I think of it like bumper stickers on a Ferrari, and wonder how anybody would put permanent graffiti on an original work of irreplaceable art.
Depends on the girl and the tattoo, though I am not sure "pretty" is relative to that rule of thumb. A small butterfly or flower on the shoulder is not in the same ink league as a giant skull across her neck or something.
YES!!! I'm with you. I've been with a couple of dozen young beauties over the last few years. Most young women like tattoos these days so I pretend to like them, but I really don't. Ugh! It really is like putting graffiti on a priceless work of art. Wow, I've been waiting four years to get that off my chest! One young lady was telling me all about this huge tattoo she wanted to get on her beautiful thigh. It almost made me want to cry. NOOOOOOO!!!!! But I bit my tongue [oh yes, that would be cool... ]. It was more important to get laid than to worry about it. Besides, if I said how I really feel it would just hurt their feelings.
For a pretty girl, getting a tattoo is damaging and ugly. But for an ugly girl, it's like giving your old beater a brand new paint job. It's still the same old beater, but the paint job is a distraction.
The #1 reason why people get tats is to show they are sexually active. Seeing attractive people ruin themselves makes me sad:
The first one....good luck with that when you are applying for any job except a tattoo parlor or pornstar The middle one......I didn't know Hillary Clinton got tattoos when she lost the election The last one....bumper sticker on a Ferrari. Just what every guy wants to see on a chic, a tattoo of a boat anchor.
Tattos are for the degenerated. Why would anyone want to ruin their body? I can tolerate something small on a subtle place, then it preferably has to be text. Perhaps one's family name or something of similar meaning. Generally though, I agree tattoos ruin beauty. There once was a time when only criminals and pirates had tattoos then it went mainstream for some reason.
Exactly. It also depends on where the tattoo is. Some women choose to get them on less public portions of their anatomy than those shown in the photos. While I don't really care for the tattoo subculture, it's a personal choice that some folks seem to like. Yet another form of expressed individualism...
The bottom girl is a perfect example of this. She looks very pretty, but those damn tattoos make her almost unattractive. The inc on her right arm is the only type of tattoo and maximum amount that I would tolerate.
I remember back in high school, a girl asked me what I think of tattoos (obviously, subtlety implying she wants one, but girls can never be straight forward lol). I told her I think it is stupid and unattractive. She was clearly discontent with my answer and she ended up having some stupid tattoos a few years later.
As if people don't already abuse their body. Have you seen the obesity epidemic? Smoking? Haha. Tattoos should be the least of our worries.
Those are not mutually exclusive issues. I just don't understand why anyone likes them. Nobody wants to be obese or an addicted smoker, but tattoos are a simple choice. Why in the world it went mainstream is beyond me. I guess it is a symbol of empowerment and or rebellion.
Haven't advocated for illegalisation or anything like that. I am a full supporter of self-ownership and think everyone fully owns their own body and therefore can expose it to whatever they may wish. Be it inc, Whoppers, crack or cigarettes. However, I will shun the behaviors I dislike.
There is nothing in this world more beautiful than a naked woman in full blossom. And there is nothing anyone can do to improve on that. So let me get this off my chest. STOP IT!!!
And I've bit my tongue more times than I can count. But since it came up... STOP IT!!! I have dabbled with dating women my age. A pretty small percentage are not obese. I have worked my ass off to work my ass off, so I'm not going to settle. If she isn't willing to make the effort to get in shape like I did, then she isn't worth my effort. I keep my toe in the water in case miss wonderful comes along, but its hot 20 somethings for me as far as I can see.
agreed, but even then lets face it, tattoos are a cry for attention. A poem on your arm really means look at me I am in need of attention. The really hot chics know they are hot and don't need a tat to get attention.
I've seen plenty of super hot women who have tattoos. So if tattoos are a cry for attention, what is this?