The first minute of this video shows you to be wrong. You're being deliberately obtuse (again). Your entire argument is based on the assumption that the official story can't be false. I posted what Smedley Butler said and the rest of this info... an example of official lies to show that the US government is capable of telling gigantic lies. Now you're supposed to say whether you still trust official info. This doesn't make the proof that the official story of how they gassed people was impossible go away. Documents aren't conclusive proof because they might have been written by liars just after the war. Do those documents talk about gassing deaths? There were lots of deaths in those camps (which were slave-labor camps) that weren't caused by gassing. People were dying of typhus and people were probably summarily executed for sabotage, etc. If they talk about gassing deaths, those documents were obviously written by liars. Jonsa- You've said some pretty lame things on this thread and a few others which have pretty much shown that you're not an objective truth-seeker. There's really not much sense in my continuing to post here as you do the victory dance no matter how lame your explanations are. You're just like the Black Knight in this video.
WHEN IN DOUBT RINSE AND REPEAT. Objective truth seeker. Nice bumpersticker used by denialists from the get go. It is obvious from your complete intransigence in the face of the numerous definitive examples in this one thread that your evidence is bullshit and that intellectual honesty is definitely a handicap for denialists and jew haters. I agree there isn't much sense for you to keep posting idiotic jew hating nazi apologism. another one bites the dust. Your seeing yourself as a knight of Ni sure is appropriate considering the utter yet hilarious stupidity and ignorance they displayed throught the movie. Even the french farted in their general direction (apologies to tout francaise).
I have been looking over the debate here and you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass. I guess that must mean you are jewish.
OOOOOOOOOOH, looks like another jew hater has crawled out from under stormfront. But I'm game to see if you can come up with any NEW denialist evidence or tactics that I havent' seen, while I express my hatred of jew haters, nazi apologists, holocaust revisionists and a few other ideological groups that exist in my own little bag of bigotry.
The "Final Solution" was the euthanasia program to kill those prisoners deemed "unfit" for work. The gas chambers at concentration camps were relatively small and not designed specifically as killing centers. Healthy and fit inmates could survive the Holocaust as long as they could work (i.e. Otto Frank, the father of Anne and Margot Frank.)
I disagree. The "final solution" basically was Germany deporting 60 to 70% of their jews to Palestine under The Haavara Agreement. Until war put an end to that program. Also, as with all the other WW II BS out there, I doubt if anybody was killed for being unable to work. The Nazi's weren't barbarians. So I say BS to your, "they were only gassed a little." I will also include part of something i found at some website.
Naturally IHR tries to spin a report that DESTROYS the quackery of Leuchter to make it seem that it endorses such a clownish amateurish attempt at "science". and of course denialists can't bring themselves to actually examine the evidence because it would destroy the entire house of cards they live in.
What a stupid, trolling thread. I suggest a forum rule that a thread has to exceed a level of stupidity this one doesn't. What about the Troops that liberated the death camps? They were all in on the scam? Jews tattooed themselves with serial #s as part of the scam? Why not start a thread that gravity doesn't exist?
Well I've been around for a few years and every once in a while the neo-nazi jew haters make the rounds and every time members say WTF? lets ban such crap, but then again, they do serve a public service by exposing themselves for what they well and truly are for all to see. In the meantime, I shall mimic my cat Shatner (shat the cat) and play with the mice that wander into one of my bailiwicks.
This has all been explained before. The mainstream media misrepresent the revisionists' position. The revisionists say the camps were there and the inmates had numbers tatooed on their arms and the camps were indeed liberated by allied troops. They say the camps were slave-labor camps and not death camps. All the pictures we are shown of emaciated bodies are consistent with the scenario of there having been typhus epidemics and starvation caused by a breakdown in the food distribution system. You sound like you haven't looked at much of the revisionists' arguments. Here's a summary of them. Check it out and tell us what you think.
I don't have to check out crap to know it is crap. Slave labor camps were meant to be death camps. do the revisionists ignore how anal the Nazis were about keeping records? There is proof from the Nazi records. I also don't look at 9/11 conspiracy films or moon landing fakes.
Ah the ol' "it wasn't deliberate murder it was slave labor and the conditions were bad and disease rampant. " Then the ol' data dump of garbage that denialists have shat out over the years. Explain PROJEKT REINHARDT. Tell us all how the guys were just planning a charter excursion to the east for a million or so people. And perhaps you should review the Goring/Heydrich communications vis a vis the "final solution". Or maybe review the Einsatzgruppen reports of murdering tens of thousand of civilians every week in Poland and Russia. And the tell us all how so many of those damn evil poles/russians/jews/commies/roms/gays/slavs managed to leap in front of the righteous nazi's guns at just the right time to die.
First of all, let's not forget that you pretty much destroyed your credibility with this response to post #46 in your post #50. If you maintain that you didn't destroy your credibility with that response, please give a counter-rebuttal to the rebuttal I gave in post #51. Records can be bogus and they don't make the hard evidence (that you're ignoring) go away. If you're going to be against something, you should know what it is. Anyone who looks objectively at the proof that the moon missiions were faked or that 9/11 was an inside job can only conclude that the moon missions were indeed faked and 9/11 was indeed an inside job. It looks like it's merely part of the official story that we're taught. Can you point to any solid proof that this reflects what really happened besides some document that says it happened which wouldn't be proof? The revisionists don't dispute that there were some massacres. (excerpt) ------------------------------------- Holocaust Enforcer: Let me engage the question this way then: Were or were not the Einsatzgruppen responsible for primarily civilian or military massacres? ASMarques They certainly were and probably on both counts. But my point, you see, is they were engaged in the same business the Partisans themselves, as well as the Soviet rearguard NKVD units and indeed the Soviet troops of the front, were. You might say the same about the RAF and the USAAF, probably the American marines in the savage fights in the Pacific that required the systematic flame-throwing clean-up, the British commandos in their "no prisoners taken" raids, etc etc ad nauseam, were. But those murderous "civilian and military massacres", as you rightly put it, were not the "Holocaust". They constitute what we call "The Second World War". The "Holocaust", as I said before, has been for more than half a century, the planned industrial massacre of the Jews in human slaughterhouses called gas-chambers. This has absolutely nothing to do with the real war being fought in the USSR where the Einsatzgruppen acted as rearguard political/military combat units. The "Holocaust" is the murder of millions of Jews in the six "extermination camps" with the following names: Auschwitz (incl. Birkenau, of course), Treblinka, Majdanek, Belzec, Sobibor and Chelmno. This is what is called the "Holocaust" and it is a gigantic lie, having nothing whatsoever to do with the actions of the Einsatzgruppen integrated in the conduct of the organised massacres both the Germans and their Allied counterparts called "warfare". This particular distinction of having millions of innocent people killed under notoriously different conditions from everybody else, in a planned unique 24 hours a day, day-after-day quiet extermination, for years, far from the military action and the prosecution of any military objectives, is what used to confer to the Jewish victims of the War a unique character deserving a special status. This is why, say, the sons and grandsons of the Dresden victims who live today in Germany are supposed to contribute indemnities to, say, the sons and grandsons of the Auschwitz victims that live today in Israel, and that's why the simple idea of having *countries* paying "Holocaust" indemnities to other *countries* (not individual victims) even exists. ------------------------------------- David Irving says that if the Germans wanted to kill some people, they dug a long ditch, lined them up along it and shot them. He says that the Germans killed about two hundred and eighty thousand Jews. The revisionists don't say the Germans didn't kill any Jews. They say that there were no gas chambers and that the number of Jews they did kill was much lower than the official figure. I don't know all of the details of the revisionist position on every supposed massacre but here's one they dispute.
keep motoring along. First with the "personal credibility" attack on me despite my command of the entire story of the "human lampshade" myth while you obviously are not. Second with the "bogus documentation" attack because afterall the holocaust was the biggest hoax every perpetrated by millions of people. The third with the "deny facts while offering no proof". Not a shred of evidence to suggest you know anything about Projekt Reinhardt other than deny it was the extermination end of the "final solution". Fourth with the ridiculous non-factual fallacious attempt at equivalency of the allies, as the SS Einsatzgruppen exterminated civilians by firing squads (more than a million in russia and poland). Fifth pull out the completely discredited David Irving. You do realize that he LOST his trial do you not? I am familiar with the fact that you don't know the details of much wrt the holocaust or more specifically why the denialists are the subject to so much ridicule by real forensic scientists and historians. The distillation of racialism, nazism, and jew hatred into one neat little package for those so inclined to swallow and then regurgitate ad infinitum. Must say you sure do fit the mold. (sic)
Let's focus on the lampshade issue for now. After having watched the first minute of this video,... Buchenwald a Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil (Full Video) can you say it was a mere rumor and not the official story?
Why it was a nothing more than a rumor turned accusation during a war crimes trial that was DEBUNKED by just about every legit historian within a couple of years of the end of the war. That of course does not stop a "fake news story" from having legs. Those are indisputable facts. Now, how you can claim that in 2017 the lampshade rumor is evidence of some kind of cover up or an indication that the entire holocaust story is a lie but then that would be nothing more than the intellectual dishonesty I have come to expect from denialists. Virtually every Denialists I have encountered is either ideologically entrenched in their hatreds, have serious cogitation issues, or they simply believe that repeating the same lies over and over will eventually create their desired fantasy. Looks like you aren't an outlier.
The video shows that it was part of the official evidence that was being officially presented. How can you pretend that isn't the case?