I think it's a perfect example of how ignorant and gullible some Americans are, even those going to the universities (Yale in this case, famous for its law school among other things). Too bad the point is lost on you. That's nice but neither of these 2 examples have anything to do with Australian media and this is strictly about Americans. Says the guy who was so easily sold by the US government and its puppet media propaganda machine on the 9/11 fairy tale. Talk about being manipulated, you are a poster child for one who has been so thoroughly manipulated. You have yet to get into a discussion on even one single question about it despite your alleged list.
I'm fascinated by this phenomenon. After a mere thirteen years people have conflated the two subjects, yet the invasion of Iraq is unrelated as you are aware. It is amazing to watch legends being created in such a short period of time. I remember that Zarqawi was holed up in Iraq, and he was a member of AQ, but the information regarding his movements were 'icing on the propaganda cake'. It was fairly superficial at the time and it astounds me that people can take a leap of logic and attribute the invasion to 9/11. Utter nonsense and ignorant claptrap, but then, 9/11 truth aren't actually interested in the facts.
911 was needed to scare the heck out of everybody. Frightened humans are very easy to manipulate. Frightened humans are easily taken to war. Most modern americans use the airlines, and making it look like airliners were hijacked frightens the average American. It makes them think they NEED a new bureaucracy like Homeland Security.