What The Liberal-Left Does Not Understand About Trump

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by impermanence, Aug 25, 2023.

  1. impermanence

    impermanence Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2022
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    This is a battle between the LL [Liberal-Left] and everybody else. The LL represents those benefiting from the fascist administrative state, i.e., government workers, government consultants, the War machine, the Education machine, corporate employees, union employees and other parasites who profit from the malfeasance that is the corporate-government-administrative state.

    On the other side, we have small business, the employees of small businesses, the self-employed professional class, and everybody else who is not [of does not want to be] dependent on the government or corporations. In addition, there are a fair amount of people [entrepreneurs] who are quite successful and would like to see these opportunities open up to many more Americans.

    Although I believe that most people would acknowledge that you would not want your daughter to bring home somebody like DT, what he does offer is the truth as it is seen by a great percentage of the population, that the system [represented by the corporate-state] is horribly bloated and massively corrupt. The fact that a figurehead like Biden was put in office demonstrates that the country is being run by administrative fiat. Elections are just for show as real power [e.g., health industry corporations, defense contractors, teacher's unions, etc.] resides considerably out of reach of the voters.

    For much of the country, DT represents the last and best chance of somebody countering this deep state power structure before it completely destroys the mechanisms which created the tremendous amount of American wealth that has been systematically squandered over the past several decades on bureaucratic mismanagement, financial chicanery, a war machine prepared to turn against its own people, and all kinds of ideological non-sense that insures decreasing standards of living for the vast majority through social engineering and top-down management [while preserving the jobs of administrators that have little experience in doing anything other than wasting precious resources].

    To watch what the entrenched power structure has attempted to do against DT is nothing less than startling. It seems as if the Democrat party has adopted the tactics of every authoritarian regime throughout history. Had you told somebody years ago that one party would be trying to arrest the leading candidate of the other, nobody would believe this could be possible in this country.

    The Democrats have gone full authoritarian because this is how you maintain your power. When you have millions of people on the take, they could care less about anything other than keeping that easy money flowing right into their pockets. It just gets uglier and uglier until everything simply grinds to a halt.

    Corruption has now permeated this system down to its core. When you are ripping-off the young people of your society by the millions [college debt], and extorting the old folks as they inevitably succumb to the limits of life itself, you know things have bottomed. But the establishment power structure DOES NOT CARE and this why so many people are placing their hopes on somebody like DT, no doubt a man flawed like the rest of us, but one willing to put it on the line for something other than himself.

    Perhaps more people like Vivek Ramaswamy will step forward and be more palatable for many Americans, but if the vast majority of us think we are any better than is DT, I believe we are fooling ourselves. Look at what we have done with our prosperity. We have become a petty, superficial culture obsessed with short-term pleasures...having forgotten everything that made this country the miracle is truly is [was?]...hard work, sacrifice, family, and faith.

    We are now reaping what we sowed, so DT is the best we can do. Perhaps all the geniuses from Ivy League schools could take up a collection and perhaps come up a couple of ounces of courage and a gram or two of ethical behavior and help this country dig itself out of this massive hole instead of shoveling cash into your pockets as fast as you possibly can using that which your half million dollar educations bought you...a license to strip mine what it took ten generations to build. Shame on you people!

    Good luck folks! We're going to need it.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2023
  2. Sandy Shanks

    Sandy Shanks Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 27, 2016
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  3. Bullseye

    Bullseye Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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  4. gringo

    gringo Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 14, 2019
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    having been a self employed small business owner for 30+ years I must say

    why is it some people blame politics on their own failures , but never give politics credit for their success??

    you do not speak for me or millions of others like me..you think I am a RiNo when I am fact have more conservative views than most
    I considered myself conservative until the GOP began electing people that are absolutely crazy
    donald trump leads the way for matt gaetz and marjori green and lauren boebert, paul gosar . ect;
    when the GOP elects and support the above lunatics , I was gone..in 2016 I refused to vote..but voted against trump in 2020
    and yes I would have voted for donald duck before I voted for donald trump
    the left has some crazy ideas for sure..but pale in comparison to the GOP
    trump has been indicted on 91 counts of various crimes,,
    even if it is a partisan prosecution, it does not make trump innocent

    what trump is doing compares to a person driving a car a 100mph in a 50mph zone
    then blames the cop for doing his job when he gets pulled over,,sure the cop is partisan against people driving too fast
    had trump not been breaking the law he would not have been indicted...was Clinton indicted?? or either Bush??. or Obuma??, or Reagan??

    it amazes me people actually look at Biden and tag him a crime boss ...Biden has been in poltics for 40 years
    why now is he being accused?? yes one of his sons is a drug addict and a ne'er-do-well...but another son was a military man and served in a foreign country...I do not particularly like Biden or his policies..but,anybody that blames Biden on their failures is a loser to begin with ..if he was corrupt as he is accused of, he would have been caught long ago..he plagiarized a speech and had to withdraw from a presidential race..this was his biggest crime until trump came along and began accusing him and his family of being criminals..all the while his son in law raked in 2 billion from a murdering middle eastern prince

    what is happening today is similar to the 1950 Macarthy era movement...it was finally stopped with a simple question

    "have you no decency" after this question the macarthy movement has a moment of clarity and began to dwindle away

    Macarthy was reported to have died from symptoms of alcoholism ..

    when I look at the mug shot of DJT I see a creepy old crazy man...

    and as long as the GOP allows a creep old crazy man to be the face of their party,
    conservatives like myself will vote him out

    and if anybody thinks the likes of vivek rama saw amy is a replacement for trump is a viable option

    rama saw amy is nothing more than a fast talking drug pusher
    and facts be damned he is just gonna spew BS
    he . like trump is only searching for attention and adulation ..

    on the stage of the debates there were 4 candidates I could see myself supporting

    Hutchinson and Pence are gentleman and would not embarrass the country

    Nikki Haley showed she is smart and done her homework ..and can be a serious person
    the best thing she did was acknowledge there are 2 parties..
    whoever becomes president cannot be president for just 1 party

    Chris Christie knows politics, and has some common sense ..
    but his weight and demeanor will never allow him to be president.

    rhonda santos is attempting to out trump, trump...
    he has a super majority in florida and he thinks politics is easy
    he has replaced duly elected judges and is driving billions in tourists dollars out of Florida
    if elected he would only be president for the Qaloons and former trumpers
    rhonda santos will NEVER get my vote

    tim scott and the other guy were nothing more than bookends ..nobody cares what they think

    I have said this and it cannot be said enough

    if the GOP and trump would STOP being crazy and and breaking laws, it wont be reported that the GOP is crazy and breaking laws

    all said and done

    don't blame the crazy of the GOP on the democrats..

    and don't blame the cop giving you a ticket when you are driving too fast
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2023
  5. Wild Bill Kelsoe

    Wild Bill Kelsoe Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2017
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    It hasn't been proven that he broke any laws.
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  6. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    the whole world sees Trump's mugshot, lol
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  7. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    That's where I stopped reading. Next time, stick with the real world.
  8. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    It hasn't been proven that Hunter or his dad have broken any laws either. Double standard much?
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  9. Pants

    Pants Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    The Education Machine? Liberal? That's been a very successful chant for many years, but I think that argument has gone the way of the DoDo. If Republicans found the 'agenda' so despicable when pushed by the left, how can you possibly support an 'agenda' being pushed by the Right? Isn't that an 'Education Machine', but just one that you like?

    As for what I misunderstand about Trump, that's quite an assumption on your part. I understand what YOU understand about Trump. I've been reading it for 8+ years. I just disagree with your assessment of him and what you perceive as strengths. I dislike people who put themselves above all others. I dislike people who lie to gain advantage. I dislike people who cannot even feign empathy. And those three things are vital to successfully lead a country. Sadly, Trump fails at all three.
  10. LiveUninhibited

    LiveUninhibited Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    Far simpler than that. Dumb white guys and their allies (including rich people and crazy people who see conspiracies everywhere) see Trump as the last best hope against changing demographics that diminish the power of dumb white guys. Dumb white guys are claiming they're the ones who are the oppressed victims, not everybody else they have historically victimized. Trump's narcissistic, victimhood bullshit strikes the right cord. Their only hope for long-term power is to break down our institutions and implement right-wing fascism. (for the record I'm a white guy).
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2023
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  11. impermanence

    impermanence Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2022
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    So let's see, it's the corporate, governmental, and academic elite who have pocketed all the gold versus the common people who have been totally screwed over since the 60's...

    ...now who might it be that is telling the truth?
  12. impermanence

    impermanence Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2022
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    Of course you are a white guy. Who else but a self-hater would write such a thing?
    roorooroo likes this.
  13. Wild Bill Kelsoe

    Wild Bill Kelsoe Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2017
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    Trump will be the last chance at having a free country.
  14. impermanence

    impermanence Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2022
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    Well, it's not like he's already been president and has a record. What part of "the best you could hope for economy" didn't work for you?
  15. impermanence

    impermanence Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2022
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    Thank you for the insightful analysis.
    Ddyad and Wild Bill Kelsoe like this.
  16. impermanence

    impermanence Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2022
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    Because the Democrat party figured the need for a 80yo corrupt white guy with dementia has passed. Why else?

    Anybody who has followed his career over the years knows exactly what this guy was about...lying, cheating and stealing. The guy really is pathetic. Besides, why else would the Clintons' have picked him to be Obama's VP?
  17. Darthcervantes

    Darthcervantes Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 4, 2018
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    I know what liberals are doing this weekend and it involves the trump mugshot and 2 other ingredients:

    Last edited: Aug 25, 2023
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  18. LiveUninhibited

    LiveUninhibited Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    More like if I weren't a white guy, I would be accused of hating white guys. But I guess I am accused anyway. I don't hate myself, or whiteness, but I do dislike the opinions of the uneducated. It just so happens that the uneducated demographic that is both powerful and self-righteous are the dumb white guys. And Trump is their avatar.

    Think a bit more about it. Trumpists are so so concerned with illegal immigration, and actually want to heavily restrict legal immigration too, especially if it's non-whites. It's the people who are worried about being replaced, about no longer being the majority in their country.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2023
  19. gringo

    gringo Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 14, 2019
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    I remember the scandal of Biden plagiarizing speeches ..it was in the late 80's I think...
    I also remember him apologizing and dropping out of the presidential race

    since then, the ONLY people accusing Biden of being corrupt are tumpers and Qaloons.

    this is why Obuma chose Biden to be his running mate

    he needed somebody with a clean record..AKA a Lilly White record! lol
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2023
    MrFred, Noone and Endeavor like this.
  20. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    What a load of crap. 161 acts were listed as 'crimes' and only 2 of them were actually statutory crimes, and of those two, neither were actions by Trump.

    Trump will raise $Millions off the mug shot.

    The Dem Party Of Chaos Is Running Scared
    '...this barrage of prosecutions against their chief adversary shows how broken, craven, and degenerate the party is, and what a menace it is, as they like to say, to our democracy...'

    County 'DA Willis staged the circus parade of bookings, forcing the large cast of indictees - most of them attorneys for Mr. Trump - to submit to the fingerprinting and mugshot ceremony in the county jail, in case any of them had thoughts of decamping to Uruguay. The cable news peanut gallery went berserk with glee at the humiliation of election denial celebrities Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell especially. On Thursday, attorney Kenneth Chesebro, who advised Georgia GOP officials on the process of assembling alternate electors in the case of election fraud under Georgia law, demanded a speedy trial.'

    'Mr. Meadows is accused of seeking by email to get the phone number of a Pennsylvania election official.'

    'Ms. Willis’s case hinges on a number of novel propositions. First, that it is somehow against the law to object to the outcome of an election. And second, that the process for relief in such a case, as provided in Georgia’s election contest law and the US Electoral Count Act of 1887, does not apply to Mr. Trump and his lawyers. Anyone who intends to challenge the outcome must necessarily assemble a panel of alternate electors if state officials cannot certify the election properly and in good faith. Ms. Willis refers to these erroneously as “fake electors.”'

    'So far, Democrats in charge of the machinery of law all over the country have skated on mere assertions that the 2020 election was fair. In Georgia, none of the principals involved in the dispute have been subject to cross-examination, the best instrument for truth-finding in the American legal system. Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and Sec’y of State Brad Raffensperger may not be so hot for an airing of what actually went on Nov 3, 2020 and the days after, especially the validity of over 100,000 mail-in ballots in a state where “Joe Biden’s” margin of victory was a mere 11,799 votes.'
    roorooroo, Ddyad and Bill Carson like this.
  21. robini123

    robini123 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2004
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    The problem with truth is that it is not synonymous with fact. This makes it possible to truthfully relay inaccurate information to others. Truth can sometimes be a fact but not all truths are fact. A supporter of a politician may perceive them as being truthful when they are just being dishonest or delusional. Supporters that have the same biases as the politician will be oblivious to the lies and delusional thinking.

    This is human nature and applies to all that are loyal to people and groups of people. We can see this in others but it can be all but impossible to see it in ourselves and those we are loyal to. Human nature is systemic.

    The OP covered a lot of ground, I just wanted to give my perspective on truth.
    Quantum Nerd likes this.
  22. Pants

    Pants Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Okay - you want to bypass my comments. As to yours, would you like to justify Trump's adding 7.8T to the debt?
    MrFred, cd8ed and Endeavor like this.
  23. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I'm constantly amazed at the left's ability to take any issue whatsoever and turn it into a racial issue, and in this case, replacement theory AND racial issue.

    Well done sir!
    roorooroo likes this.
  24. robini123

    robini123 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2004
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    I think many on the left and right would agree with a number of the points you make. But what is the logic behind trusting an amoral man to fight corruption when amorality in politics breeds the corruption you and I both stand against?
    LiveUninhibited likes this.
  25. robini123

    robini123 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2004
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    Well said. Trump winning in 2016 was when I finally abandoned the Republican Party. After decades of being told good Christian conservatives stand against immorality such as seen in Bill Clinton, to then do an about face and embrace Trump. It was a betrayal and a hypocrisy I could not turn a blind eye to.

    Republicans can produce way better than Trump. It is sad they choose not to.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2023

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