Whatever it was that hit the pentagon, it was NOT a 757, it was not flight 77. The 4 frames released by the government clearly show a vehicle too small to be a 757. The complete absence of any pictures or video from any of the other surveillance cameras shows that the government story cannot be proved. The first people on the scene commented that the crack in the building was too small to have just had a 757 fly through it. It was about 20 minutes later that the building fell down. The story wants me to believe that the airliner actually penetrated through several rings, and that is complete nonsense. The FDR for 77 was manipulated on the bench, according to an expert on FDRs, Dennis Cimino. The purpose of the attack there was to get rid of those auditors investigating missing funds, and that goal was achieved.
They show no such thing. They show an object the size of which is consistent with an airliner. The government story was proven the only debris found was from flight 77 many witnesses saw it
Before 9/11 the Pentagon was really an Octogon, all pictures of "Pentagon" from before the event are doctored.
How can you say that with a straight face? http://0911.voila.net/index4.htm (fifth picture from top) http://0911.voila.net/BionicAntboy.htm Witnesses can be planted. http://pilotsfor911truth.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=10632 There were witnesses who said they'd seen a much smaller plane. This is consistent with a mix of real witnesses and planted witnesses. It seems that a 757 flew over the Pentagon and landed at the airport behind it. The PentaCon - Smoking Gun Version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bR-k96laOI Listen to what this lady says. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=april+gallop+9+11 The plane parts could have been planted very easily.
hh yes,April Gallup....this woman alone epitomizes truthers,,,claims there was a bomb in the pentagon,yet sued the airline for injuries received And the plane parts wee NOT planted,someone WOULD have noticed that happening. Spam/Fail
Not necessarily. http://pilotsfor911truth.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=9632&st=0&start=0 Anyway, the press wouldn't have reported it if someone had gone to a newspaper and tried to report it. Do a YouTube search on "Chomsky media".
Excuse me, but how do you figure that one? Yet there is no logical, plausible or practical alternative. Google, Pentagon attack. The 12 foot hole myth was started by a truther who confused the exit hole with the entry. It is that simple and this canard is dead. Why? LOLOL. Many others disagree with him. There is plenty for you to study on the internet on this subject. Another stupid lie. The money was never missing. Investigate it further. Seriously, just apeing Jones and Gage doesn't cut it. I could provide plenty of evidence to counter your irrational claims, but you have already told me you're not interested in evidence.
I say it with a straight face because it is fact . . No witnesses claimed anything else. No other debris was found. As always you do not have any evidence whstsoever Can be planted is fantasy. No evidence exists that they were planted Pilots for 911 truth is not a credible source. That is fact not opinion
Of course,when everything is a conspiracy,even everyday,normal folk are 'in on it' So YES scott/cosmored/fatfreddy88/david c,someone WOULD have noticed it,and it would NOT have been kept quiet
No logical, plausible or practical alternative? Are you a Boy Scout under age 18? Are you kidding? It is logical, plausible and practical to place charges to take out the congressional auditors working there, and that is just exactly what happened. Those auditors suffered the largest casualties, and the records were destroyed. Flight 77 flight data recorder was bogus. The entire story is bogus, the maneuver supposedly flown is impossible, and that is obvious to anybody being intellectually honest.
You didn't address the proof I posted. I checked the math. http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7208375&postcount=243 It's correct. You need to get informed on how the American media operate. This should help. William Schaap & Louis Wolff - Air date: 07-13-98 https://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=ES&hl=es&v=Wi5h3vZl6uo William Schaap - Part 1/8 - The Media, CIA, FBI & Disinfo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbnxsPgcsH0 http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/official_culture.htm http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Herman /Propaganda_System_One.html
I know how the American media operates,I spent over 25 years in it,and it's all about the bottom line,so nothing is ignored or hidden. Grow up.
Actually, not so. The evidence shows damage inconsistent with an airliner crash. The evidence suggests precise placement of charges. The results show a successful surgical strike against the threatening congressional auditors.
Considering that most of the casualties at the pentagon were associated with those congressional auditors, I would say the strike was quite accurate, mission accomplished.
It's old news LS, old news indeed. What, 14 years ago? Look it up yourself if you're really curious. From your posts here you are not curious in the least as you seem to buy very much into the official story, no matter its falsehoods and inconsistencies.
There are no such falsehoods or inconsistencies. You keep making up assertions without a shred of evidence. The damage to the pentagon was in fact quite consistent with a crashed airliner and no evidence of anything else hitting it or damaging it exists. If there were such evidence you could easily produce it. You cannot
No, I'm not and save your dumbass ad homs. There is no logical, plausible or practical reason for the whole controlled demolition farce and the story is ridiculous. I hope that clears up your confusion. No, that is just a fantasy which you cannot prove. The money was never missing and the records were not destroyed. Where did you get that idiotic story? Cheney announced before the attacks that the accounting errors were being investigated, and now you tell us after this announcement he destroyed the records? Seriously? You are not intellectually honest as you declared the dismissal of any evidence at the outset, thus poisoning the well from the beginning. All you've done is parrot long dead memes with only a cursory understanding of the subject. The FDR from AA77 has never been declared 'bogus' by any reputable source. Hani Hanjour's manoeuvre was simple and the argument from incredulity has no foundation. Rob Balsamo from Pilot's for Truth is an idiot, so I'd be very careful with anything that fool posits. You are just winging it with silly tales that have no supporting evidence. Please try to raise the standard a little if you don't mind.