i listened to it again, there was wild, loud cheering, screaming and chanting in the background, it probably does say 'winning', but it sounds more like winnie just so you know, i have an advanced degree in economics, what do you have?
Oh great, another Keynesian stooge. Do tell, how many more stimulus packages and entitlement programs do we need to achieve economic prosperity?
There is no pure socialism or communism or capitalism or libertarianism, but what can be done is move toward certain ideologies. I guess you prefer the road we are on. I would say that the Founding Fathers came the closets and it is a noble goal to return to it.
Source? Common US history? We started with libertarian ideas. Our founders loved LIBERTY, not DEMOCRACY.
Why should we assume the government knows better? We were found on the beliefs that we would take care of ourselves, and together we create a stable society. Now everyone looks to the government for every little problem and our society is completely falling apart.
Who else does the ordinary unconnected person look to? An attorney? We don't have to assume the government knows better, but the government CAN create standards that have to be followed and enforce those standards. Measurable standards, that ordinary people aren't in the position to impose.
then it shouldn't be difficult to show me the source for that assertion considering he's the one that posted the video, he's most likely projecting his own lack of education
Our founders were classical liberals, not much different from libertarianism. You really should step into a classroom every once in a while.
Of course it can. But those things will get done with or without government. The ruling class and financial elite aren't going to just throw up their arms and say "Well (*)(*)(*)(*)it, I guess we have to go straight now".
libertarians of today are quite different from the founders and i'll wager i've spent more time in classrooms than you have
likely why you make a large "gulp" sound whenever you speak about our large benevolent government knowing what is best for us.
They're more similar than they are different. But one this is for sure they were individualists. Key word right there.