Not sure of your point. Protecting a slave owners property interest used to be a "valid state interest", but they then changed the Constitution.
The same sort of special treatment heterosexual child murderers, rapists, and people otherwise unable or unsuitable to reproduce can obtain. Why is it heterosexuals get the special rights, even those who should most obviously not be reproducing, but all other consenting adult couples should not? Incest has its obvious reasons for its exceptions, but homosexuals do not pose the same risk to create incestuous children. Homosexuals being allowed to satisfy their sexuality in the context of a long-term, supportive relationship is being denied to them, despite the fact that it's granted to all sorts of people who can not or should not be allowed to raise children.
Government is just as concerned about the wellbeing of children of murderers and rapists as they are children of parents that are not.
Who have likely had their children taken from them by CPS, thus defeating the purpose of them having those marriage rights. You could have all your children taken from you due to abuse, neglect, or even being a child axe-murderer and cannibal, and you can still get married. Why is it that the government cares about the non-existant children of abusive and otherwise unsuitable parents, while at the same time not caring about the children homosexuals raise?
Are you a part of the gay community? If not, then what do you really know from first-hand sources? Having sex in a park has nothing to do with being gay. There are gay exhibitionists; there are straight exhibitionists...there are probably asexual exhibitionists.
Lol... Everyone knows of (or at least should be able to imagine..if you can't then I'm actually concerned for you) the amount of hate and bullying that homosexuals have to go through for their entire lives. No one truly knows how bad that feels except for the victims themselves. With all of that negativity, isn't obvious why mental disorders might be more common in homosexuals? Why they might be more self conscious? I mean, just think about it for a second. A huge reason for mental disorders is related to abuse growing up. Physical, verbal, emotional, etc. So homosexual's are subjected to this on and off for their entire lives and then people wonder why they might want to rebel or why some portion of their community ends up with more mental disorders. A good number of Christians will never (at least in the next generation or two) stop calling them abominations... They're people too. How would you feel if a significant amount of society hated you? And an even greater number of people in society just felt a little uncomfortable around you, even if they didn't dislike you? Any damage to their mental health is probably heavily correlated to how they've been treated over the years. Certainly not the only factor, perhaps there is a genetic predisposition to certain mental illnesses, but the negativity they experience accelerates any conditions they might be predisposed to.
Given the rather unfortunate national psyche , I can well believe that the picture you paint of the US is probably accurate . But , of course , it does not have to be like that . In general terms they are seen here as very dynamic part of the total UK scene and frankly , like the Jews -- in general terms -- they seem to have a higher IQ on average and apply themselves with extreme dedication and determination in areas that appeal to them . Particularly the Fine Arts and any section where top design , flair and creativity are required . There is huge representation in the business world but many choose to keep their private life completely their own .And I cannot blame them , as long as old fashioned bigots are allowed to mouth their opinions which are just ignorant prejudices . That is a general and not a personal comment .
America's moral convictions will ultimately receive a necessary adjustment. And your post is filled with irrational animus, that same kind that this society shows too much of. And yes, while many DO have some bizarre PROPENSITY to to give-in to their visceral leanings (what you call "natural instinct")... you seem to underestimate that wit, motivation and dedicated strategy has MANY times conquered the savage beast. It hasn't just 'become' that way; it has always been that way. Get real man... homosexual people are HUMAN too.
LGBTIQAPC equality get it right and its not a finished question by a long shot.As the LGBT ,LGBTIQ,LGBTIQAPC ,don't even know what they want ,and nor can they as they are not actuall humans in the flesh type ,they are a middle class university radical political grouping that can have its actual membership counted on the hands and feet of any Human with no arms or legs. Yes ,sorry to inform you but very few Homosexuals Identify as gay or lesbian ,its the Ratbags in every community that opens the rest up for attack,and one thing the LGBTI is full of is Ratbaggery and stupidity ,anything but evidence of a scientific character as to what they advance. Gay and lesbian is not the same as Homosexual .2 totally different things actually . One is a Community of real living breathing humans that are attacted to the same sex as themselves ,the other is a mish mash ,of sociaologic catagories ,promoted by Diseased middle class extreme Right -wing layers that promote all sorts of Gender identity culture Politics .WHICH dosen't make any sense and is like the other identity politics of Race ,near fascist in its content. now ,can You tell which is which ,forward to Homosexual ,bisexual ,hetrosexual equality .Down with the hetrosexual hating BS of the LGBT! Go on be the first human to tell us why the LGBT should be defended?????? Because no-one else seems to be able ?? Please enlighten us as to why the LGBt speaks for the Homosexual community as a whole?????
You can obsess about this all you wish; the reality is that in America "gay" or "lesbian" means "homosexual".
Good question, as in reality outside the Ratbag colledge world of Gay and Lesbian, being accepted as a definition of anything,outside the deptment of Sociology ,then they do not exist in relation to any discription of inclusive Human sexuality . Gay and lesbian are lifestyle chioces not human sexuality's,Homosexual or otherwise ,you have to decide to become Gay ,we are born ,homosexual ,Bisexual,hetrosexual. oh ,and prior to the LGBt ,coming into existance around the mid 1980's ,were there any Gay people? Homosexual and Proud and openly expressing a form of Human sexuality but NOT Gay . So when someone and it will be extremely rare ,{"Says they are gay "its probably the good ectasy thats talking.As in they feel happy.Lol! Will any Gay person please say what you really mean by the term as human sexuality can never be truely described as gay ,except in the case of the general human sexuall act.which has been known to make humans happy.
Carefull in America ,Obama and Romney are described as politicans .And Creationism is described as a theory . And a economi9c depression as a recovery! and gay and lesbian as homosexual or scientific definitions of sexuality. And god is described as real! careful with the American standard for anything ,BTW ,when are you going metric like the rest of us????
We probably all have decent opinions concerning human sexuality; I doubt that anyone here is a 'language' expert.
Wow! Why are some gays angry is a better question. They are angry because of blind stereotyping like in your poll... the one that offered no positive choice, only negative... leading me to believe that the OP is objectively leading the poll taker towards a preconceived conclusion of their own design. Perhaps I should start a thread titled; Why are Christians so screwed up?... then post about Christians I know that view porn behind their wife's back and/or smoke dope!
I'm gay. I didn't want my OP to be so bias as to get criticism from the other side... although instead most of my criticism comes form the same side. I don't believe that all gay people are screwed up, and the OP was not meant as a generalization. But it is meant to recognize and question the cause for why gays seem to be disproportionately represented in terms of depression, substance abuse, etc. It was meant to get people thinking about the challenges gay youth face and better understand their situations instead of just blaming it on them being gay. The pole is inherently negative because it questions why these bad things are happening... I can't think of a "positive" choice that would fit in with that pole, as it would be inherently contradictory. The only "positive" choice would be one that opposed the premise of the OP to begin with, i.e. "Gays are not disproportionately 'screwed up'". I should have included this option, but I didn't consider this to be a highly debated point.