White lives don't matter it suppose

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by PolakPotrafi, Jul 30, 2016.

  1. micfranklin

    micfranklin Banned

    Jun 13, 2009
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    Meaning it's wrong the other 99.8% of the day, in which case it's a useless clock and needs a new battery. Or a new clock.
  2. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    Reign it in, bud.

    I said nothing about "cops just go black people hunting".

    The whole BLM movement is a statement of the question. If you missed that, you did so purposefully.

    Your assumption that communities WANT crime is totally preposterous.

    Police don't have to work to lose the confidence and trust of those they police. In fact, the less work they do, the MORE they are going to lose that confidence and trust.

    Losing often requires no work at all!
  3. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    sure, but when it's right it's right.
  4. micfranklin

    micfranklin Banned

    Jun 13, 2009
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    Huh? I never said that.

    Not what I said. I said black people have to be above average or exceptional just to get to the same places that other people who may in fact be mediocre, are.

    Let me put it like this: whenever there is a crime or multiple crimes of some sort, and a black person is the culprit, people go out of their way to judge all black people for this one person's acts, all 42 million black people in America.

    Actually, this can be expanded because it's not just blacks, but if a Latino does something all Latinos are generalized as gangbangers or evil parasitic immigrants or border-hoppers. Arabs as a whole get generalized as terrorists, regardless of whether they were born here or not. But when a white person does something like shoot up a movie theater, there's not one sweeping "white people are evil" generalization from anyone.

    Okay then.

    Okay then.

    Depends on the situation.

    Racism and injustice as a whole. You cannot combat and fix a problem by not talking about it. That includes the light sentence situations I mentioned earlier, blacks getting harsher sentences than others for similar crimes and so on.

    Slavery and Reconstruction may be over but the KKK is still around, and in fact they were threats to everyone who wasn't white and pure.

    As for Reagan, he was a pretty bad president. There's him ignoring the HIV/AIDS crisis, involving the US in multiple foreign conflicts for no reason and sometimes allying with dictators just as long as they weren't commies, including apartheid South Africa, Iran-Contra, support for Iraq despite being run by an awful man, a ton of scandals, escalating the War on Drugs which already unfairly targets blacks and so much more.

    Felony charges aren't enough, not when nearly every officer who's involved in something gets either a light sentence or off scott-free entirely.

    Michael and OJ may be rich, but Michael is dead and OJ is still in jail for something else if I recall correctly, and those are only 2 examples so there's obviously gonna be exceptions to the rule.

    Have I not mentioned blacks getting treated worse for similar crimes? Or minorities in general, now that I think about it. Or people put in jail for absolutely no reason other than someone else's pettiness. And again, cops who shoot and kill people WITH CAMERAS WATCHING and getting charged, but few if any convictions whatsoever.

    Oh yes there is. The main privilege in that is one is part of a group of people who really never had to worry about their race at all in this country, or the world and general because whites are considered top dog, for one reason or another. In this country, whites have never been told their being a certain skin color makes them an inferior class and bottom of the barrel.
  5. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    I am sorry I must have misunderstood, What did you say?

    Do you have examples of this? It sounds like BS to me but I may be wrong.

    mmm... That sounds like more of a persecution complex than a fact. First I don't think you know what other people think. Second, who does this? Again Show me some examples.

    I don't believe these Generalizations occur. I think because people recognize the race, ethnicity, religion of the perpetrator, you generalize.

    I will give you an example. I hate Islam. That ideology want's me dead, exterminated and eradicated. And I absolutely will speak out against Islam at every chance i get. However I have nothing against Muslims, Muslims being people and not ideology. Perhaps You are mistaking race, ethnicity and religious ideals for people.
    I apologize but I don't see how.
    I don't think racism is a large problem. You have mentioned some rather vague statements about black people having to work harder, I remain skeptical of your claims.
    I don't mean any disrespect, but i know how what i am going to say is going to sound, but in interest in seeing the problem or for you to better show me, you have to know my perspective. So please don't get upset, or don't let it cloud your ability to make a point.

    I am skeptical there is a problem with racism. It seems like the people complaining about it are looking to blame something else for their shortcomings much like a fat person blames a thyroid disorder for their obesity.

    From my perspective the red carpet is rolled out for black people. Any black person that meets the standards of a college gets accepted because there are quotas. There are never any shortages of white students applying for school, so white people have to work harder. There are college funds that exist to pay tuition for black students, based on their race. I further don't see this as a bad thing or privilege. It's good, the United negro college fund is a fantastic charity. You may have to bust your ass to overcome the cultural stigma that is placed on black people, but once you do, you have vast opportunity. and you can, people do it all the time.
    But that only really effects you if you choose to be a criminal. The justice system couldn't treat you harsher if you never gave them a reason to in the first place.
    They exist as nothing more than a punchline.
    Were yes, in 1880-1920. they aren't anymore. And for what it's worth (*)(*)(*)(*) them, stupid inbred cult. They hold no power.

    I think he was one of the best. The HIV issue aside. I see no issue with allying with dictators. The war on drugs was stupid, but prosperity in our nation was high.
    I don't know of this occurring, do you have examples?
    He still got away with molesting children everybody will die eventually.
    Well if it was based on race there wouldn't be exceptions.

    This is getting a little old. Yes, and I agreed with you, our justice system is harsher on black people. Why the need to beat the dead horse. Repeating arguments I agree with you on as though I don't Is really irritating and disrespectful.
    I think we lock up people for some stupid ass reasons, regardless of race. [/QUOTE]And again, cops who shoot and kill people WITH CAMERAS WATCHING and getting charged, but few if any convictions whatsoever.[/QUOTE]Well generally speaking when a police officer kills somebody it is justified. Not always but generally.

    I remain skeptical. The civil rights act was made into law 52 years ago.

    Show me examples of black people being considered inferior that are current.
  6. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    You said they kill people. what were you talking about?

    No, The message I heard was kill police, because it happened at two events, they chanted it on several occasions.

    Was that my presumption? I said the community has a (*)(*)(*)(*)ty attitude toward police.

    I don't think there is anything a police agency can do to gain trust. they never had it to begin with
  7. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    That is not a message from BLM. There are undoubtedly people who are nutty, as that's what happens in demonstrations, for example. So, I'm not doubting that you heard that somewhere.

    I don't know what word you used - maybe you could pick a word the board won't censor.

    But, I do agree that there is a major league gap between the police force and the population in many communities. And, I don't just mean that their skin colors don't match. Race, religion and ethnicity don't solve all the problems.

    There are plenty of things police can do to gain trust. They're humans just like the rest of us. People can do things to gain trust. So can organizations.

    One step might be to not shoot kids in the back. Regardless of how small of a percent of interactions where that happens, it is a nation wide event that will be remembered.

    We're working on it here in Seattle. We keep augmenting our civilian oversight. We have bicycle patrols and other means of assuring that people and police run into each other when there isn't some crime going on.

    A city near here gives points for different kinds of tests, interviews, etc. through their process of hiring new policemen. They give extra points for those who have been in the Peace Corps, know a second language, etc. They want to move away from having policemen from our military to having policemen who are experts at reserving force for when it is necessary. I mean no discredit to our military and we do have some seriously bad guys here, but the majority of blacks in America don't need to be approached like they are the enemy.
  8. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    That is the message I received.
    So nutters cannot be part of blm?

    Slang for excrement.

    I don't understand what you mean.

    Not if the community doesn't want to trust them. its a two way street.

    police don't do that.

    Meanwhile in other cities they can't afford that luxury.

    That is kind of stupid. lunatics can be members of the peace corps and can know multiple languages.
    Lol, how are you an expert in that? That is a personality trait that anybody can posses it isn't a skill you can learn.
    That is really stupid, and that city is going to have a lot of dead police officers to deal with. If you approch a perpitrator like they are your buddy, you can easily get killed. You have to have your guard up.
  9. micfranklin

    micfranklin Banned

    Jun 13, 2009
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    I said black people aren't denying anyone their rights.

    Go to any political forum, news article comment section, web page, Facebook page, Twitter page, conservative news site or even the regular media and you'll find tons of examples of people making generalizations when it suits them. Hell, if you look on this forum here you can find several examples from some of our own posters.

    See above.

    That....was actually well stated there. Granted, some people blame others for shortcomings but the fact that people have and continue to use race as a way to judge someone still exists.

    What about innocent people wrongly accused? Not just blacks but people of ALL creeds in general.

    Not even apartheid support? A corrupt administration? Laying the groundwork for founding al-Qaeda? Letting the US debt grow immensely?

    The Tamir Rice shooting, no indictment or charges brought on the officers even though the shooting was on video.

    For hardened criminals, yeah. For a 12-year old in the park, as mentioned above, or a guy running or not even resisting....not so much.

    Examples are hard because it's historically been that way. Putting aside slavery, Jim Crow and Reconstruction you still have basic segregation that wasn't outlawed until that time. Black people had the right to vote but had extra obstacles like poll taxes and grandfather clauses, "Colored People" designated areas.

    Of course if we're talking current, there's blacks being near or at the bottom in terms of the income gap, wealth and poverty, arguments that blacks have the lowest IQ, etc.
  10. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    I don't think anybody is denying black people their rights.
    The media? You think people are represented by the media? I belong to a group that people in the media say some nasty things about. But I am not going to make the assumption that these people speak for anybody but themselves.
    Good, I didn't want it to be taken wrong. I get judged by my height, hair length, skin color, sex, shoe size, and everything. People are going to judge others on their appearance. You can't do anything about that.
    That is a flaw in our justice system I already agreed that it is broken.
    Can't really blame him for Al Qaeda. The reduction of nuclear arms, Cutting taxes, The progress he made with the U.S.S.R. When you weigh the good with the bad he still was a success, more so than any of his predecessors.
    He had a gun in his hand.
    Again Tamir had a gun in his hand. It was a pellet gun, but you can't know that. If the officer had hesitated he could have been killed. Being 12 doesn't equate to not able to posses or fire a gun.

    Also running is resisting arrest. But it is illegal to gun down people for running away.
    No they are not. I can think of two groups who were inferior in my lifetime and it's very easy to give examples.
    1964, that was 52 years ago. I have a hard time believing anybody under 60 years of age has faced much of this.
    In those areas i believe black people were treated as inferior. People that weren't in those areas, no. You can think it's unjust and racist, I agree, It should have been and was ended. So that isn't an issue.
    I don't believe for a second that black people have lower IQs in fact in college my mathematics professors were all black men. One of which lived in extreme poverty in baton rouge, never knew his father, his mother was in and out of jail. he was one of my favorite professors. Poverty is debilitating, I have been there, but you can get out of it.
  11. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    The country racially discriminates against whites via affirmative action, and police are more likely to kill whites than blacks after adjusting for felonious homicide of police officers.
  12. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    White officers are less likely to shoot blacks than black officers, and blacks are less likely to be shot after adjusting for felonious murder of police officers.
  13. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    You can't take the word of everyone who happens to be at a protest as the spokesman for the group - regardless of what the press would have you believe.

    Yes, I believe many cities are trying to do policing on the cheap - less training, less attractive job definitions (salary, etc.). They need more of our support.

    Your comment on the Peace Corps makes no sense. All police departments screen out "lunatics". "You have to have your guard up" is certainly true, but you don't have to have your gun pointed at a guy you find lying on the ground with his hands in the air.
  14. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    I haven't said anything about color of police officers

    I've said that our police forces have to have the confidence and trust of the populations they police.

    And, right now there are a lot of places where the police force is failing at that.
  15. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    Isn't it the responsibility of blm to get their point across? What in the hell is the protest for if not that?

    I worked as a police officer in my city, actually for my county. I went to academy graduated with 97 out of 100, and served at one of the constables here in my town. I did it on a voulenteer basis, i couldn't get paid, they didn't have the money.

    What do you know about it?
  16. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    BLM took a rather direct approach to that - they picked a name that IS their point. And, no, it's not their job to try to identify and eject everyone who doesn't fully and purely agree with them.

    The problem in Ferguson, Missouri probably didn't come from guys policing their own community. Also, the fact of problematic forces doesn't mean all forces are problematic. But, there IS a problem.

    I'm a pasty white guy who never gets bothered by policemen. So, my experience is limited. But, I have friends including policemen, have taught and attended meetings inside a state pen, etc. What hits me most about the policeman I know best is that they are strapped to the point where any officer being sick or having time off can mean he must work extra hours. He has missed classes (unrelated to policing) for reasons such as having to babysit a body - simply because staffing is that tight in both the police and in forensics, etc. He's married and has a kid.
  17. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    That is horse (*)(*)(*)(*). Nobody is saying that book peoples lives don't matter.

    I set nothing about ejecting anybody. You really need to pay attention to what is written.

    No, the problem was when a police officer was justified in using deadly force, raciest ass clowns got upset because the perpetrator died.

    That probably has a lot more to do with you not committing crimes and the company you keep than it has to do with your skin color.

    I am married with a kid. I did it for nothing. I was hoping to get into a paid position but my family needed money. So i quit.
  18. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    I think shooting black kids and getting off free is a fairly strong object lesson in whether their lives mattered.

    No, this is not over one event. There have been numerous events this year. Plus, there are the events that don't have enough documentation to make the press, but ARE experienced by citizens every day.

    The guy laying on his back with his hands in the air was a professional working with a mentally ill patient. Plus, there are those who were shot in the back, or shot while sitting in their car, or whatever.

    This IS a serious problem. You are really just suggesting we ignore it, and that hits me as pathetic - this problem isn't going to go away by guys like you telling the black population of America that the problem doesn't exist.
  19. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    Once again police don't get off free if the shooting isn't justified. The example you gave the shooting was justified.

    I don't know what on earth this has to do with my psot.


    It doesn't. The only real problem Is your and others preocupation with race. When you stop feeding it, the problem will go away. It only exists in your mind.
  20. Matt84

    Matt84 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2015
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    Republicans sure do believe it when it comes to blacks committing crimes. One black criminal=all blacks are criminals.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Make google your friend.
  21. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Let's think about something very carefully. The problem is there was something that was abolished one and a half centuries ago? That's not a problem. It is just an excuse. An excuse for bad behavior. That's all.
  22. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    That's just stupid.
    I have googled some of these incidents in most cases the shootings are justified. in cases where they aren't the officer doesn't get off.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Agreed, anybody that would have effected would have died decades ago.
  23. micfranklin

    micfranklin Banned

    Jun 13, 2009
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    Media is a powerful tool and like I said, even here you'll see people generalize the hell out of someone when they're a minority but not do the same when its a white person.

    Success is subjective here and considering his other foreign policy ideas, I'm not a big fan, so we'll have to agree to disagree.

    The cop pulled up in his car and shot him without even thinking about it. Compared to many other white people who point guns or threaten cops and don't even get physically harmed.

    Blacks aren't inferior but that hasn't stopped people throughout history from implying that or pressing that notion on others.

    See above, I don't think that blacks have lower IQs either but some racists don't have a problem finding and skewering info and throwing it out to try and prove a point.
  24. Polydectes

    Polydectes Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2010
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    Sorry, i see way more generalization of white people than anything else.

    I would consider the cold war ending a major success. But very well, we can agree to disagree.

    How do you know what the police officer was thinking?

    Plenty do though.

    Half a century ago perhaps.

    How do racists do that?
  25. buckwalder

    buckwalder Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2016
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    A certain latitude has been given to those who complain about something that ended over 150 years ago.
    That latitude has opened up a huge can of worms.
    The respect for those who take advantage of said latitude is falling on increasing numbers of deaf ears.
    If these people need the dumbest of white guilt liberals while hating them at the same time.
    Why don't they just move back to the country of their origin and teach us all a lesson.
    Issis to this day, enslaves blacks.
    Hillary wants to increase the Syrian refugee intake by 500%
    Jeze, if I where black with the average IQ of a black man I , might want to get on the next boat back to Africa. I hear cows provide a great shower and sometimes a plane will drop rice food.
    If I where a black guy taking advantage of the average idiot white liberal....I would stay in the US.
    So, with that said, how long should the thinking white man feel guilty?

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