And I know that, you all know that Newt Gingrich wants to build a colony on the moon, he said. Forget the moon. I think he should build it on whatever planet Ron Pauls from. Thatll work.
5 bucks says Newt Gingrich came from Saturn, that's where he got the idea to have so many differnt rings.
You're right, we should allow people from any planet to come here, and enjoy our rights. Instead of just Saturn, Jupiter and whatever planet Paul is from.
I have never seen such a steady attack on a political candidate that has not won evern one state. In fact, there was nothing in your article about Ron Paul other than to say he is from another planet. If so, does this make you a birther? So go ahead and get your tin foil hats out and try as you try and convince the world that Ron Paul is the crazy one. If he is not even a political threat, why spend all the time talking about him?
Obama is a presidential contender. He has wide support and probably the most $$$ to spend of any candidate that might oppose him. So it would stand to reason that Obama would incur the most wrath. It's like being king of the hill as everyone tries to knock you off. However, Paul has no chance, yet people waste their energy and time attacking him. Why?
You were a bully in school, weren't you? It's not enough to bring you joy that Ron Paul supporters have no political representation in government, now you have to make fun of them as well? Nice!!!
Paul is a presidental contendor, and both of them haven't won a state. People attack Obama, but he's not running for the Republican nominee.
Please, they are all running for the Presidency and Paul is the lowest of the low in terms of his chances due to lack of corporate sponsorship and mainstream political support. His is only a lowly grass roots effort that has no chance.
So, last time I checked he's running. All the canadites have to deal with something. Mittens has the image of a millionarie running for president. Newt, marriages, Santorum, a frothy mixture. And Ron Paul has some too.
no, not at all you're mistaken, i don't like lies, ron paul's supporters are lying about his prospects
But Mittens and Obama prove that it takes $$$$ to win. In the end, it appears Obama will have more $$$$ so he will win again. Why they should even bother having elections is beyond me. Why not just save us all the trouble and declare the person with the most money raised the winner?
Why would they lie about his prospects? You may say that their assertions are not based in reality, but to call them liars is a lie in itself. There is no reason to lie about something like that. If so, why? What benefit would it have?
That pretty much sums it up. Nothing but trolls who come here not for political conversation but to get a rise out of other posters and create conflict. They are the bain of public forums.
Ron Paul has done what he set out to do and that is affect the debate. Good for him. Few, if any, have the cajones to do such a thing.
yea, now lots of know-nothings think the federal reserve hadn't ever been audited until recently and the fed is responsible for the nation debt both of which are false