If you would take the time to define 'red herring' you would discover that you have used it improperly. That's the third time I've seen you used it.... each time improperly. - - - Updated - - - I've got some good shaite.
I have looked up the definition and I have used it in its correct way. A red herring is a distraction which your continued asking me to define words has become as we have spent the last few posts talking not about the OP, but semantics. So Red herring well played my friend. "red herring definition. In argument, something designed to divert an opponent's attention from the central issue". http://www.dictionary.com/browse/red-herring Asking me to define "problem" and "semantics" is a red herring as I do not think we disagree upon the definitions nor do I think that defining those words objectively adds to the discussion on the topic of women and tattoos. If your next post to me is not about the topic of tattooed women I will not respond and see your post as yet another red herring.
That's specifically a tattoo done on a girl's lower back. It gives you something to look at while you screw her from behind (don't get mad at me; it's not my sentiment). I don't mind tattoos on a woman if they're done well. Even numerous or large tattoos aren't necessarily distasteful to me. My wife doesn't have any, though.
You really need something to look at besides her? I like watching their little butts get red while I spank them. An interesting side bar: I once read a thread polling women about their biggest complaint about sex. One of the most common responses was that their bfs or husbands wouldn't spank them hard enough! The men are afraid they are going to hurt the women. But some women, apparently quite a few, like to be spanked really hard!
Some women have got a "necklace" of mystic symbols tattooed on her neck, a guy wouldn't know whether to make love to her or try to dial the 7th Stargate Quadrant
Well, my last word on this topic is that I just don't like how tattoos look on women. Would I disown a friend or family member if they got one? Of course not! Would I try to talk them out of it if I knew they were planning on getting one? Probably. I think more often than not, they look rather "low class." Although that may be social conditioning on my part, it is just the first impression that I get of someone covered in tattoos. It seems they are rather addicting for some people too. They just can't seem to stop getting them. I wonder what happens when they run out of skin? I would never pay $500 for someone to use my skin as a canvas and then have to walk around with an ugly mark on my body for the rest of my life. Nooooo thanks.
My wife just got her first tattoo. Before she decided to get the tattoo, I was pretty much against them, but if someone had one, then I was okay with it. I don't have to like what someone else does with their body, but in a pluralistic society, you allow others to make their own choices. My wife got her tattoo over a scar from a chemoport that she had removed. She was battling breast cancer and was misdiagnosed as being terminally ill. The surgeons mistakenly installed a double port to deal with end of life issues. My wife couldn't see the scar from the port without reliving the ugliness of being told to get her affairs in order. She decided she wanted a tattoo over the scar to hide the scar. She loves the tattoo. She went to an award winning tattoo artist and commissioned an original piece of art. It looks great and it is a whole lot better than looking at a scar from the removal of the death port. I now look at other people with tattoos and it doesn't dimiish their looks at all, in my eyes. I guess it is more a matter of fixing my own head instead of trying to fix other people.
No, it's simply a matter of opinion. - - - Updated - - - Maybe you would be better off posting at a dating site or a sex site or something. It really gets tiresome when someone cannot talk about anything but sex in every single thread. Thanks for your courtesy in advance.
Never ever saw a tattoo on any one that I liked. I went in a biker bar once and threatened to beat up anyone with a tattoo. Everyone hurried out the back door. Wimps.