What is white privilege?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Space_Time, Jan 16, 2016.

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  1. kreo

    kreo Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2008
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    It is just laughable, you have posted link to the political article, that refer to the surveys.
    Of course people are mad for Barack Obama for his anti white stances.
    But it does not mean anything, it just mean that he is a bad politician.

    Why don't you present a real substance, i.e. laws and regulations that are bias against blacks.
    I understand your desire to start civil war, but if that happens you will be 100% responsible.
  2. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    It's obviously based upon the appearance of being black or white and not whether a person is of "mixed-race" because everyone is of mixed race from a genetic standpoint. Everyone's lineage takes them back to Africa at some point. All "light skinned" people started out as "dark skinned" people genetically. Genetically we're all "Africans" because that's where the human race originated.

    There is an interesting fact though. The darker the skin color the more likely the person will be convicted in a criminal prosecution, the more likely it will be that it's a wrongful conviction, and the more severe the punishment for the crime will be in America.

    Always remember that "white privilege" is based upon the absence of anti-white racial prejudice and the absence of discrimination against whites in the American society. White privilege is not based upon a "positive" but instead is based upon a "lack of a negative" in our society. White people, or more specifically White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) men, have never been discriminated against in the United States. That can't really be said about any other people in the United States. WASP men have never been discriminated agianst in our social institutions, our economic institutions, or our political institutions.
  3. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    The article refers to the scientific studies and reports the information from those studies. Apparently you have a hard time differentiating between reporting and opinion. Regardless of that fact it still doesn't dispute the statistics on those expressing anti-black prejudice.

    In 2008 when explicit anti-black prejudice among self-proclaimed Republicans was 71% it certainly didn't have anything to do with President Obama that wasn't even the president at the time. While the studies didn't go into the reasons for the increase in explicit anti-black prejudice among Republicans from 71% to 79% between 2008 and 2012 there have been many indications it was because of Obama being elected as our president. There are certainly reasons for opposing different aspects of the Obama Adminstration's agenda but the agenda of any adminstration, regardless of what it might be, should never be used as an excuse for racial prejudice. That's downright stupid but, then again, anti-black racial prejudice has been linked to low intelligence in other studies.

    The Voter ID Laws are clearly based upon anti-black racial bias where Republicans knew that 25% of black (US citizen) registered voters didn't have the necessary government ID required to vote while only 7% of white (US citizen) registered voters didn't have that ID. Effectively it prevented 25% of black US citizens from voting, that overwhelmingly voted for Democrats, with little negative impact on the "white" vote for Republicans. These laws never addressed non-citizen voting which is a voter registration issue and instead were designed to prevent black US citizens from voting based upon the huge disparity between blacks and whites when it came to having valid government issued ID for the purpose of voting.

    The Voter ID Laws are the 21st Centuries reincarnation of the Jim Crow voting laws such as literacy tests and poll taxes that existed in the South prior to the Civil Rights movement of the 1950's and 1960's.

    I would remind you of history and that we've already had that civil war between 1861 and 1865. It was started by the racists in the South and the racists lost. If the racists want to start another civil war then bring it on. As history recalls it wasn't those that opposed racism that started the Civil War but instead it was the racists of the South that started it and the same would be true today although extreme racism is no longer contained in the Southern United States.

    If the anti-black racial prejudice and racism erupts into a civil war it won't be those that oppose racism that will be to blame. We're only trying to fulfill the political ideology that America was founded upon where "all men are created equal" but, of course, the racist opposes that ideology.
  4. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    That's actually not true at all. It is one study of the Sentencing Commission.

    You're just all making it up.
    First you were nagging that this was the opinion of the editor, while it clearly states it's the Sentencing Commission.
    Than you were whining the situation aren't similarly, while it clearly states they are.
    And now this.

    That's quiet some sorry ass whining and rambling of excuses in order to refuse to accept the reality.
  5. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    It's still a fact that white people are privileged by the judicial system in getting shorter sentences than black people when confronted in the same situation. They get a privilege with their name on the job market according to the OP. They get a privilege in hospitals where they receive more service.

    And all you can do is deflect that white privilege is real.
  6. GeorgiaAmy

    GeorgiaAmy Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2014
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    An Asian stating Asians academically outperform whites, are less likely to be poor or commit crimes than whites wouldn't be incorrect. As a white woman, I'm not offended by factual statements. Those offended by facts should invest time and effort in changing the facts in lieu of complaining the facts are mean and hurt their widdle feewings.
  7. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    And when it's a fact that white people get a privilege on the job market by just using their white names, compared to black names... When white people get more service in hospitals than black people... when white people get lesser sentences than black people when committed the same...

    Than white people should accept that white privilege is real no matter how offended they are.
  8. Pred

    Pred Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    More like rich political parental influence. Not white privilege. What kind of privilege do Will Smiths kids have?
  9. kreo

    kreo Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2008
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    yea, it is kind of chaotic unsuccessful attempt to prove the point without supporting evidences.
    I think you are mixing general profiling with racism.
    Of course anything you do not like, is a racism, because you get a profit, but once in a while you should get real.
    By the way.
    Voter ID law has nothing to do with African Americans, the law has been implemented after numerous reports that non-citizens participated in Federal elections.
    Civil war as well has absolutely no connection to African Americans.
    If world does not turn your side it does not mean that world is against you.
  10. kreo

    kreo Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2008
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    Yes sure, but where exactly the result of the study?
    Where can we see a clear conclusion of the sentencing commission about discrimination based on race?
    Where commission says that reason for all those disparities is a racism?

    I know it is convenient to blame someone for your problems, but you have to present at least some kind of evidence that points to the source of your problem. Statistical report is not an evidence, as you know correlation does not mean causation.
  11. bwk

    bwk Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    Here's a few facts as healthy reminders for them to meditate by; http://www.dailydot.com/opinion/white-privilege-fox-news-facts/
  12. Merwen

    Merwen Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    That is absolutely not true.

    White men get discriminated against in custody cases all the time.

    That said, it speaks to the Court's awareness that they may have other limitations as well.

    Your assertion is overstated, inflammatory, and racist.
  13. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    You've seen the quotes and sources. It says clearly that in similar cases, the whites get a lesser sentence on average.

    Far more convenient to go like:
    The sentencing commission is a political thing (while its an independent organisation)
    That quote is from the editor (which wasn't the case)
    The cases aren't similar (even though the quote says it is)
  14. kreo

    kreo Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2008
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    everything is true, but there is no connection between three facts.
    E.g. if African American student is kicked out of the class for wearing pants down does it mean teacher was a racist?
    You will probably blame school for racist laws, but in reality the school just want students to be neat, as it enhances the discipline and improve educational process.
  15. GeorgiaAmy

    GeorgiaAmy Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2014
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    Whites are more likely to be represented by a lawyer. Whites are more likely to have private insurance. Many blacks have excellent jobs and been extremely successful. Blacks with college degrees or desired skills have little trouble finding jobs.

    The notion of white privilege doesn't offend me. The blacks that live in my community, a primarily white community, are extremely successful. The median income here is high. Most are college educated.
    I bet if level of education was used to compare blacks and whites in various areas, they would be close.
    Those violent, black cities all have very high povery rates, high numbers on government assistance, and poor performing scools with high dropout rates.
    Maybe "white privilege" is really a high percentage of poorly educated blacks, higher dropout rates, and considerably low numbers who finished college.
  16. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    The studies quantify the anti-black racial prejudice, that is undisputed by any other study, while the story just discusses the results of the studies. Once agian I'll challenge anyone to provide a study that quantifies anti- black racial prejudice where significantly different percentages are established that would contradict (dispute) the results of the AP funded study from 2012 or even 2008 where the measureable anti-black prejudice was slightly less.

    Apparently you don't know the difference in the definitions between prejudice and racism.



    A person can be prejudiced without being a racist but if, for example, a person believes that blacks are intellectually inferior to whites based upon IQ test scores (that only measure a single aspect of human intelligence) then their prejudice results in racism.

    The studies didn't measure racism but instead only measured racial prejudice and not racism. There's no dispute that the racist also also expresses racial prejudice but racial prejudice alone does not establish that the person is a racist.

    Perhaps before discussing subjects a person should open a dictionary so they know what they're talking about.

    While I find racism and racial prejudice highly offensive, as should every American, I don't profit for it nor does the racist or the person with racial prejudice. America is suffering the ill effects of racial prejudice and racism that results in documented discrimination against minorities.

    Qualification to vote, which excludes not just non-citizens but also US citizens that have had their right to vote revoked often because of the commission of a felony, is a voter registration issue enforced by the local Election Boards. It is the Election Board's responsibility to ensure that the registered voters are not prohibited under the law from voting and they even receive federal funding to do this.

    The Voter ID laws only address voter impersonation at the polls which is statistically a non-existant problem in the United States. Republicans have openly admitted that the voting law changes they've passed are based upon disenfranchisement of minorities (blacks and Hispanics) because minorities overwhelmingly vote for Democrats.


    These are low income and minority voters that are US citizens!!! The Republicans passing these laws know that about 25% of black Americans (US citizens) don't have government issued ID that could be used to vote and that 95% of the black vote goes to Democrats. These Republicans know that about 17% of Hispanic Americans (US citizens) don't have government issued ID that could be used to vote and that 75% of the Hispanic vote goes to Democrats. Republicans also know that only about 7% of whites (US citizens) don't have government issued ID that could be used to vote and overwhelmingly these are poor whites, mostly women, that generally vote for Democrats.

    The Voter ID laws Republicans pass are exclusively about suppressing the vote of US citizens that typically vote for Democrats and targeting blacks, Hispanics, and the poor is about winning elections by the disenfranchisement of US citizens that vote for Democrats. These have absolutely nothing to do with reducing the vote by non-citizens and felons that are prohibited from voting under our statutory laws because that's a voter registration issue enforced by the local Election Boards.

    The American Civil War was exclusively about White Supremacy and Slavery. If the White Supremacists of today want another civil war then bring it on.

    The world is not against me, just the racists oppose me so which side are you on? Do you stand with the racists or those that oppose racism?
    justonemorevoice likes this.
  17. justonemorevoice

    justonemorevoice Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    Oh my. Bravo, Shiva. :woot:
  18. logical1

    logical1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    White privilege is brought on by hard work!!!!!
  19. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    None the less, white privilege is holding them back in about every part of the US society.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The connection is white privilege
  20. GeorgiaAmy

    GeorgiaAmy Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2014
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    Keep blaming race and ignore education. I'm sure it will be very effective.
  21. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    This topic about white privilege. And it's obvious it's in the US. And that it's holding back Afro Americans in a major way.
  22. georgephillip

    georgephillip Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 25, 2013
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    I apologize if this issue has been raised earlier in these 90 pages, but I believe the following is one of the best examples of white privilege in recent US history:

    "Ammon Bundy—a former car fleet manager from Phoenix,[17] son of anti-government protester Cliven Bundy, and the leader of the group now calling themselves Citizens for Constitutional Freedom—said he began leading the occupation after receiving a divine message ordering him to do so.[18][19]

    "The militant group has demanded that the federal government cede ownership of the refuge,[20] and have expressed willingness to engage in armed conflict.[21]

    "For a time, the government and police did not engage directly with the militia.[22]"


    By way of contrast consider what happened to Fred Hampton almost fifty years ago in Chicago:

    "Automatic gunfire then converged at the head of the south bedroom where Hampton slept, unable to awaken as a result of the barbiturates the FBI infiltrator had slipped into his drink. He was lying on a mattress in the bedroom with his fiancée, who was eight-and-a-half months pregnant with their child.[21]

    "Two officers found him wounded in the shoulder, and fellow Black Panther Harold Bell reported that he heard the following exchange:

    "'That's Fred Hampton.'

    "'Is he dead?... Bring him out.'

    "'He's barely alive.'

    "'He'll make it.'

    "Two shots were heard, which were later discovered were fired point blank in Hampton's head.

    "According to Johnson, one officer then said:

    "'He's good and dead now.'"

    Fred was 21 years old when his privilege was revoked.

  23. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    People keep ignoring the foundation for "White Privilege" which is the statistical absence of anti-white prejudice and the absence of social, economic and political discrimination against whites in America.

    An analogy would be two people, a white man and a black man, attempting to swim across a river. The white man is allowed to swim across the river unencumbered while the black man has an 80 lb anvil chained around his neck and then is forced to try and swim across the river. The "privilege" is that the white man doesn't have to swim across the river with the anvil chained around his neck.
  24. superbadbrutha

    superbadbrutha Banned

    Feb 10, 2006
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    LMAO :roflol:
  25. Pred

    Pred Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    Actually, the black swimmer is given a kick board due to AA, because statistically less black people know how to swim. Have to even that gap in any way possible? Is it white peoples fault that black people(per capita) for whatever reason choose not to learn how to swim? Economics? Less access to pools? Fault of the white man preventing black people from swimming? Any other excuse?
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