white supremacists are morons.
You seem to be insinuating that I'm an antisemite. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism I've never had any negative feelings against Jews. I've met a lot of them whom I thought were pretty cool people. I simply found a lot of of revisionist info on the holocaust and I'm examining it objectively. That doesn't make a person an antisemite. Anyone who criticizes the revisionists without even examining their arguments is just a moron as far as I'm concerned.
Yes and anyone doesn't criticize the revisionists after examining the merits of ALL their arguments is just a moron or a jew hater, nazi apologist. Or of course all three.
Right at this moment there is a thread called, "The holocaust. The fake history." If you think you can believe your own eyes, look at it.
You should check out the thread around here called "Making you a Nazi." One of the pictures in it is of some extremely disgusting semetic behavior. There is another interesting thread around here called "Were the Nazis racist?"
There is a thread around here called, "The holocaust. The fake history." Read it and leave a reply. I would like to know if you are capable of believing your own eyes. I also can't wait for you to call me a holocaust denier. Because then I can tell you that I'm not disputing that the holocaust happened. It just wasn't anything like what you have been brainwashed to believe.
I have probably already trashed the idiotic nonsense passing for "objective analysis" in that thread. I have been involved in confronting holocaust denial since the trial of Keegstra. I was AT (okay outside the court house) of the second Zundel trial. I know every so called "expert" and its a pantheon of incompetence, ignorance, hatred, stupidity and intellectual dishonest hew haters and nazi apologists. I know every quack scientific "report" submitted by these so called experts. I know every single tactic that deniers use (the conveniently publish it on stormfront). I can shred absolutely every single piece of idiocy, illogic, quackery, apologism, mendaciousness, and intellectually bankrupt piece of "evidence" they have to present. So don't try that brainwashed batcrap with me sonny.
I've seen you ridicule the revisionists' arguments and then simply have the attitude that you've shred them but I've never seen you actually shred them.
Perhaps because when I do it typically bounces off the foreheads of the jew haters and nazi apologists. It seems that intellectual impenetrability is a common characteristic. But even a simpleton can shred Leuchter, Krege, Ball, Cole, Rudolph (et.al) "scientific" analysis in short order. You are familiar with tactics 17 and 18 are you not?
It's Scott's right to post on this board. He can post all the stupid and hilarious comments he wants. It's not our reputation at steak
You're long on rhetoric and short on substance. Let's hear your view of the official reduction of the number of deaths at Auschwitz. http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/the-holocaust-the-fake-history.501383/