Mental disorders Depression Substance abuse Unprotected sex Etc... Homosexuals are subject to more than their fair share. Why? IMO: Lack of role models and support networks are the primary causes. Bullying can play part, but fact is many (most) homosexuals can avoid bullying by hiding their sexuality. But in this process, they lose the opportunity to gain a support network, to talk with people about their emotional and medical needs particular to their lifestyle. They lack role models and guidance. In their efforts to hide who they are, they isolate themselves what what support network they have, and they risk developing secretive, unguided, rebellious and unhealthy practices.
It's a number of things. Lack of role models is a big one. The youth coming up that realize their sexuality don't have anyone to emulate or to learn from. Part of that is really that the gay culture doesn't have many big names to choose from. There are some that are coming up and are making real names for themselves but not many. Hate speech and bullying are also major disadvantageous. Kids learn young that being gay sets you apart and makes you someone who is hated. What's more in many places the school system has legitimized that feeling by making it against policy to correct students that area bullying gay students. "Neutrality" policies have made teachers fear correcting, stopping, or intervening, on the bullying of gay students for fear of it being interpreted as "encouraging" homosexuality. It's basically become okay to bully gay students in some places and that's just sickening.
It hasn't just "become" that way. It has always been that way. Homosexuality goes against mainstream America's moral convictions. What do you expect open arms? LMAO Most homosexuals tend to be disgustingly beta and it is the natural instinct of at least males, to establish dominance over betas. The reason homosexuals are at the bottom of the social heap is because (if you take the "born that way" hypothesis as true) born as weak beta personalities just begging to be dominated.
Quite possibly. He has a history of advocating violence in this forum. Encouraging "smacks in the head" etc.
I don't think it goes against the mainstream today. The mainstream has already switched direction and is flowing towards acceptance. Those who oppose LBGT equality are the ones pushing against said flow these days, and that's a trend that's only going to continue as the older generations die out. As for you characterising gay people as having "beta" personalities - I know a fair few gay people in successful jobs and positions of power. There are also many you don't know about because they haven't come out yet. And the gay community cannot be criticised for just taking it lying down - otherwise SSM would be a non-issue! The only thing they haven't done, as some other minorities have, is get violent about it.
Take a look at the US. You have right wing politicians claiming that it's a Christian right to bully children who appear to be homosexual.
Homosexuality where there is an obsession to have sex in parks and bathrooms with strangers...risky sex is different then homosexuality where its the fad in college to be lesbian because its cool. Unfortunately..risky sex is in my opinion promoted in the gay a normal part of being gay. That doesn't help mental well-being of people who might be a bit confused anyway.
Homosexuality is a mental disorder, that can be triggered by sexual abuse in childhood, and often leads to drug abuse, suicide and other self-destructive behavior. Homosexual activists often blame their drug abuse and promiscuity on discrimination and intolerance. But studies of homosexuals in more tolerant nations like Holland have found this not to be the case.
Was that a study, or a superficial glance at a statistic that showed high drug use among homosexuals in Holland? You can easily take a superficial glance at statistics related to drug use in mixed races, native americans and alaskans and come to similar conclusions about them. But it's easy for a reason: Because it's wrong.
Possibly. It doesn't help that most gay "role models" are going to be sexually attracted to a younger, inexperienced man. Heterosexuals often assume that gay relationships are quid pro quo, a mutual exchange of sex, without the "chase" involved in pursuing females. But this is a very naive view. Homosexuals are notorious for their narcisism, materialism and selfishness. Robbery and assaults are also common. And adultery is the norm, rather than the exception. Whereas heterosexual relations have structured gender roles governing what is acceptable, homosexual men have created their own, borrowing from the same laws of the jungle that apply to dealings between heterosexual men. , We get to see an example of this kind of behavior in the Jack Nicholson film "As Good As It Gets", when Simon is robbed by a gay hustler he is paying to model for him. Strong gays (tops) dominate the weak and submissive (bottoms). The cunning deceive the naive. And young gays are more likely to be sexually exploited by those they choose as role models than receive emotional support.
I totally agree, it's unfortunate that the lack of structured roles, social institutions, and the secretive lifestyle of many homosexuals have lead them to develop practices in line with "the laws of the jungle" as you call it. I hope one day we can remedy this by supporting social institutions and good role models for the future. Sadly we have very few good gay role models, perpetuating the problem. It's a long process, and I doubt any single one change in social institutions will solve the problem.
Because where I came from you either adopted violence as an everyday means of conflict resolution or you were exploited and/or killed. Its really that simple. Some of us didn't grow up in a some namby-pampy wuss society with safety and cleanliness and law and order. Some of us had to make our own law and order.
I spotted a lesbian couple in the deli the other day. They even had a little Chinese girl, adopted presumably. The big butchy one put the purchases on the counter for the cashier to ring up. When the cashier had finished bagging the groceries, the butchy one grabbed the bag in one hand, the chinese girl in the other, and walked grandly out of the store, leaving the little mousy one to dig out her purse and pay for the groceries. Once delivered some furniture to a young male homosexual. He was renting a room in the home of an older homosexual. As we were bringing the furniture inside, the pederast who owned the home invited himself in to laugh at the young homo for only being able to afford cheap IKEA furniture, having to rent the smallest room in the house, and made remarks about finding him on the street. I deal with these people all the time, crazy doesn't begin to describe it. It's a different world. "gay role models"? LoL
Heh, I could actually use some of that according to some. Most of the furniture I have is hand-me-downs from family (not that I can't afford it, but I just don't care to lavish myself with the latest fashion). I go cloths shopping about once every 5 years. I don't do drugs. I've had fewer sex partners than I have fingers on my left hand. I can't dance. I don't have a degree in fine arts... instead I have a degree in accounting. I made nearly 100k a year, until I decided to quit my job and go back to a school for a more personally satisfying career (medicine). And you'd probably never know I'm gay unless I told you. Maybe one day I can be a role model ;-P And, in all likeliness, you've probably walked into homes of homosexuals like me, but you never made the connection that they were homosexual in the first place. Unfortunately you only see and recognize the homosexuals that stand out, but they do not define us all.
Because no straight couple or person would ever do those things! (and I'm not even sure what's wrong with the lesbian scenario...) Clearly you have an odd infatuation with homosexuals. Different worlds indeed.
A crappy generalization is a crappy generalization is a crappy generalization. Not all of us are trying to hide, nor isolating ourselves in "gay ghettos", nor engaging in "secretive, unguided, rebellious and unhealthy practices". But thanks so much for making it sound like we are.
Such condescension. You forgot about the homosexuality wherein we settle down with one partner and live our otherwise normal everyday lives like most other people do. As usual, you put all the emphasis on sex, but there is more to us than our sex lives. Even before I met my husband, I wasn't looking for anonymous sex in parks or bathrooms or anywhere else. I even went 5 years without so much as a date at one point. I am not confused about who I am, and that includes my sexuality. While I'd very much like to tell you what to do with your misplaced sense of superiority, I don't think it would ever all fit.
It hasn't been classified as such for nearly 40 years. Welcome to 2012. But more often isn't and doesn't. I see, so you'd like everyone to believe that "homosexual" activists are a bunch of whoring drug addicts with mental problems? Such utter contempt and disrespect you have toward us. Really shameful.
Hint: Films are not real life. You might want to try talking to several real gay people from different walks of life to get a feel for our actual diversity instead of assuming that the bulk of us fit into your anti-gay stereotypes and fantasies.