LOL, you should know. 17 years later you still believe the fantasy tale concocted by a criminal gang of men known for not telling the truth. You believe and promote the official conspiracy theory.
oh please! ... you promote the craziest theories on this board and rarely back it up with any evidence ... I don't even take you seriously ... I hope you are just a troll and don't actually believe the **** you post ... that would be scary ...
No, the craziest conspiracy theory of them all is that 19 arabs with box cutters hijacked 4 airliners and defeated NORAD, causing the destruction at WTC.
According to the theory they defeated the entire US intelligence and military defense system, a $multi-trillion apparatus second to none on the planet, completely unmolested, easily took over 4 planes, hit 3 targets dead on and the Bush administration did not lift one finger to try to prevent it and all the key players in charge of this catastrophic failure received promotions. 2 buildings were completely obliterated in the process and a third one was also obliterated as a bonus. Not to mention the heart of this military apparatus, the Pentagon, was attacked and partially destroyed without putting up one iota of defense. But there's no holes in that story, it sounds perfectly logical and plausible because it was a "failure of imagination", the same "imagination" that prepared for a similar scenario on a number of occasions and even on the same day.
19 educated and well trained Arabs ... please don't try to portray them as anything other ... the evidence overwhelmingly shows that your camel jockeys hijacked said planes and crashed as reported ... you have provided zero evidence of any other scenario ...
Most of the above is either unsupported and/or disputed. There is NO conclusive evidence for any of the above, never mind "overwhelming". This site questions and/or disputes almost all of the key claims from the official narrative (the 9/11 Commission Report and the NIST reports): As do these 2 threads using the official reports as the primary source for the official 9/11 narrative: There's no point in attempting to provide evidence of any other scenario (although some of that has been done) because it would amount to the same thing. That's the point of having a legitimate and extremely thorough forensic criminal investigation into 9/11, to come up with the facts, not theories. Without that all there is is theories.
No solid empirical evidence exists at all to disprove that 19 men with box cutters did their job. Truthers operate in a closed system of faith believers.
The burden of proof always lies with the claimant, not the other way around. Non sequitur but that can be said about those who swallowed the official conspiracy theory which is strictly faith based. "Truthers" by definition believe in truth and conversely liars believe in lies, so your claim has no logical basis.
I love it when so many defenders of the official story make heroes out of the "hijackers", LOL. Educated and well trained men with magical powers to fly like no other, skilled assassins worthy of such verbiage as yours. The desperation of such a view speaks volumes.
The 19 were actors in a scheme meant to deceive the public. They took flying lessons at a school run by a CIA asset, Huffman Aviation. They were actors in a story told as a magnificent deception.
There are no "Twin Tower conspiracies". The evidence that the NIST report did NOT investigate the "collapse" of the Twin Towers is in a footnote in the NIST report itself by their own admission. The collapse initiation theory promoted by NIST has been thoroughly disputed by experts as non-viable. This is strictly science, not "conspiracy theory". You need to understand that not every refutation of the official narrative is knee-jerk "conspiracy theory".
Try not to pretend to be too dense Shiner, there are thousands, the same ones you ridicule and immediately dismiss and none identify themselves as Shinebox. But I'll refresh you just in case you don't want to be refreshed. I rely on what makes sense and verifiable experts, some are professors and many "work in the field". What I don't rely on is anonymous posters and trolls who defend the OCT no matter what and post such apologist defenses 24/7 and question none of it and especially those who prolifically use the term "troofer" to lend some kind of idiotic support to their claims. That would not be sensible and quite absurd, to say the least.
What I find amusing about "troofers", is that you can have 5 on them on one thread, (not any more, most have grown up) and you can have 5 different theories, from holograms, to missiles, to radio controlled planes, to planted bombs, and such, and you will never see them arguing amongst each other, as to which one is right, they basically agree with each other, something that any rational person knows is impossible, you can't have them all, and aim their government hatred, to the person who dares think it really was a hijacking.
Yeah that's what I thought, nothing of any genuine substance, just the usual drivel. By posting a newscast from 9/11 of an opinion from Dan Rather? What is the lie exactly? You think the newscast was doctored? The video is over 1 hour 18 minutes long with an enormous amount of key points assessed by EXPERTS. Someone who easily bought the OCT and calls everyone who didn't "troofer" should not be calling anyone "gullible". Go shine a box troofer, are you even good at that?