Electromagnetic field density expansion? If the sun was to increase or decrease in it's electromagnetic field density, r of orbiting bodies will displace directly and proportionally to increase or decrease of the field magnitude. Discuss....don't be shy p.s this also explains Universe expansion, dark matter, dark energy and Einsteins ''fabric'' of space and space-time curvature.
The last I heard, not even our climatologists know what causes and ends repeating ice ages. Yet they are positive as to the cause of climate change today. So, there is something that goes on, that creates and ends ice ages, but we do not know what it is. It is beyond current knowledge. We still have a long way to go when it comes to global climate change. Obviously. But, if I just had to guess, and given I know our star is a major driver of climate change, my guess would be some kind of sun cycle which reduces output to later on regain what it lost.
It is all about the entropy of a system. I do know they do not have the answers, I think I do but nobody seem's to want to know. Would you like to discuss this? I have a few questions about magnetic fields that could conclude my notion. 1) If we had two identical magnets, the like wise poles will create a radius if aligned? 2) If we had a ''bigger'' magnet the radius will be greater than the previous if the likewise poles are aligned?
No one knows what caused the last ice age, because no one was there to measure any changes. In fact no one knows what drives the climate today, all we know is that the climate is changing and has been changing for 5 billion years
Because the entropy is a variable. We do not need be to there at a specific point in time to know things. Laws are laws and laws are not magic they are predictable action. I can predict if the suns electromagnetic field was to increase in magnitude, the Earth will be displaced and the r will increase. I do not know the maths for this but the laws involved say this is so.
Climate variability is not governed by any natural law, and even if it were the human race does not understand these laws, not even a small part. All we are is observers. You do not know what is in my pocket, but you are claiming to understand the Earth. LOL
I have spent enough time studying science to understand the Universe let alone the Earth. I know what is in your pocket, atoms, even if it were just fresh air. Your pocket is never empty unless you were in a void.
The only thing you have said that makes any sense is this, and I quote. " I do not know the maths" LOL
Maths is nothing more than the measure of process, a process is natural and the laws of that process just are....I do not write the laws of the Universe, they are just there to observe. I observe the things you can see and ''see''. Objectiveness tells no lies.
It came from learning science, the great minds before us learning us and pointing us in the right direction. All this information looking for unification. I looked at this information and put it in two boxes, 1)subjective box 2)objective box
LOL humans learning science 13 billion years after the supposed birth of the Universe created the Universe. Take your pills
A quick brief example 1)subjective box Time slows down time travel time dilation 2) objective box Keating experiment timing dilation The Universe was not created, only things in the universe are created. You can not destroy or create space, space just is....
See your doctor for new pills, because the ones you have are causing delusions making you believe that you understand the Universe.
Oh I see, you are a trolling me. Delusions would be fairies and all sort of rubbish like that. Quantum field theory is hardly a delusion is it now? You either want to discuss or you don't, but STOP the garbage as I know very well what I am talking about. Let me begin at beginning. Do you agree that objectively likewise poles repulse each other?
How does one troll someone like you who understands everything about the Universe................ You write books correct? Steven Hawking reads them because you have everything solved. Are you another one of the great ones who figured out all of the errors in Einstein's field theory
Neolithic tribesmen accidentally started the ice age. Archaeological evidence suggests a "high" level of intellectual advancement among some neolithic tribes. Striking new evidence shows that several stone age "universities" were built and operated by these so called cavemen. It seems that a faction of the neanderthal intelligencia were convinced that fire, which had just been discovered, was warming the atmosphere. It was pointed out by the majority that, "duh, that's kinda like the point", but the anti fire establishment persisted in it condemnation of burning wood for useless purposed such as heating dwellings, cooking, or tool making. Cave paintings, newly discovered in France, depict the dire predictions of these early scientists This rabid social and political movement took hold over large populations in the neolithic world and fire was abolished. When the carbon released from the activities of early humans, no longer entered the atmosphere, carbon levels dropped substantially. Without this critical gas to hold heat in the atmosphere, global temperatures started a centuries long decline, which resulted in the glaciation of large portions of the northern hemisphere.
I think even climate change is subject to natural laws. An interaction of various natural laws produces it. Otherwise we would have something which operates outside of natural laws, right?
On your last question, sure, I will bite. Yes, this is what observation reveals, in repeated observations. What is your point?
The point being , therefore you must agree that the suns electromagnet likewise poles repulse the likewise poles of the Earth.
True climate change is caused by the environment itself, but there are actually millions of possible factors, and no one has a clue. The only thing that we do know for sure is that humans are not causing it as climate change began 5 billion years ago
We can measure distances etc, but could we measure precise enough if the displacement was a few inch for example? How much of radius increase would be needed for the Earth to freeze?
I am certain we can measure much more than just distances. lol I have no idea what you are talking about in regards to electromagnetic fields of our star and our planet, and how that could start and end ice ages. Perhaps you do? I am surely not an expert on our star, but just assumed that its output could affect climate change, even an ice age and its cycle.