Where is the forensic examination of the wreckage to KNOW that the airliner in question was the source of the stuff collected up, and while we are at it, how much aircraft wreckage was collected up to prove that any of the airliners were actually present at the site? The evidence is seriously lacking because the airliners were NOT real, its all FAKE! 9/11/2001 constitutes a made-for-TV drama!
This is about the Pentagon but it's related to the topic. http://www.physics911.net/georgenelson (excerpt) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In all my years of direct and indirect participation, I never witnessed nor even heard of an aircraft loss, where the wreckage was accessible, that prevented investigators from finding enough hard evidence to positively identify the make, model, and specific registration number of the aircraft — and in most cases the precise cause of the accident. This is because every military and civilian passenger-carrying aircraft have many parts that are identified for safety of flight. That is, if any of the parts were to fail at any time during a flight, the failure would likely result in the catastrophic loss of aircraft and passengers. Consequently, these parts are individually controlled by a distinctive serial number and tracked by a records section of the maintenance operation and by another section called plans and scheduling.
Up to YOU to find that out,Bob,not us to give it to you. I for one am satisfied that the planes in question were crashed that day.....
Is this genericBob the one that said the planes were just holograms? I seen that doozy just like last week at one point. Is there no giving up with these people? WHAT is it they want? More entitlements? More welfare or the legalization of pot or abortions? I give up.
Same George Nelson who thinks the government blew up the murrah building in ok city scott/cosmored/fatfreddy88/david c?
I don't think bob thinks they were holograms,he doubts there were any at all,and it was a massive cover-up
Lets play shoot the messenger ..... shall we? can anyone actually rebut what was said in the article?
exactly what is the point of this comment? WHY? what do you hope to accomplish here? Please note: minds are like parachutes ....... Can U dig it?
It's quite plausible that the government did it. http://www.serendipity.li/more/ok_bomb.html http://www.serendipity.li/more/two_bl.html http://www.serendipity.li/more/okb1.html
This idea still makes no rational sense to me. If I was going to destroy a building with explosives and cover it up with a fake terrorist attack, I'd fake terrorists using explosives. If I was going to fake terrorists flying an aircraft in to the building I'd fly an aircraft in to the building. Anything else just adds unnecessary complexity to an already complex plan.
So you choose to second-guess the perpetrators as to exactly what sort of SHOCK & AWE show they had in mind and what sort of result they were looking for. The problem with tangents of this sort is that it tends to side-track the discussion from the areas where we have either hard evidence, or the conspicuous lack of hard evidence so as to point to a specific event or action, ( Such as the demolition of WTC7 ) The facts are, that in the case of 4 airliner crashes, not one broken off wing or tail/vertical stabilizer .. or? remained to mark the spot. This is significant. good trick to make 4 airliners virtually disappear. Where is the accounting for the aircraft wreckage such that in any case, the authorities could say "we recovered & identified X tons of wreckage from FLT77" ? it isn't there because all 4 flights were a HOAX!
Depends upon how it was presented, I can see a possible bit where the excavation of the "FLT93" crash site may have been done in full view of the public by way of having reporters from several different news servies on the scene and taking video + still pix. However what we have is the excavation was done in secret ( if it was done at all.... ) and that is a problem such that any results obtained from a cloaked operation are totally suspect. WHY the secrecy?
So you're saying that the excavation of a site containing 80-some bodies should be streamed live on the Internet, just to satisfy your paranoia? Fact is, searchers found all sorts of plane wreckage, and the various reports have an accounting of what was found. But you simply disbelieve it.
There are standards as to how an aircraft crash site is to be documented and the wreckage accounted for NONE of it was followed in any of the 4 alleged airliner crashes on 9/11/2001. Where is the DOCUMENTATION?
the 9/11 apologists around here dont seem to understand what the word hollywood means or know who people like steven spielberg are,people who can invent things on screen to make them lifelike but in reality,are just special effects. something else i have noticed is all the people that say- i was there,i saw them.they are always people who defend the lies of the governments version. then they show pics of planted obvious planted evidence for their so called evidence everytime. - - - Updated - - - the 9/11 apologists around here dont seem to understand what the word hollywood means or know who people like steven spielberg are,people who can invent things on screen to make them lifelike but in reality,are just special effects. something else i have noticed is all the people that say- i was there,i saw them.they are always people who defend the lies of the governments version. then they show pics of planted obvious planted evidence for their so called evidence everytime.lol. - - - Updated - - - the 9/11 apologists around here dont seem to understand what the word hollywood means or know who people like steven spielberg are,people who can invent things on screen to make them lifelike but in reality,are just special effects. something else i have noticed is all the people that say- i was there,i saw them.they are always people who defend the lies of the governments version. then they show pics of planted obvious planted evidence for their so called evidence everytime.lol.
You must have somehow missed these: https://www.google.com/search?q=air...v&sa=X&ei=zc9XVLXKAZDnoASOjIDABQ&ved=0CB0QsAQ
The mainstream media was the first to assert that hijacked airliners were used as weapons, therefore it is on the mainstream media to PROVE that the airliners were real. Fact is that all the TRUTH movement has to do is point out the fact that the official story doesn't work. and indeed that has been done, but the rich/powerful/criminally insane owners of the mainstream media don't want to do anything that would endanger their position as defacto rulers of this planet.
The aircrafts and the passengers were all real. Your idiotic conspiracy theories would require a cast of tens of thousands.. LOLOL
For some reason the opposition feels compelled to add bits like "idiotic conspiracy theories" to support the claim that by incredulity and incredulity alone, the crime was said to have not been committed because the plot would require too many people. oh well .......