Was the creation of the universe a willful act, or is it the result of some random quantum fluctuation? Or...something else. Why are we here?
I don't know why we're here--nobody else does, either. My goal is to enjoy it for as long as I can, however, and let my fellow bipeds do the same...
There's an episode of Everyone Loves Raymond that deals with this issue. Ally, age 8, asked her mother "Where do babies come from?" Raymond was all set to answer questions about sex. He brought up a handful of books on the subject and lay them out on Ally's bed for "the talk." But she said, "I know the mommy and daddy have to do something, I want to know why. Why did God put us here? If we're all going to heaven, why put us here first? Why not just put us in heaven?" Raymond and his family spent the rest of the show trying to figure out what to tell Ally. And even though they were all Roman Catholics, they had no clue how to answer Ally's questions. They consulted the Bible, but got nowhere. I think it was one of the best episodes. It made me realize that no one has the answer to these questions, not really.
"why" is the ONE question only time will tell.... what are 'we' (the human species) for....... is another concept that arises from the same kind of why as the OP inquiry. the conscious experience is basically 'us' (mankind within existence) knowing it exists. Each generation evolves both physically and in awareness. Knowledge evolves via the word (the word, which is manmade (created) by man).... What i am getting at is mankind is the creator of the words in which much of what we have come to comprehend can be understood. ie... the descriptions by words, math, symbols, grunts etc..... The garden (nature/existence itself) is what we are born/evolved within and still are a part of, literally. "WE" are describing it and then manipulating many things within nature, including creating things, life and the words that can be used to enable 'creations'. That is what the conscious life (mankind) does. Now philosophically, it can be understood that existence is defining itself. Mathematically, the cycle shares a rebirth of each previous periods experience. All of the same stuff (mass, energy, time) but of different capabilities at each cycle. As a whole, the occilation is weird in that it shares, (be certain a point in time must be chosen) that at each pinnacle a new beginning unfolds, to comprehend the knowledge mankind created, then in a sense, existence is defining its own creation. Basically, we are a part of our own creation. (my most speculative rendition) It can be represented mathematically that 'we' (consciousness) is defining its own existence. ie... could we be responsible for our own beginning? (try that mind twist) go figure. And none of this post is from someone else, something else, some conspiracy, or anything other than my own speculation of what i will never be able to prove except to represent mathematically and then verbally represent as well disclose, is my own little creation.
you claimed particle physics is it............... but your cell phone and that computer you are working on is using em fields, not to mention your very life. idiots have no concern to check themselves before posting; thats the nonsense
Even if there is a God, why are we here? Even if this God created us, what are we here? I don't see how appealing to God has any bearing on the answer to the question.
We are here because God created us. We are here to Glorify God. Our final destination will be based on what we have done with statement two.
Sure I consider the question from time-to-time, but generally don't stay awake at night worrying about it.