It's been awhile since I checked in. You still beatin your head against a wall arguing with these ignorant lunatics that keep lying saying they believe the official 9/11 story. Surely you've figured out by now they don't really belirve that B. S. either ,there just messin with ja. I mean really who could be that dumb !
They're paid sophists who know that 9/11 was an inside job as well as the truthers do. If a bunch of disinfo agents can just talk to each other in front of an audience that hasn't seen the proof, they can have some measure of success. They don't talk about the clearest proof. If they have to deal with the real issues, they have to say some pretty lame things to maintain their positions which exposes them as paid sophists. My objective isn't to convince them as they already know. This is a game in which the sophists and the truthers are both trying to sway the opinions of the viewers. If somebody didn't ask them real questions, a lot of the viewers who haven't seen the proof would be swayed by their sophistry. It doesn't take much time to post so it's really no trouble. I'm just trying to do my part in the truth movement.
All of that molten metal would have to be scientifically explainable by burning kerosene and offices. No one has done it because it cannot be done. That and BLD 7. Those are the two things that need to be concentrated on, and forget even addressing the twin tower. Narrow it down to what can really be given attention, by a real investigation. Of course the litter was trucked out without a detailed study, unlike most crime scenes. But in how many would have to keep this a secret, gov't keeps secrets all the time, otherwise they would not classify info that the public never sees. Those 28 pages that some same indicts the Saudis, has been kept classified by Obama even as a couple senators who read them, says they should be made public, that the American people need to know whats in them. If the Saudis did finance it, they was probably involvement by americans, in high places. It also is alleged that Cheney would not give the order to shoot down the plane that hit the pentagon, but did give the orders to shoot down 93. Given the environment that Cheney had set up for this period with the military exercises, how many people would really need to be involved? Not that list the person gave which is ludicrous. The amount of energy that has been exerted to keep a new investigation from taking place has been huge. Why not do a more expanded investigation, if for nothing else to show the people that our gov't can be trusted. For many no longer trust it. And for a damned good reason.
Your right, I keep forgetting there are millions of apathetic gullible people that are totally oblivious that the official story has ever been challenged and is totally false ! I glad you have the intestinal fortitude to keep on exposing the truth !
Well,this is an interesting bit of a butt kissing contest....We 'Apathetic,gullible' people have been waiting over 14 years now for you silly truthers to all agree on one version of your' truth',as you lie,obbsfuscate and generally put words in our mouths to things we've never claimed. Really,try to do better.....this is embarrassing.
The existence of molten steel has not been confirmed, and the fires were sufficient to produce molten aluminium, copper from wiring etc. And there are no mysteries to the collapse of building 7. Disproven. Of course the list is ludicrous, but these are the agencies that have been implicated by 9/11 truth. Do you think it was just invented? There is no evidence to support a new investigation, and furthermore, the only way 9/11 truth would accept a new investigation is if the panel was staffed with Gage and his cronies, and that the result suited truther confirmation bias. Even then, 9/11 truth would factionalise over the decision as it wouldn't suit the 'no-planers' or those who believe in nukes or whatever.
This is the trouble with concentrating on conspiracies instead of physics. The simple things that might resolve the issue get ignored while crap that people get emotional about get attention. How much mass was involved in the JFK assassination? For the hell of it say it was 10 tons. The car was probably less than 3 tons. How much mass was involved in 9/11? Just in New York it was 2 airliners at 150 tons each. Two skyscrapers at least 400,000 tons each, some say 500,000 tons each. So 9/11 had more than 4 orders of magnitude more mass than the JFK issue. So demand the "experts" solve the physics of supposed collapses and forget the conspiracy crap. Engineering schools fail to notice that the NIST never specified the total amount of concrete in the towers in 10,000 pages. Curious that! psik
First of all very few people would know everything It's called compartimization .People keep saying if 9/11 and other terrorist attacks are inside jobs why doesn't someone come forward, like Ted Gunderson ,FBI Chief in California was reportedly poisoned ,Colleen Rowly, Robert Wright , and Sybil Edmonds have come forward and they are portrayed as kooks and no one believes them. If you were handed all the pertinent information about 9/11 proving beyond a shadow of a doubt it was planned and perpetrated by our own Government. Who would you tell and who would believe you and what if upon receiving this information you were told if you tell anyone you and every member of your family would be killed or at the very least you would be ruined financially and your reputation would be destroyed. Would you be a little hesitant in revealing what you know ! You people that believe the Government can't keep secrets are naive beyond all comprehension !
There are you tube videos where the metal that was molten was tested, and it wasn't aluminum nor copper. Not that you would believe it, for its hard to change a made up mind. I never gave any credence to the inside job until recently. Just too many coincidences involved for the official story to be true. I think it was probably a conspiracy financed by the Saudis with knowledge of it by Cheney, and the other Neo Cons who needed to get their New American Century kicked off. As Wesley Clark revealed shortly after 9-11, after taking to a military officer in the white house. The officer gave clark a list of the middle eastern countries to be taken out, and some African countries as well. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Sudan and Iran were some of them. We kept our work on the atom bomb secret for years with no problem. Not as hard as some think to keep secrets especially when those secrets will get the perps executed. There was a plan to assassinate FDR and commit a coup, by a group of powerful rich elites, but when they approached Gen Smedley Butler to join them, he went before congress and ratted them out. So if not for that one man, FDR would have been killed, and a coup committed. So don't say this is not possible to pull off.
Really? Can you post a link to one of those videos? Or is this one of those things where you say they were there, but someone removed them? I also see that you didn't say that the metal was steel either. What was the molten metal?
I think that any contributor to the NIST report that read this post would know immediately that you have no idea what the heck you're talking about. The concrete in the towers was not structural. It didn't hold itself up in the air. It had to be held in place. What's important is the force required to break the support and structure that held the concrete used in the towers in place. So the NIST report didn't specify the total mass of concrete for the same reason they didn't specify the total number of staplers. It's irrelevant. And by the way, have you actually read the report yet, or is this repeated claim still based on your attempt to use a search string?
You mean to tell me you can't figure out and approximation on your own? Also, why does it matter? What if you used 400,000 tons of concrete? Do you have a point?
Why are you harping on the absence of the amount of concrete in the towers? Why do you need that information? What point are you trying to make? If you need to know, you can estimate it like everyone else has.
No need for inaccurate false projections thanks, for that is just veiled ad hominem and if you keep up that (*)(*)(*)(*) I will ignore you. Provide the video and let me examine its credibility and accuracy for myself. If truthers spent as much time on providing sources as they do on inventing attacks, this subject might actually move forward a little.
Perhaps because a legitimate representation of the building materials used for the Towers could give us a better understanding of how such enormous buildings failed so spectacularly on 9/11 while looking exactly like controlled demolitions, which ironically, was said by MSM field reporters on live television that day across the networks and local NYC stations too.
OK, time for a big confession. I do not believe a larger conspiracy was involved on 9-11. And its a valid reason. In order for this to happen, this would mean it would require a tremendous amount of competence from the kingpin. Dick Cheney. And honestly folks, the man isn't competent enough to pull it off. It would be like Bozo the clown being given the responsibility of running the circus. For if you just look at the incompetence involved in Iraq once the shock and awe was over, this proves that the Bush Admin was totally inept and incompetent, and such ineptness would have made it impossible for them to be involved in some conspiracy on 9-11. For if they were involved, we would have known it the very next day, with no doubt whatsoever. Of course bld 7 is still a mystery, but remember, those attackers had Allah on their side, so that would explain that building looking like a controlled demo job, caused by office fires, which you will never ever see again in world history, unless Allah gets pissed off at us again.