Who won the debate?

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Deno, Sep 26, 2016.

  1. ArmySoldier

    ArmySoldier Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 11, 2014
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    America lost in 2012. Had to have 4 more years of the apology in chief.
  2. The Mello Guy

    The Mello Guy Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    He ran too early, he'd beat Hillary by 10 points
  3. ArmySoldier

    ArmySoldier Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 11, 2014
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    I do believe he would
  4. monkrules

    monkrules Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2016
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    No, my statements are my own. I don’t read Politico, and I don’t have to copy and paste the thoughts of others. On the other hand, your points DO sound like the same tired talking points used forever by far right wing hacks. Hate radio, anyone?

    In truth, I’ve struggled for months, trying to find something positive in either of our presidential candidates. I even considered not voting - but that is not an option. Here’s the way I see it:

    I think Trump is a wannabe ‘tough guy,’ very much like that little flake, Justin Bieber, who always acts tough because he’s backed up by some huge bodyguards. I think both of them are wimps, with big mouths. Putin would eat Trump for lunch. Another big factor against Trump is that he’s full of opinions and talking points, but he NEVER backs them up with any kind of solid thinking, no logical plan for accomplishing anything. He said, “I know ISIS. I know more than the generals about ISIS, believe me.” That’s one of the most idiotic statements I’ve ever heard. But the main problem is that he makes loads of those kinds of stupid statements, rarely, if ever, backed up by ANY facts.

    Hillary: this is tough. I do think she’s smart. Even many Republican congressmen agree that she's highly intelligent. They also admit that they respect her and her work ethic, and her willingness to work with members of the other party. The problem is, I can barely stand the woman. I don’t like looking at her, and I don't like listening to her. I think she panders to black voters, and she’ll say anything that she thinks her listeners want to hear. She is a complete phony, just like Trump. The main positive I see in Hillary is that she has a good mind. She knows how politics work, and she knows American policies inside out. It’ll be hard for foreign leaders to outflank her, intellectually. On the other hand, Donald Trump is an intellectual light-weight, a Barney Fife on steroids.

    So, in the last couple of weeks I’ve decided to hold my nose and vote for Hillary. Mainly because Donald Trump is a joke. The way Donald Trump stumbled around aimlessly, mumbling nonsense, in the last half of last night’s debate confirmed my decision. Wish I had another choice, because I’m still unhappy with these two.

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    Are you aware this morning of all of the "snap polls" that were taken Trump won in every snap poll even the really liberal bias polls except for the CNN poll.

    The Daily Mail has them all -> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3809204/Most-snap-polls-Trump-winning-debate-landslide.html
  6. The Mello Guy

    The Mello Guy Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    Is that what happened with the CNN poll ? :roflol:

    Even the Slate poll had Trump the winner.
  8. Space_Time

    Space_Time Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Here's more:

    Trump has normalized our worst racial impulses
    By Peniel Joseph
    Updated 1121 GMT (1921 HKT) September 27, 2016
    Donald Trump: We have to bring back law and order

    Now Playing Donald Trump: We have...

    Donald Trump: We have to bring back law and order 02:09
    Story highlights
    Peniel Joseph: Race matters shaped a scintillating portion of first presidential debate
    Clinton countered Trump's racial blind spots by calmly discussing institutional racism, he says
    Peniel Joseph is the Barbara Jordan Chair in Political Values and Ethics and the founding director of the Center for the Study of Race and Democracy at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin, where he is also a professor of history. He is the author of several books, most recently "Stokely: A Life." The views expressed here are his.

    (CNN)Race matters shaped a riveting portion of the first presidential debate Monday night between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump at Hofstra University. In a lengthy exchange over the spate of videotaped police shootings of black people in America -- and the roots of the birther movement questioning President Barack Obama's citizenship -- the candidates made a series of fascinating statements.

    Trump reiterated his support for "law and order," once again characterizing America's inner-cities as forgotten places filled with murder, poverty and miserable blacks who have been abandoned by politicians. But his description of the black community sidestepped the way in which his own political rhetoric has contributed to the nation's growing racial divide. Its promotion of a brand of racial anxiety, fear and anger have turned his campaign into a galvanizing movement for racial intolerance.
    In fact, his Janus-faced stance on racial justice has helped normalize the notion of white supremacy in contemporary American politics.
    The first presidential debate in under 2 minutes

    The first presidential debate in under 2 minutes 01:57
    Still, the very fact that moderator Lester Holt confronted both candidates on the state of race relations signals how important this issue has become in 2016, with Americans searching for a way out of a national impasse.
    And so, Trump, the same candidate who has been endorsed by virtually every police union in America for his "law and order" stance, has proclaimed his support for black communities demonized by mass incarceration and racial discrimination in the criminal justice system. And he did this again Monday night.
    Trump's use of the word "Chicago" as a racially charged code word was intended to evoke images of urban decline and skyrocketing crime in a nation where violent crime has -- in fact -- been dropping for a quarter-century.
    But the biggest example of Trump's uncanny ability to lie in public has long concerned Obama's citizenship. After spending years as the most visible and famous advocate of the "birther" lie -- that Obama was born outside the United States and thus an illegitimate commander in chief -- Trump abruptly dropped the charge nearly two weeks ago and laid the entire mess at the feet of Clinton, accusing her surrogates of starting the rumor during the 2008 Democratic Party primaries.
    Unbelievably, Monday night, and with hardly a challenge from moderator Holt, Trump once again successfully fashioned rhetorical fictions to distance himself from this racially charged lie he personally helped to manufacture. At one point, Trump presented his role in the birther controversy as something that helped the President prove his citizenship -- thereby demonstrating another bona fide for Trump in his outreach to the black community.
    A short history of Donald Trump's 'birther' claims

    A short history of Donald Trump's 'birther' claims 02:23
    Clinton countered Trump's gaping racial blind spots by calmly discussing institutional racism, the need for community policing and her support for criminal justice reform. She also turned back his apocalyptic description of black communities by discussing the hopes and dreams of ordinary black families, the strength of the black church and aspects of racial progress that Trump's rhetoric conveniently ignores.
    She forcefully attacked the racism behind Trump's birther charges, detailing her personal knowledge of Obama's "hurt and annoyance" at these unfounded charges. She also rightfully noted that the "stop and frisk" measures that Trump openly supports were found to be discriminatory and unconstitutional.
    At one point, Trump touted a club he built in Florida that does not discriminate against "African-Americans, Latinos and Muslims" as both a counter to allegations that his real estate empire systematically discriminated against blacks and proof of his commitment to racial equality.
    Trump made symbolic appeals to racial equality, invoking bizarre circumstances to make his case. He criticized Clinton for calling blacks "super-predators" -- the truth was more complicated: She was describing gangs (interpreted by many as code for young black men) as she pushed for her husband's 1994 crime legislation, and she later apologized.
    Trump, on the other hand, today supports stop and frisk tactics that basically criminalize black bodies through public policy -- and were ruled unconstitutional.
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    But Clinton's valiant efforts to set the record straight by pointing out the yawning gulf between Trump's appeals to racial unity and his actual business practices, as well as his thinly veiled appeals to white nationalism, fell short for much of the night.
    In a perfect world both candidates would have offered substantive policy initiatives to promote the healing of racial wounds, end institutional discrimination and eliminate state-sanctioned violence against African-Americans.
    Unfortunately, voters were left with a surreal spectacle of a discussion on race that never mentioned Black Lives Matter and found a candidate who has inspired white hate groups and questioned the citizenship of the nation's first black President waxing contemplative about the mistreatment of African-Americans.
    Clinton, who received little aid from Holt, could only smile and shrug at the way in which Trump, win or lose, has successfully normalized our worst racial impulses for all the world to see.
  9. Checkerboard Strangler

    Checkerboard Strangler Active Member

    Apr 12, 2016
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    My take is that Trump's Russian financial backers, and perhaps even Vladimir Putin himself, were quite stung by his performance last night.
    They saw the same sweaty, fidgety snort-nosed angry orange homunculus most of America saw.
    In their eyes, I daresay Donald Trump looked WEAK.
    And by virtue of his storied association WITH them, they also now look weak, weak and unprepared.
    There is perhaps nothing that strikes to the heart of Russian anger than the appearance of weakness or the implication that they might not be prepared to do battle.
    Instead of looking like a feared adversary, by betting on this arrogant tycoon, they are now forced to wear the Boris and Natasha costume in earnest.
    Trump did more in one night to reduce the perception of the Russians to a cartoon than nearly thirty-five years of Cold War brinksmanship.
    They didn't just bet on a horse that lost, they bet on a diseased one.
    Betting on a Trump victory last night proves that the Russian assessment of American character is no better today than it was in 1962 when Kennedy forced Nikita Khrushchev to blink.
  10. Checkerboard Strangler

    Checkerboard Strangler Active Member

    Apr 12, 2016
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    But on a more serious note, Trump has also now exposed his own business empire to further dangers, too.
    His penchant for importing underpaid foreign laborers to work his construction sites is now, and forever shall be, a conduit for sabotage, the kind which potentially endangers any ordinary American who might find themselves in or around any of his future building projects.
    If the Russians can't just push him out of a helicopter over the Hudson, they will resort to other means, including the use of workers who will collude and conspire to create built-in time bombs in his physical infrastructure.
    They will pay off any inspector or worker who does their bidding handsomely, and in true cloak and dagger style, they will cover their tracks, and Trump's own slavish devotion to dubious accountability will actually aid their evil efforts.
  11. Frank

    Frank Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 2, 2016
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    Only read the first few comments...and laughed out loud while doing so.

    Hillary Clinton pounded Donald Trump...and had lots of help from Donald Trump.

    He is a loser...and cannot debate his way out of a wet paper bag.

    But don't you Trump supporters go ballistic. Hillary is going to be a fine president...and our country will be the better for having won...even if the victory is partly due to the Republican Party putting someone like Trump in their driver's seat.
  12. robini123

    robini123 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2004
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    Do you believe that diplomacy is restricted to the state department? Like I said, diplomacy happens on The Hill in DC (at least it should), at the podium during a presidential speech, behind closed doors negotiating with the opposition in the House and Senate, etc. The president is Americas top diplomat for domestic and international issues. Trump is not diplomatic and being diplomatic is a requisite for a president from my perspective.

    Indeed, thus my claim that she has many flaws, but from my perspective Trump has even more.
  13. MrNick

    MrNick Banned

    Oct 30, 2014
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    I wouldn't even say she was strong because all she talked about was how great government is.....

    Trump addressed issues, Hillary didn't address anything.

    The only positive thing I can say that Hillary did was not fall down or go into a coughing fit.
  14. MrNick

    MrNick Banned

    Oct 30, 2014
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    What the hell do you want to hear? how government can do everything for you? how creepy elitists are your friends and you're incapable of doing anything for yourself?

    Hillary got destroyed because people today really don't want anything from government and that's all she talked about.
  15. MrNick

    MrNick Banned

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Hillary has ZERO PLATFORM - she is regurgitating the same crap Obama did back in 2008. And how is that working? oh yea it's not. Society is crap and all of Obama's change has been terrible for the middle class - you know the same class that basically keeps this county alive...
  16. Checkerboard Strangler

    Checkerboard Strangler Active Member

    Apr 12, 2016
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  17. Steady Pie

    Steady Pie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 15, 2012
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    I forgot to mention, I think it's very telling that Clinton opposes the TPP (knowing of course that her position is irrelevant as Obama will have it ratified).

    This is and has been from the moment Trump took hold of the GOP conversation the American Brexit. Nationalism and globalism are the new poles.
  18. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    The online polls are subject to "gaming" because they use IP addresses to prevent multiple voting however proxy servers can defeat this by providing alternate IP addresses. So yes, even Politico could have been gamed by this method. The mere fact that the majority of thee online polls all pointed in the same direction reinforces this probability and now that we are seeing the polling from other sources that is pointing the other way pretty much confirms that there was gaming going on.

    From what I have read the money markets are reacting to Trump losing in a positive manner with the Peso being the leading indicator in that regard. Bloomberg and some of the others are also reacting positively.

    Will this result in an actual shift in voter sentiments a week from now? I honestly don't know for certain but, like you, I agree that Trump's momentum has stalled and it is entirely possible that he peaked too early. If this had been late October rather than now it would be a nail biter going into the election itself.

    We are seeing the Trump campaign in full spin cycle which tells me that they are tacitly admitting that they came in 2nd yesterday. Trump had more air time but he was being played by Hillary pretty much as I had predicted would be her strategy.

    Yes, Trump can still turn this around and his campaign is smart enough to know that and take the necessary measures. Now we just have to watch them unfold.
  19. AlpinLuke

    AlpinLuke Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2014
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    Actually among the 3 actors on the scene, the moderator has won the debate. The two contenders, the candidates, have been quite "pale". May be they are a bit aged for such a competition.

    Trump has promised something better for next confrontation [if he and Hillary won't be too aged ...], but probably they should both realize that they have to show to be ready to lead the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, not Switzerland.
  20. grapeape

    grapeape Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2015
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    And what was Trumps answer to the racial divide last night ?

    "I am doing great things in Palm Beach, the richest county in the nation. I play golf with a lot of Rich black people"........

    THAT was his fix ? Playing golf at a COUNTRY CLUB with "rich black people" ?
  21. bois darc chunk

    bois darc chunk Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 22, 2015
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    Astute observation.

    The split screen was terrible for him. He looked rattled and she looked poised. His campaign should have pointed it out to him, if he wasn't aware of it. I would have expected him to be aware though, because he's been on television for years.
  22. The Mello Guy

    The Mello Guy Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    It got him elected twice.
  23. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    We would ALL love to see diplomacy on capital hill. :woot: Sadly, I don't think we're going to get that but yeah. I don't want to sound as though I'm undermining the diplomatic responsibilities of the presidency. So I apologize if I worded that a little too strongly. What I meant, is that we have the positions for diplomacy, literally the ambassadors. To me, those guys handle the vast majority of that department.

    And the president, through those private channels gives the diplomats the administration's position. But yeah, not going "YOU'RE FIRED" and showing some tacit decency and self-respect are crucial keys for a president. Hillary will give you that(provided she's not coughing).

    Like I said: I'll support the next president. but that's the best I can say for the two of them. I personally thought Trump had a good start, but then faltered a bit as the debate went on. If he finished like he started, a lot of us would've been saying wow.
  24. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Good point!

    Trump's expressions, sighs and interruptions did him way more harm than good IMO.

    At times Hillary was just impassive but when Trump was digging a hole for himself she smiled and at least once she was trying not to laugh out loud at him.
  25. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    I know, sad isn't it? How history would've been changed if 1) Romney doesn't say 47%. 2)Cindy will NEVER be able to host another presidential debate ever again after basically carrying Obama's water on the Benghazi issue. When you think about it, both Obama/Clinton like to make this boastful claim that "You should wait before opening your mouth", when in fact both Romney/Trump were right on their respective issues when they spoke about it.

    In my opinion, it's very condescending to tell people "when to speak". It shows Hillary really thinks Trump's a child instead of an adult. And that to me, is the biggest insult.

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