Why are racists so afraid of being labled racist?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by AKR, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Thanks for correcting my grammar. It's one of the few times I've learned anything on the Internet, which I view as a copycat medium copying the errors of the self-appointed authorities, ambitious imbeciles who get their jobs through bootlicking and not talent. Especially in "academentia."

    I really disagree with your illusion that these "experts" are objective. Their only talent is in fooling people that they deserve respect. Have you read any contrary views, such as Nobel Prize Winner Shockley's? The academic profession tends towards self-glorification and a defiance of common sense and the common people just to give themselves a desperately needed sense of superiority.. So your argument-to-authority has the opposite effect on me.

    The general behavior of Blacks both here and in Africa shows a history of being unfit. Their survival is not a determining factor, you can say that about wild animals. No more than any other feral creatures, Blacks don't fit into civilized and productive societies unless they are tamed and restricted. A perfectly logical but forbidden conclusion is that they arose from different species of primates, ones that are too far behind Whites and Asians in evolution to give us any obligation to the hopeless task of lifting them up.

    By any standard with which we judge other Whites, Blacks fail. It is hypocritical to despise individual Whites who are stupid, violent, or lazy and then let a whole race off the hook with convenient excuses never used to justify the behavior of Whites like that. There is no reason that Blacks can't be categorized as a group. This race's net behavior is destructive when turned loose. We are under no obligation to endanger ourselves, nor do we have to share the products of our superiority, which every Black wants to freeload off. When robbing someone, he doesn't use a spear instead of a "White man's invention," the gun. Because of his jealousy and unearned pride, he has no right to demand a share. He never would have invented anything on his own and should have all our inventions taken away from him as a punishment for ingratitude.
  2. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    You're making people afraid to Reply to you. This place won't love you.
  3. Turin

    Turin Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2012
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    Your right. I consider you to be a racist.
  4. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Pretty much exactly my position, and very well said. I wish the left would be more honest in threads like these, though. They speak of "racists", but they are only really referring to "white racists". Progressive ideology states that minorities cannot be racists, and even if they could, the left would not challenge them on it because their attitudes and views are helpful in advancing left-wing political goals.

    "Racist" is just what they call the white people who aren't overly happy about having their lands invaded and their cultures and countries destroyed and turned into the 3rd world.
  5. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    Why does Obama and Eric Holder refuse to boldly accept the Title of Anti-White, Pro-Black Racists?

    By extensive, repeated, and blatant creation of Anti-White, Pro-Black policies, Bills, Organizations, Departments, Positions and Actions, they clearly are Anti-White, Pro-Black Racists!

    So why do they resist to be open and proud of their hatred and bigotry?

    The ONLY thing I'd give credit to Samir Shabazz for, is that he at least wears his Anti-White, Pro-Black Bigotry and Hatred openly.

    - View attachment 26725
  6. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    I hear you. Those of us born this way must shoulder a heavy burden; that of being a perfect example of perfection for our less fortunate citizens to study and gain inspiration and illumination. I must confess, however, that I make this easier on them by frequently pretending to be wrong about something, just so that they will feel better about themselves.

    Of course even when I fake being wrong . . . I am always and inevitably . . . perfectly wrong. :cool:
  7. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    There are no Leftists. They are, without knowing that hereditary and united Class Supremacy is what truly motivates them, agents of the Right Wing who purposely threaten White people in order to trick us into voting for Republicans.

    But the GOP (Greedheads Out on Parole) will do nothing to repeal Civil Rights for the Uncivilized. Instead, they will totally focus on making the rich richer. This is clearly a Bad Cop, Good Cop scenario. The pseudo-Liberal cop viciously attacks White people just so they will be putty in the hands the good GOPer cop, who will handcuff them after tricking them into voluntarily giving up their freedom. This Left-Right alliance was also called Black Knight, White Night, back when the aristocratic parasite hired his cousin to pretend to be the Black Knight and attack the peasants, who would then quit their democratic grumbling and "realize" that they were dependent on the White Knight noble for survival. Except that the Limousine Liberal false-flag rich trash don't attack us themselves, but turn loose the feral races on society.
  8. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    So now we're back to the "Republicans do it too, and they're worse, we've got to get rid of both parties" defense...

    And I've no doubt, if I or whoever buys into this argument, the next step with be to present "Progressives" as the viable alternative.

    The fact is, when it comes to Race Card Politics, both sides, Democrats and Republicans do not do it equally, or anything even close to it.

    Not that I believe for a moment that the Republicans are angelic, far from it. But in recent years, the Radical Obama-Wing of the Democratic Party has been significantly worse than their Republican counter parts, particularly on the subject of Race Card manipulations and abuses.

    The Democratic Party of JFK, Jimmy Carter, or even Bill Clinton was not guilty of the Race Card abuses done by the Obamaites.

    THIS Democratic Party has to go!

  9. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    The Hate Whitey cult of race traitors has a Death Wish. They have a sick desire to bend over and experience the destruction of civilization. Jealous misfits, they want to drag us down into their pit of wallowing decadence. Since the feral races are incompetent, they need these degenerate traitors to enable them and lead them in order to destroy what superior races have built. So these advocates here and their gurus must be disempowered. Then the Blacks, Mexicans, and Muslims will crawl back into the caves where they came from and huddle there, leaving us alone to fulfill our manifest destiny.
  10. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    I never pretend to be imperfect out of consideration for others. I don't want those dopes to feel better about themselves, I want them to feel better about me.
  11. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    I've never seen a racist embrace the term "racist."

    At the politics level, most know that being labeled a racist will cost votes. There are still millions of racists who embrace the word at the beer bar level. They are always looking for the wink-wink after the "all people are equal in god's eyes" line from their politicians.
  12. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Democrats don't really do it at all. They don't have minds of their own and are unconsciously driven by class instinct. Outside of the Heirheads, the rest are mindless followers. Democrats don't believe in anything they stand for, but are only setting up their prep-school Right Wing classmates. You fell for it, unless you too are a preppy with an unearned Born to Rule attitude.
  13. skeptic-f

    skeptic-f New Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    Did the President create the racism or just give it a focus to express itself? There's a big difference between the two situations.

    And if the President was responsible for the big jump in racism, what does that say about the people who chose that way of expressing their anger at his politics and policies?
  14. Leo2

    Leo2 Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2009
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    The pleasure, as the governess said to the gardener, was all mine. But to be punctilious, it was not your grammar I commented upon, but rather an obviously nonsensical phrase (a bit like "I could care less,) which the ill-read often employ.

    So your views reflect, amongst other idiosyncrasies, virulent anti-intellectualism. How most interesting!

    LOL, some fascinating, not to mention provocative, racial theories there - but I am sure you have to hand, all the peer reviewed papers and documented evidence to support your thesis (as would befit an individual of your academic prowess). Be so kind as to post the links - I am sure I am not the only member here who should be interested in examining these studies.

    Thank you for your response - it has been a revelation. :smile:
  15. Trinnity

    Trinnity Banned

    Feb 3, 2011
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    aw shucks
  16. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    Yep if have our stance, in the leftist land your a racist. But if we look deeper and what they actually say (and dont say) we might uncover the real racists

    What we dont hear them say is that Japan, China, Africa, India are racists for not accepting replacement levels of mass immigration. These guys are all perfectly normal according to them. Its only whites that are racist to think this way. So we see them hold whites to different standards - racists!

    When they celebrate diversity and multiculturalism, we all know its words they hide behind as anti-white racists. If they really believed everyone was the same as they claim, they'd have no troubles with whites maintaining the strong majorities in the West. But have a very big problem with that and openly celebrate a majority minorities in the West, but only in the West.

    Even celebrating diversity they openly admit theres differences in the races - racists by their own standards. But of course what they celebrate is less whites - racists anyway you cut it. Its not enough that they are racists, they actively seek to replace a genotype - genocide by gradualism. Thats how racist these leftists are.
  17. martin76

    martin76 New Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    racism is not an absolute concept, depends on each society at a given time. Depending on what each society at a particular time understands about that concept. USA racism is "funny"... Since US is a country of inmigrants, not only lack of race (human races don´t exist in anywhere, save maybe in zone areas in Africa, like bushmen), in USA not even exist an original "Ethnicity".. "White" is not a race, not even a "Ethnicity"... Polish, British, german, swedish, russian, italian, irish... a "white race"... It is a joke...so the american racism is redneck, uneducated and without any scientific basis... I think the racism was originated by the Protestant church .. the Germans Protestant (Martin Luther), the British and Dutch were the first "racists" in history.
  18. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Actually statistics are very good at lying, or at least not presenting you with causation. Why do you think there are so many variables when it comes to statistics, and why politicians love them so much?
  19. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Very eloquent, and entirely typical of the 'look over there' deflection crowd. Racism is quite simple to define; it's the baseless hatred of another person because of the difference in either appearance or culture to the person doing the hating. These racists aren't generally too bright.
  20. martin76

    martin76 New Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    Well, racism is something like very difficult to be defined. for exampel, the german (and not only german, also polish, french, russian, ucranian etc etc) hate to jews peple... the jews were similar to the people in these countries... It was impossible to differentiate a German Jew from another german who wasn´t jew and however There was racism against jews in most European countries...

    Yes, mostly racist are not very intelligent... but few of them yes.. for example Chamberlain (the british hated Britain and in WW1 supported II Reich) or Gobineau, the parents of contemporanean racist...I think racism like we understand it´s very modern, maybe from second half of Nineteenth Century or later...
  21. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    No, the victim of racism doesn't create the racism but can provide focus to the racist.

    The problem I see is that racial prejudice is most evident in conseratives that see the power of White Americans diminishing as the demographics of the United States are changing. Conservatives want to hold on to the "traditional government" of the United States that was always controlled by white (anglo-saxon protestant) males as my signature states. They were shocked to have an African-American elected to the Office of the President and it scared the holy crap out of them so they reacted negatively to it. The propaganda machine of the extremists that truly are out-and-out racists went into high gear after 2008 and the propaganda sucked in millions of other "conservatives" instilling prejudice where it might not have existed or not existed to the extent that it did before. How many "Republicans" were sucked into the "bither" conspiracy that was unquestionably a racist conspiracy? Most of the "Republican" complaints against Obama simply aren't based upon any facts. They are attacks withour merit based upon a hatred against a black president. That is the only explanation for them.

    Don't get me wrong. I oppose much of President Obama's agenda and actions but that is not what Republicans are addressing. We can't, for example, condemn Obama for lax immigration control when all of the evidence is that he's done more to secure our borders and deported more criminal illegal aliens than any president before him. He even managed to get a couple of million undocumented aliens (i.e. under 29 and raised in the US that never violated any US law by their actions) to self-register where the could be deported in the future even though it would be wrong to allow it in the opinion of both liberal and conservative groups.

    I believe it's the changing demographics where WASP male domination of politics is slipping away that scares conservatives into becoming racists or to have racial prejudice more so than any other factor. Remember though that racial prejudice is not just a problem for Republicans but also a problem for Democrats, Independents, libertarians, and even for blacks that also express anti-black racial prejudice because the propaganda about blacks is extensive and believed by many.

    The only difference is that the Republicans overwhelmingly harbor anti-black (and anti-Hispanic) prejudice whereas it is far less in other groups. The Republican Party is the only "demographic" where the vast majority (i.e. 4 out of 5) express explicit anti-black racial prejudice. The GOP has established itself as the "Party of Angry White Males" and minorities represent at threat to that political foundation.
  22. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    Well id suggest very few people are racists if thats what its is. Im sure most people are as i am, and treat individuals as we come across them. For example id much rather have a beer or even live next door to say Allen West than many self loathing lefties. But does that mean id want to live in Africa or have my people become minorities in their countries or countries they built? hell no - and yes im all for preserving American Indians, Aboriginals ect as people and their culture. Id be happy to see them with either their own state or territory to self govern as they wish or just areas for them with in those countries if that suited them better.

    But as usual its painted that unless you embrace mass immigration your a racist, you must hate everyone that looks different. Total rubbish.
  23. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    How would you be able to tell that you were living next door to a "self loathing lefty"? I'd be very interested; would it be the way he walks?
  24. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Or so the unsubstantiated propaganda goes. What is your basis for the "4 out of 5" above? Did you make it up? Republicans have had racism blared in their ears for decades in a country where race is no longer a significant issue to the nonleft. Backlash is inevitable. If the left didn't need racism desperately as a divisive propaganda focus, we wouldn't hear much about race in the US. As it is, the left calls the nonleft racist repetitively, then when the nonleft recoils with anything other than capitulation, the left merely renews its racism labeling. When the nonleft capitulates and tries to have an honest discussion, "Aha, see we were right, they are racists!" Dishonest, transparent Catch 22, has gone on entirely too long in the US. Of course there are racists, and of course overt racism that results in discrimination is deplorable and undesirable, but I'm not having that discussion mostly due to a stubborn response to the left's relentless lie narrative on race. I imagine other nonleft feel exactly the same. Cook up some more 4 out of 5 nonsense where you and others characterize millions of people wrongfully towards political benefit, and yes, backlash will result after a point. The left creates most of the remaining racism in the US, not the other way around.
  25. CyberCynic

    CyberCynic New Member

    Apr 23, 2013
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    If that were true the war would have begun, by now - he's been re-elected, if you didn't notice. Conservatives are not racists - there are "Uncle Toms" who are accepted by the conservatives, if you didn't notice. The problem that is not understood about conservatives is that they want to eliminate political corruption, but do not know how to do it; and they recognize that Obama is corrupt, because he did not change Washington as he promised - what else would "Change Washington" mean, if it is not about eliminating corruption???

    On the other hand, the problem with liberals, and blacks in particular, is they believe that politics is inevitably corrupt and cannot be corrected. For non-whites, it is not about eliminating the corruption by correcting the problems (changing Washington), but rather, it is about vicariously wielding the unjust political powers to oppress whites to the advantage of the elites of their demographic - poor blacks are not going to gain anything for their efforts of support for President Obama, just like poor whites do not gain anything when whites wield corrupt political power. In fact, wealthy blacks will probably not benefit either - the corrupt white bankers seem to still be winning.

    Nelson Mandela died knowing that educated black people would rather cry of oppression in America than help him organize a country for black people. The whole world is beginning to recognize this and black people will probably be the last to recognize it, because of their vicarious and zealous identification with a black man being president of the historically "prejudiced," and corrupt, United States government. It is a good guess that Mandela refused to see President Obama, because of this dilemma; and world leaders are converting political slights at his expense.

    For the people who were taught that the United States was founded by unjust slave owners, it should not be that difficult to realize that a just constitution needs to be written. It should not be that difficult for intellectual liberals to recognize that political corruption and commercial fraud are the result of the exploitation of inadequacies of the social contract system. It should not be that difficult for humble conservatives to recognize that the government, like any enterprise, needs to be reorganized so as to correctly deploy the efficient techniques that were developed during the course of its evolution. It should not be that difficult for political pundits to recognize that "political gridlock" is the result of the law makers need to be seen doing something, rather than nothing, and that the political system is not organized to deliberate the technical intricacies that our all-encompassing legal system has evolved to. It should not be that difficult for the brilliant skeptics, secular atheists, and independent critical free-thinkers, to recognize that our constitutional system is based on philosophical information a hundred years prior to the organization of the social sciences, and that it is unreasonable to expect for it to last forever as an adequate charter for guiding the approach to orderly society and rational thought. It should not be that difficult for the average citizen to recognize that if the Founders of the United States were tasked with authoring a constitution, enriched with the knowledge and communication systems that we have today, that they would definitely write it differently. It just should not be that difficult to understand that a new constitution is indeed what we need.

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