Amazing and well thought out theory. Cept for one tiny little problem. WE INVADED AFGHANISTAN OVER 9/11. NOT IRAQ. And by your "why didn't they hit this instead of blank" argument. Why did they hit the town towers? Why not the capital building, UN building, White House, Lincoln memorial, or any million different buildings? Is this seriously the best you have to offer as proof of your contention? Also, wasn't the White House the intended target of Flight 93? - - - Updated - - - A missile disguised as a plane....... Well then, nothing gets past you does it? - - - Updated - - - A cookie
In post #24 cjnewson88 just went down the list of points in the official story without considering the rebuttals made by investigators. I dealt with some of those points in posts #4 and #5. All of those points are dealt with in this video. September 11 -- The New Pearl Harbor (FULL) Go to the 1:38:30 time mark to see the part about the cell phone calls. Here's a plausible theory about Barbara Olson. Bet we did end up invading Iraq a little later. Here are some plausible reasons for our having invaded both countries.
So tell us again how your crappy film refutes the radar evidence? [video=youtube;lMWbHAqRHvI][/video] [video=youtube;P0GI-1gja5Q][/video] [video=youtube;Lx0qtc4zlr4][/video] Or how other aircraft spotted the aircraft on that radar track as a Boeing 757 [video=youtube;5F8zwWkBeMA][/video] Or how witnesses on the ground saw an American Airlines jet [video=youtube;-nYFO0QY1fY][/video] [video=youtube;7PTRsuRao7A][/video] Sorry scott but you are well out of your no planer depth here.
Years down the road and for completely different reasons. Why didn't we just say it was saddam from the get go? Your sources provide nothing but speculation and accusations. No actual proof or evidence or even a really good theory as to why. Face it, 911 was not perpetrated so we could invade Iraq for oil. I'm sorry I just told you your meaning in life is pointless but it's time to get a new hobby mate. Lithium. Ha. That one is always (*)(*)(*)(*)ing hilarious. Here's the only thing I have to present that absolutely blows that bull(*)(*)(*)(*) apart. Truthers and other folks that try to say we invaded Afghanistan for lithium always point to a US geological survey that concluded that there may be up to over 1trillion$ worth of untapped lithium reserves in Afghanistan. They post it on their blogs and websites all the time as "proof" that that was our intended goal. The detail they leave out however, is that the survey was conducted in 2007! 6 years AFTER we had already invaded. Another thing they forget to mention is that the US does not mine or have any claim or process or ship over any of afghanistan lithium or other natural resources. The afghan state handles all it's own resource infrastructure and has contracts out to over 200 different nations. Pretty much the same way with Iraqi oil. PS. For your own sake, if you want to try and be taken seriously, don't site globalresearch. How stupid do you have to be?
cjnewson88 is trying to mislead those viewers who haven't watched this whole video by misrepresenting what it says. September 11 -- The New Pearl Harbor (FULL) To see the explanation for the radar evidence, start watching it at the 1:37:30 time mark. That's just the official version. Do you think it's possible that they already knew and that was a bogus survey for public-relations purposes? Maybe the Soviets found out about the lithium while they were there. There are quite a few plausible scenarios that would explain this. Just basing an argument on what we read in the mainstream press is pretty silly. As I said before, do a YouTube search on "Chomsky media".
Why don't you tell us because that tired old pack of lies that you keep shilling is outdated, inaccurate and specious. D.R. Griffin's research skills are extremely poor and you peddle his same crap year in and year out.
I dealt with that in post #5.
Well, I dunno, but clearly the wings of that aeroplane took out the light poles in its path right before it hit the pentagon.. Now, it took a good pilot or just luck to bring that plane in on its path in order to impact like it did. Why would it not be an aircraft since two hit in NY and then one was shot down that was heading for the WH. I am more concerned about the trillions of misplaced tax payer money that rumsfield had told us about, and which was to be followed up on, which 9-11 ended the inquiry.
That hasn't been proven. Here's an analysis on that.
Nearly 9 year old lies,are STILL lies scott/cosmored/fatfreddy88/david c And yes,It has been proven,by eyewitnesses and forensic investigation.
ROFLMAO. You conspiracy folks are a hoot. I don't wanna feed your frenzy, but I saw a picture on a news rag at a supermarket showing that the 4 planes were parked on the moon.
yeh thats easier to believe than the 19 cavemen who couldnt fly to save their asses doing computer precisions maneuvers at vmo+90 and fire completely demolishing a steel building.
I didn't know you took those flying lessons with the muzzie psychos. And BTW, you can bull crap some of the folks here but I actually used to fly and anyone with half a brain knows that even the most advanced glass cockpit plane still has steam gauges, and a yoke and rudders. But carry on - this conspiracy loon stuff is rather entertaining!
They were not cave men that is a long proven false claim. They were trained to fly enough and any novice student learning to fly can fly a plane into a building. That is simple fact which any pilot will tell you. - - - Updated - - - False premise. There was no such lack of debris. In all four impacts the debris was consistent with such crashes - - - Updated - - - Yes it has been proven and that websites provides no real analysis only speculation and guess work. In addition few if any pilots are members. Like all truther sites it is open to any and all conspiracy loons who sit in their basement with tin foil hats on.
You're going to have to do better than just make claims. Post to something specific we can talk about.
What hit the Pentagon? The answer is simple like that: A Boing 757 from American Airlines, Flight 77! Any doubts about? If yes, then tell me what it could be and I will show you that everything you claim it was, is out of any question. 2 Examples? a) It was some sort of UAV like Global Hawk drone ... Impossible to deliver the undisputable destruction + huge fuel explosion! b) Some sort of missile ... Same way impossible! Not able to deliver both, huge fuel and destruction This is full proofed by pure facts ... and please don't come with some sort of "secret wonder weapon"! Amazing here is, too, how the truther claims were utterly smashed piece for piece. There were no plane parts visible! Lol ... even on their own presented photos you see them! That there were only few outside is full explainable with pure view of Israeli Boing 747 in Amsterdam! The impact hole is too small version a) ... the most worst by showing Exit hole inside Pentagon The impact hole is too small version b) ... Simply reducing the clear visible area of destruction on the center and not seeing that the impact area is like a finger print of an Airliner impact with the same size as Boing 757 has The impact hole is too small version c) ... simply ignoring and denying the picture before collapse and showing only the after picture.
Or it could have been pre-planted explosives. No real truther has ever said that. Only infiltrator shills would say that. There were plane parts but they were all plantable. It would have been easy to prepare the area with planted parts and pre-damaged light poles. You're also ignoring all of the other proof mentioned on page one of this thread.
No one is ignoring your spam.. And there could have been pre planted explosives,but there wasn't Fail