I don't normally respond to trolls, but your posts are so asinine, they need a spanking. You just confirmed what I said. and then you posted a video with the audio cut off.
No, it's just a fantasy for people like you who have to take things out of context in order to perpetuate said fantasy. I gave you two examples of your supposed 60 "we found no evidence" quotes from the commission report that you think people should draw certain sinister conclusions from and you completely balked at explaining why you think that way.
Correct. The behemoth military industrial complex cannot survive without perpetual war or the perpetual threat of war, it's called "raison d'etre".
It would be very easy to get into perpetual war with Islamic nations, without all the dramatics. Just expose the religion for what it is. Instead we hide the intents of religion. Care to explain that
I hope you noticed he is dodging all your counterpoints pretending he has some fact up his sleeve that he will never produce in substance, ssdd from these people. Yep its the modern psychological war against the american people, constantly escalating, well at least till the internet. Its mostly tv and msm people that believe any of this **** and in another 20 years they will be gone and the only people left will be internet people who are much harder to fool, taking into consideration there will always be posers pound the gubmint agenda up everyones asses.
The conspiracist truthers simply keep spinning the same tired only unevidenced theories, thus they resent being told, "nope, not just once more," because they won't believe anything that contravenes their cognitive dissonance.
Ah Orwellian "logic", reversing definitions, truthers are liars and those who haven't bought the OCT are cognitive dissonant. But if you bought the OCT lock, stock and barrel without question, you're a true patriot and especially an independent thinker. "War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength." - George Orwell, "1984"
according to psychologists, conspiracy theorists have disassociative personalities ... in other words ... "they don't play well with others" ...
I don't know Bob ... did you read that somewhere or are you just throwing your toys out of the playpen? ...
Yeah your post, you did say "conspiracy theorists" right? That means all the ones I mentioned. What in **** do you think they do for a living?
I really don't think you're going to find respectable, qualified people, who will waste their time, or be associated with, this garbage
It's not my fault you have a morbid fear of "conspiracy theorists", they are everywhere so I can't blame you. They're in law enforcement, intelligence and the legal industry. The NSA believes all Americans and really everyone on the planet should be eavesdropped on because they have an ongoing conspiracy theory that there could be a terrorist organization in every home. There are several federal statutes that make conspiracies a major crime, the RICO Act for example. So Congress are a bunch of conspiracy theorists as well since they enacted the RICO Act. Where have you been? Under a rock? You don't know this? You need to listen to the shrinks, they're trying to protect you from those boogie men. Check under your bed every night before you go to sleep, you never know if there's a troofer hiding under there waiting to get you in your sleep. Don't forget your teddy bear and sleep tight sonny. People like Shiner (he's been doing the research) and you, who also buys into this utter garbage.
Thats because it could have happened multiple ways and the evidence is long gone. One possibility- the explosives were placed far ahead of time by crews hired to do other work. Its not difficult to obtain a contractor's liscence, and maintenance crews are typically allowed a high degree of mobility by security with very little scrutiny.
Yeah, right. Do you have any concept the job, taking months, on a 20 story building, would be on the towers. Cutting up the interior, to expose the structural steel. And nobody saw them do it, or questioned the 3 foot bundle, of wires out the door.
Shaped charges and/or high-temp incendiaries are small, the wiring is unobtrusive and could easily be obscurred in a building that likely has telephone/internet wires going to every single room, and months is an entirely reasonable figure for a project like upgrading all the comms systems or the fire detection systems or any number of routine maintenance/renovations that are common in such buildings and would easily allow a competent crew access to all the places they would need to compromise the superstructure. Dollars to donuts there was more than one crew of workers in and out of that place 24/7, as big as it was. If it was an inside job, it would've been planned out at least that far ahead of time, probably longer.
I don't know where you got that idea, but it is wrong. It is obvious you know nothing about it. Next time someone does an implosion for the destruction of a building, go there and look at the setup. It is insane to even suggest, it was done without anyone seeing it. BTW, How many more thousands of people are wiring the building, just walking through office spaces like they owned the place, cutting through walls, running wires.
Building 7 was demo'd using explosives just an hour or two after the planes hit, while it was fully involved (fully on fire). Either it was rigged to blow ahead of time... or its not as hard or time consuming as you think. Also, work like that is typically done while offices are not in use- either after hours, or employees temporarily relocate while work is being done.
Not changing the subject. If building 7 can be demo'd successfully in a couple hours while its on fire, its not really a stretch to accept that the towers could be demo'd surreptotiously over months.
I never looked into it, nor do I have any intention of doing so. I just wanted to point out how ignorant your posts were about the towers being rigged for explosive demo. Naturally, you know how ignorant it is, and changed the subject. BTW. Did bldg. 7 have an underground tunnel to the other buildings.
It takes weeks to plan and rig a controlled demolition of a 47 story steel framed high rise, not one or two hours. If no one can prove the least likely natural cause of the total destruction of 3 high rise steel framed skyscrapers in a matter of seconds as a result of the events of 9/11, the default position must then be the most likely cause, that they were rigged. And actually that should be the starting position. And if they were rigged, the planning had to take place over weeks if not months. Following that logic, 9/11 would have to have been planned by elements other than Arab hijackers who would not have had access to rig the towers. The term "compartmentalization" is a well known and common term in intelligence circles. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compartmentalization_(information_security)