Just to put this conspiracy theory in perspective, a list was created by Mark Roberts detailing exactly who would have to be involved, and remain silent, for this inside job theory to have happened without any leaks, whistle-blowers, and with unwavering collusion. Makes you see just how vastly impossible this silly conspiracy theory really is. So I put it to the resident truthers here at PF, with this list in front of you, how is it that all these thousands of people were colluded into killing thousands of their own citizens?
There is crushing proof that it was an inside job. (post #3) http://www.politicalforum.com/showthread.php?t=348380&p=1063729867#post1063729867 That list doesn't make this proof go away. Some witnesses did die mysteriously. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=9/11+witnesses+mysterious+deaths The press wouldn't report the testimony of a whistle-blower if one were to try to come forward. Do a YouTube search on "Chomsky media".
thats a really kool list from some who obviously has little understanding how these operations work. the official story has no hard evidence and is flawed to the extent of impossible on literally ever point. Your post is patently ridiculous without posting precisely how each played a part outside simply doing their job, if at all. The best way to understand though it seems to escape debunkers, is to watch a few mafia documentaries on how the mafia operates. A good start is to watch this guy who was privy to the 400 tons of files kept at hoover. Best way for debunkers to understand is to educate themselves. Unfortunately this requires some deduction and does not spell out every detail verbatim, however it does answer the majority of the questions and combine that with the mafioso operations and it will all nicely fit together. [video=youtube;6gC-BpFmQkw]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gC-BpFmQkw[/video] [video=youtube;xSVWXmZB1wc]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSVWXmZB1wc[/video]
The excuses are hilarious. Bare in mind this is for a conventional 'inside job' theory. For no planers, roughly double the size of the list. There is no way to control all those thousands of people. How would you even recruit them with?
thats absurd its so freakin easy to control people its ridiculous. if the object was to get people to run into hiding a GLARING example of how easy it is to accomplish that would be if you heard on the news that russia was on its way with bombers filled with nukes everyone would run for cover. someone screaming fire in a crowded theater every one clears out. so simple to control people when you understand which buttons to push. no recruits are required lol
Yes, they are hilarious. I like the stupid claim that people are easy to control. Yeah right. CJ, I c & p the list for another thread on another site, and I hope you don't mind (I have also been linking to your blog).
That is quite a list. But it will not convince any of the conspiracy theorist. Personally, I think they should stick with who shot JFK, at least there is more questions about it than 9-11.
what do you think it should convince someone of? Its just a list, nothing more. I could take a page out of a telephone book and it would have equal meaning.
see my comment about how incredibly easy people are to control made you post: I like the stupid claim that people are easy to control. Yeah right. How hard was that?
The amount of people who that it would take to cover something like this up is humongous. If there is anything to the conspiracy theory as you and others suggest it will come out in time. One can't keep thousands and thousands of people quiet forever unless one puts them under the dirt. I think you give the government way too much credit in being able to silence people. I do not care how many non-disclosure agreements are signed for any particular reason, sooner or later someone gets the itch to tell their story. I know.
You're welcome to it Blues63 People are not easy to control for long periods. Sure if you walked into a crowded room and yelled 'bomb' everyone would run, but when no bomb goes off there are going to be a lot of questions asking. But that isn't even an apt comparison for 9/11. Basically "they" would have needed to approach every single organisation, and every person within, and tell that their plan, and how they were to fit into it. And these people just complied?? If the government was this good at keeping people compliant, how the hell are richard gage, alex jones, dylan avery, kevin barrett and david ray griffin still alive???
we arent done yet. if you yell bomb in a theater a 2nd and 3rd and 4th time I assure you that even with the same group of people they will all evacuate just like the did the very first time. It never wears out. no that is extremely short sighted and proves to me you have no idea how the mafia and government ops works. I told you what to study to understand it, I cant study for you.
Again you also need to study how the mafia and government ops work. You seem to have the incorrect notion that this is all hidden when its not. Its right out in everyones faces. The removal of the steel for instance before it can be adequately examined is a crime, nope no one hid it, they just did it and simply did not prosecute the perps. Failure to even check for explosives, in the open, not prosecuted. NIST Lying about molten metal despite hundreds of witnesses, again right out in the open no one is prosecuted. Welcome to life behind the iron curtain.
Repeating at daily/weekly/monthly intervals that "proof" is "crushing" does not make it so. So now Chomsky's in on it? Add him to the list!
Questions, but nothing that implies anyone but Oswald took the shot. Yes, he had a circle of fringe political "friends" who may have agreed with Oswald politically, but even they thought he was a joke. And the "magic bullet" has been debunked thoroughly. Hint: you have to know the presidential limousine was modified explicitly for the parade. All the conspiracy theories assume the limousine's regular seat placement. But much like 9/11, JFK CTs , there is a lack of "due diligence" on points of research. OTOH Oliver Stone made the same mistake. meh. (should probably move this to the JFK section)
Yep. The jump seat. I think there is no doubt that Oswald shot JFK. But one must admit the government kept a lot of things classified concerning the assassination. This in turn probably lead to a lot of the conspiracy theories. I also think that a lot of the research done since JFK assassination has debunked a lot of the conspiracy theories. But was Oswald a dupe? Could there have been others involved behind Oswald? Questions yes.
Yes, it is definitely good to BEAR in mind that this list only applies to a "conventional" inside job theory (i.e. MIHOP). A "LIHOP" theory cuts most of the people off that list immediately.
You're trying to muddy the waters to confuse the viewers. Most of what Chomsky said here was before 9/11. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=&search_query=chomsky+media&aq=f Regarding Chomsky and 9/11, I think some goons from the government paid him a visit and made him an offer he couldn't refuse... The Shame of Noam Chomsky & left gatekeepers: Zwicker (#3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhrZ57XxYJU ...as he's no moron. He obviously doesn't believe what he's saying. Most truthers think he's a sleeper shill but I'd bet they got to him. Here's some more stuff about the American media. William Schaap & Louis Wolff - Air date: 07-13-98 https://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=ES&hl=es&v=Wi5h3vZl6uo William Schaap - Part 1/8 - The Media, CIA, FBI & Disinfo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbnxsPgcsH0 (8 parts) http://www.chomsky.info/articles/199710--.htm http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Media/media_watch.html http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Propaganda/Propaganda_page.html http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Media_control_propaganda/Media_Control.html http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/official_culture.htm http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Herman /Propaganda_System_One.html http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article41640.htm What we here about science is controlled too. At about the 30 minute mark of this video a scientist says that science fraud is common. Global Nuclear Coverup an interview with Leuren Moret http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buosgl6J3Kw Scientists at the Rand Corporation say that depleted uranium is safe. http://fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/docs/b04151999_bt170-99.htm There are other scientists who say the opposite. https://www.google.es/search?q=depleted uranium&tbs=vid:1&gws_rd=ssl It's clear that the government can find scientists willing to sell out and lie. Here's a scientists who say that it's impossible to get something published in a science journal if it goes against the official version. Origins of Man Bonus Evidence II Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bAE7FGdNmA (00:16 time mark) Here's another case of official mainstream journals publishing untrue information. Silent Epidemic; The Untold Story of Vaccines Movie dire http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1m3TjokVU4 (1:36:40 time mark) Coming forward would be downright dangerous. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=9/11+witnesses+mysterious+deaths We are lied to about history. http://www.politicalforum.com/history-past-politicians/371897-american-imperialism.html Basing any opinion on the official version of anything is just plain silly.
There is plenty of crushing proof that it was a "Made it Happen on Purpose" fact - not a theory. http://www.politicalforum.com/showthread.php?t=348380&p=1063729867#post1063729867