This thread was inspired by the following quote: It seems a large part of the conspiracy theory around 9/11 is the total ignorance of just how vast and complicated this event was. So who had the means and motive. Let me give you all a history lesson. In 1993 a terrorist by the name of Ramzi Yousef carried out an attack in the basements of the World Trade Center in New York with the aim of knocking one tower into the other, and causing them both to collapse, killing tens of thousands of people. In 1994, the same terrorist exploded a liquid bomb on board a 747, Philippine Airlines Flight 434 for a test as part of preparation of the Bojinka Plot. The plot was to involve the bombing of 12 airliners flying from Asia to the United States, with the intention of killing up to 4,000 people. The plot was a joint operation between Ramzi Yousef, and his uncle Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The plot was disrupted, Ramzi Yousef was arrested, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed moved to Qatar to work on a new plot, the "planes operation". In 1996 a new group began to make itself known in the world, al Qaeda, lead by a rich Saudi Arabian named Osama bin Laden. Having spent years calling the Muslim world against the staging of US troops on Saudi 'Holy Land', al Qaeda carried out an attack on the Khobar Towers killing 19 US service men and injuring almost 400 people. In February 1998, Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri co-signed a fatwa in the name of the World Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders, which declared the killing of North Americans and their allies. Their first call of action was the simultaneous bombings of US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya. In late 1998, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was summoned by Osama bin Laden to permit, fund, and put plans in motion for the "planes operation" against the United States. Two al Qaeda operatives, Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar were sent to flight schools inside the US, however lacked the 'natural ability' to pilot an aircraft, and failed at progressing any further than basic training. They were replaced as pilots for the final plot. Around the same time, several young Arabs had met as university students in the German city of Hamburg. Four of these Arabs, Mohamed Atta, Ramzi bin al-Shibh, Marwan al-Shehhi and Ziad Jarrah, took on a radical fundamental version of Islam. They watched radical Islamic material through the internet from their apartment, and pledged themselves to a mission against the United States. These men became known as the Hamburg Cell, and became the principle front line in the "planes operation". Furthering their pledge to wage war against the west, they travelled to Kandahar in 1998, met with Osama bin Laden, and were immediately assigned to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's plot. In 2000, the three of the men arrived in the US to begin flight training. They were joined by a fourth man, Hani Hanjour, who had been flight training in the US since 1997 and was involved in the plot seeing as Ramzi bin al-Shibh was denied a visa, and had remained behind to liaison between the Hamburg Cell and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, as well as wire transfer large sums of money to the remainder of the Hamburg Cell inside the US, as well as other potential operatives, including Zacarias Moussaoui. Most the men trained in different flight schools, all attaining commercial pilot licences, command multi-engine instrument endorsements, and experience in large jet 737 simulators. In preparation, they embarked on multiple trans-continental flights, learning such knowledge as how soon the seatbelt light would be turned off, what flight paths certain flights took, landmarks and features, which flights had peak passenger loads and which had little, and other important information. They also hired small aircrafts and took flights around the east coast of the United States to familiarise themselves with the area. In the meantime, al Qaeda continued its operations internationally. In October 2000 they bombed the USS Cole in Yemen, killing 17 sailors and injuring dozens. They also continued to keep US intelligence eyes looking elsewhere by planning attacks such as the 2000 Millennium Attack Plots. Once preparation was completed, the date for the attack was decided, and the muscle hijackers arrived on several flights under the pretence of "wedding guests". On the morning of September 11, 2001, the 19 men, lead by 4 pilots, boarded and hijacked 4 trans-continental flights, and flew them into targets in New York and Washington in what became known as the September 11 Terrorist Attacks. The total death toll was almost 3,000. Ramzi bin al-shibh and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed were arrested and confessed to their involvement and planning. Osama bin Laden claimed responsibility in 2004. The list of attacks by al Qaeda before and after 9/11 go on. In late 2001, Richard Reid, a self proclaims al Qaeda member, attempted to bring down an airliner in the US by exploding bombs hidden in his shoes. The plot was failed because the bombs failed to exploded. He was restrained by the passengers once they realised what he was attempting. In 2002 over 200 people were killed during the Bali Bombings. In 2004, 191 people were killed and over 2,000 injured when al Qaeda attacked a train station in Madrid. In 2005, 56 people died and 700 injured during the July 7 London Bombings. In 2006 the 2006 Transatlantic Aircraft Plot was disrupted, but if successful would have bought down 10 airliners and killed thousands. The list goes on and on. For more information, aside from the dozens of links provided, I would recommend the two following documentaries: The Secret History of 9/11 - A look at the decade long war of intelligence and espionage between al Qeada and the US. [video=youtube;MVh9WgGxuIY][/video] 9/11 Inside The Hamburg Cell [video=youtube;xgLwu2FhfDM][/video] From all angles, al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and the Hamburg Cell, had the means, the motive, and the opportunity. This is history. This is fact. Nothing conspiracy theorists claim even stands up close to the true history of these attacks.
Some things that never mentioned To supply a building like that electricity has to come in at 400 to 600 volts and then be stepped down I know for fact That when shorted out 600 volts Sounds just like a the explosion Did the buildings have boilers If so what floor where they on A boiler explosion can easily Level of a city block There could still be any number of other things in the buildings that would explode When the planes hit Explaining the explosions people heard after the plans hit
First off, what we are discussing here is not so much the history of the middle-east conflict and what led up to 9/11 as we are WHAT happened on 9/11 and WHO was responsible. I am aware of the enmity that exists between Israel and it's neighbors. I am also aware of the fact that down through the years numerous hijackings, bombings, and "terrorist" attacks have been carried out, not only by Muslim extremists but other politically and/or religiously motivated groups including Israel. But thank you anyway for admitting that the 9/11 attacks stemmed from Israeli policies concerning the occupation of the "Holy Land", and the unconditional support of these policies by US, as a result of the middle east conflicts. This is more than the mainstream media was willing to admit after 9/11. Anyone who suggested that those attacks may have been motivated by US policies with regard to Israel was promptly labeled as an anti-Semite. There has never been any doubt in my mind that Christianity (or the facsimile of it) which is prevalent in the US does not mix with Islam, the two being contrary to the other in a way which makes each suspicious of the other. But knowing that has never deterred the Jewish lobby from campaigning for the immigration reform which opened up the US to this kind of conflict. They did the same thing in Europe by the way. A lesser known fact is the conflict which exists between Christianity and Judaism (in all it's forms). The total incompatibility between the two is obscured by the public relations campaign which US Jewry performs on "Christian" Zionists in order to gain political and financial support. This snow job would not be possible if these mislead "Christians" would learn to read scriptures in the context in which they are written and get their HISTORY straight as to WHO these people are which are claiming to be descendents of Abraham. Where I do not deny the acts of violence which some Muslims have carried out in the name of politics, Allah, defense of Palestine, retribution, or whatever other reasons they may have, I also recognize that there are no demographic boundaries which isolate people who would commit violence for any number reasons. In other words, the ability to commit violence is not confined to a particular race, nationality, or people. Murders, thefts, and the practice of lying is universally observed without respect to any of mans means of categorization. Only a Jewish SUPREMACIST or a liar would deny that Israelis or Jews in general are incapable of such. That isn't to say that a particular group of people which is shaped by certain teachings or cultural influences could never be characterized by tendencies in behavior which mirror those influences. In fact I would argue that overall the predominant ways in which people are encouraged to behave DO have an impact on those statistics. This is why I am an advocate for "Christian" influence despite the cases in which the true essence of it fails to manifest itself in the behavior of select individuals. Despite the ever present hypocrites and those who reject Christian doctrine altogether, the society which acknowledges them allows for those standards to enter into society in general. The recognition of those codes of conduct serves as a means of helping to govern human behavior through the process of social constraints even in the absence of genuine belief or internal motivation. One only needs to make a comparative study of Christianity to Judaism in order to realize that Judaism is an "exclusive", Supremacist, religion which encourages discrimination and bigotry under a cloak of moral superiority. So when you speak of people who commit acts of violence, it should be remembered that they ALL justify what they do in one way or another. Israelis justify the harsh and inhumane treatment of it's perceived enemies as much as anyone else. And this justification of mistreatment of outsiders does not need to be carried to the extreme of murder. It can manifest itself in something as mundane as unethical treatment or as subtle but dubious business practices. This is why, generally speaking I do not want to be governed, much less dictated to, by Jews or their Zionist helpers. Therefore it is not hard for me to imagine why the Muslims would likewise resent the heavy handed treatment they no doubt receive at the hands of the Israeli conquistadors. I have said all this to make it clear that I am neither a Muslim, nor do I condone violence as the first course of action in settling conflicts of interest. But let's not oversimplify the dynamics of history or the present situation by trying to lay the entire balance of blame at the feet of one party or the other, shall we? The well known habit of Muslim extremists to draw attention to themselves through hijacking planes and so forth played into the hands of those who decided to use that reputation against those who earned it. The question is whether the decision to use that image to turn the tables on those people by the means in which 9/11 was carried out was justified or not. Anyone who believes as I do, that the haphazard murder of civilians is morally wrong, could never justify that action morally on the grounds of political expediency. One might attempt to justify homicide based on the argument that "people die every day in droves" or "we all have to go some time 'cause we all die anyway". But the fact remains that according to not only Christianity but most religious and ideological systems, murder is prohibited. Why God forbids it while death and disease reign anyway is not entirely clear to me. The order still stands. Some people however believe that "the ends justify the means". This is exactly the kind of Machiavellian principle which typifies the teachings of the Talmud and coincidentally the philosophy of preemptive warfare as espoused in Neo-Con doctrine. One cannot expect to win friends and influence people in the world with this kind of philosophy. It cannot be argued that the attacks which were carried out by the US in the name of 9/11 were self defense or even justifiable homicide. Why? Because we were LIED TO about WMDs and the threat of nuclear or biological/chemical extermination at the hands people who had nothing to do with 9/11! While I consider the deaths of Israelis due to stray rockets and suicide bombers as tragic, I find the phosphorus bombing of Palestinian children equally lamentable. And it is not the prerogative of our "elected" officials to take it upon themselves to make the types of moral judgements which lead to these events alone. In fact, that prerogative DOES NOT BELONG to KING OBMAMA either, and least of all to the UNELECTED Zionist Sayanim and Jewish SUPREMACISTS who handle him. Now that you understand where I'm coming from, you can show me the PROOF you have that the Arabs alleged to have committed the crime of 9/11 actually did. I'll settle for the 10 out of the 19 they finally settled on after the remainder were found alive. While you are at it you can show me the PROOF that Osama Bin Laden was responsible as well and explain to me why no one in the US government, including and especially those in the 9/11 commission thought the matter was important enough to pursue to its conclusion or reveal to the public after the acts were used as a pretext for TRILLION DOLLAR wars and hundreds of thousands of deaths. It might be helpful for you to consider for a moment where this world is headed when everyone is finally convinced that life is that cheap and what it will be like. Maybe you are expecting that your "Chosen" status" will make you exempt from all the trouble that is bound to accompany a world chocked full of people who believe religiously that lying, cheating, stealing, and even murder are acceptable ways to do business. Maybe the reason so many of "Judaism's" atheist and Secular Humanist compatriots are so eager to drive the last nail in the coffin of Christianity is because the are seeking a socially granted license to do as they please such as the one they have already granted themselves. If you think that it is unfair of me to cast aspersions on the entire rank and file of the Kosher cabal, then perhaps they should reconsider the value of exercising their tribal instinct in defense of "Russian" mob activities every time someone shines a light on one of them.
You can find 'proof' by clicking the links in the opening post. Pro tip, none of the 19 are alive, that's why they call it a "suicide mission".
[video][/video] [video=youtube;WC9KZ2Yy5g4][/video]
Your source is wrong. All of the hijackers died. Unless you care to provide me with an interview with one of them? Oh, by the way your video is totally wrong. That map is not accurate. There are no radar gaps over that area of the United States. All flights were in radar coverage the entire time.
another debunker wasteland cute story no evidence. yeh and his attorney has all the files proving the fbi gave him the explosive materials. keep trying so hard to blame a bunch of cave men. I suppose your conspiracy theory doesnt include the US paying the binladen company to building several building over the course of the upcoming years just another inconvenience dablunderers overlook
Youskys keep asking for proof but never provide any yourself. It's not enough for you to just say what you believe and have everyone accept it as the gospel truth. I have provided links and sources for everything I've said whether you believe them or not. In a couple of instances the sources have been listed right there in front of your faces and you still say, "No sources." If you believe those sources are in error or made up, then who is to say that anything the DeBunkers put up isn't as well? So far all we have is your word. I could even provide information supplied from DeBunker sources themselves, which I have occasionally, and you deny THAT as well! The 9/11 Commission was a farce from the word go. We have some of them saying so themselves. WHY, pray tell, would everyone from Bush on down have to LIE about so many things if no one had anything to hide? We keep getting handed that excuse for all the government sponsored voyeurism that the Jewish communications industry is performing on us. "You shouldn't care if you don't have anything to hide." Yet these people "classify" everything they do to prevent the public from knowing what THEY are doing. So tell me, what do THEY have to hide? If you said that Bush was a boob I might believe that, but this business about incompetence covering everyone from the intelligence agencies to NORAD just doesn't stack up. There are a thousand pieces of information available taken from the propaganda ministerium itself that all point to COVER UP. Are you seriously trying to get everyone out there to believe that ALL these reports were just "errors", misunderstandings, and stuff made up? You insult there intelligence if you do. And they are fools if they believe you. The "conspiracy nuts" couldn't possibly make all this stuff up. First of there's no reason why they should. Most of all, doing so would require a conspiracy that would dwarf the one to demolish the buildings. You are trying to convince everyone that a small band of Arabs could only do what you insist was impossible for people with the all the resources available to the US and Israel. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a bald faced liar. And no, I don't like lying Jews either.
How many transformers and boilers were on the floors which were impacted? How many transformers and boilers were in the rest of the building? How did the fires on the floors of impact manage to blow up all these boilers and transformers on those other floors?
My post contains 31 links and sources, but you claim "no sources". Cute. If you think the hijackers are alive, then show me an interview with just one of them. Any one, I'm sure they're celebrities for defying death.
Depends on how many electrical service rooms there were on the floors,the oil filled transformers come in many sizes,and don't react well when exposed to fire
read my post Once more The first thing I say is Some things that never mentioned Maybe you missed that Since the fact was never mentioned or considered Why would you ask for an explanation of what was in the building
" "Who had the means, motive, and opportunity" to carry out 9/11?" anyone that had the funds to train a few men to fly a plane, not land or take off, just fly - the planes were free
Pardon me. I thought you were about to tell us how these items managed to blow up everywhere else in the building except the floors where the planes crashed. You do know how many of each there were and where they were located don't you? Or maybe this is more "classified" information. Isn't it astounding how the failure of a single column can lead to the collapse of an entire building? I mean, it has to doesn't it? It's sort of like a row of dominoes. You knock one of them down and the down come the rest.
Why of course. It's a cinch. As long as your not a bunch of militant Muslims who have been seen going around making it known how they were going to make the infidels pay, while they snort coke and party with Jack Abramof Maybe they got their money from Abramoff. He had mob ties didn't he? Don't tell me. This story which originated from the associated press was just another "myth". Right? Youskys know all about myths don't you? Ain't that a hoot? .... Putting a "dual Israeli" citizen in charge of the 9/11 Commission and then assigning another "dual Israeli" citizen in charge of the DHS!! I mean, how can you go wrong? It isn't as though these any of these people have been busted stealing US defense plans or technology and then selling it to Russia and China. After all, they're our "best friends". How could they not be? They love American money, real estate, a sexy Shicksa hoes. They love sending her young men off to fight for Israel too. What's not to like about them. And we non-Jews get an added bonus. After they get their headquarters set up in New Jerusalem, they are going to allow us all to serve them hand and foot. And in exchange they will dispense to us their wisdom by telling us all what to do. And that wonderful? Ah , the Jews, such generous and kind hearted people!
Whoops! Did I forget to mention how easy it is to hijack planes and fly them around in US air space without our incompetent Air-Force catchin' on? Then you could just swoop right over and fly into the Pentagon without anyone noticing. I'm surprised the Russians didn't learn of this earlier. It sort of makes all those cold war reconnaissance missions seem hardly worth the cost doesn't it? Come to think of it, we could save a lot of money if we just grounded all these fly boys who are supposed to be defending US air-space. It costs a lot of money to fly those things and some of that wasted fuel could go towards King Yomamma's next vacation. The man deserves a break for the outstanding job he's doing, (for greater Zion). - - - Updated - - - You are the laziest disinformation agent I have ever ran into.
You mean, stop interrupting your disinformation campaign and making you look bad. Tsk tsk. I would have thought that you would have wanted the good folks out there to hear all sides to this story. I'm just helping youskys to earn your pay.
What? I'm a bigot because Zionist mobsters were behind the controlled demolitions of the WTC towers? There are no greater bigots than Jewish Supremacists. By definition, that would make YOUskys the bigots since the only opinions you tolerate are those which discredit the truth movement and your own.
You're a bigot because you are trying to justify a pre-existing jew hating prejudice by making up fantasy about a terrorist attack and trying to pin it on the very race of people you just happen to hate viciously. How convenient for you.
I assure you that any enmity I feel for Jews in general grew from experience with them. What I learned was that a great many of them had a "preexisting hatred" for me as a white non-Jewish male. If this wasn't so, then they would not be doing their damnedest to drive as many of us as far down as they can get us to go and relishing every minute of it. So don't hand me that crap about ME "hating". It is Jewish Supremacism, and the Jewish eschatology of a "Mashianic Age" which lies at the heart of the entire mess. If you people were so dead set on having to own the entire world then you'd realize that there's nothing "Holy" about a piece of desert real estate and learn to share it like you demand everyone else to with what they have. It is the Zionist ambition which started the whole fiasco which led up to 9/11. And it is the Zionist ambition which perpetuates the never ending conflict. If I hadn't become personally acquainted with the tactics they use in the US I might be more sympathetic with those in Israel. They can thank the hubris of their US brethren for whatever sympathy I have developed for the countries surrounding Israel. Insofar as I am not a Muslim and never will be, I'll never be a Jew either.