Why Aren't Companies Hiring New Employees?

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by gregdavidson, Dec 3, 2011.


Why Aren't Companies Hiring New Employees?

  1. Because Consumer Spending Is Down

    12 vote(s)
  2. Because Of Uncertainty About Government

    16 vote(s)
  1. DeathStar

    DeathStar Banned

    Aug 28, 2011
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    They aren't hiring because material resources and skilled labor are both too scarce.

    -lack of material resources was largely caused by the housing bubble, and people buying too much land (land is the most precious physical resource there is), artificially.

    -skilled labor is in shortage HUGELY because colleges are purposefully inefficient and artificially high in price.
  2. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Wrong ..Wrong ..Wrong.

    1st..materials like gypsum and wood are not TOO scarce.
    Skilled labor?
    You dont need a masters degree to drive a nail or teach someone in school.
    You do need a desire to do so.

    You do know that old homes are either TORN DOWN or as in my case remodeled. There is enough existing space and old homes to go around.

    Skilled labor being produced in College ?
    Nope educated sheep are produced in College..Parrots repeating the same old lines over and over..Give me a cracker..Give me a cracker.
    Labor is Taught not by books but by doing. A college degree in counseling is a joke.Become a unemployed under paid debt laden therapist while a simple 2 year Vocational tech degree in welding or mechanics would give you a life long job with higher pay... and less debt .
    But there's a catch..you must work..instead of using your so called education to snow somebody over.

    People must get educated to produce a product others want and need.
    I would certainly like a back massage every night..but cannot justify the expense. So if we have 5 million people taught to give back rubs..we have.... 4.8 million out of work complainers that there is not enough work.
    Simple as that..
    They could join a massage Union and lobby...but the facts would not change..Only the government massage Union would prosper and grow.
    While the rest of the country suffers lower back pain..near our wallets.
  3. DeathStar

    DeathStar Banned

    Aug 28, 2011
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    As I said, colleges are inefficient and artificially expensive. Yet engineering companies, for instance, tend to only accept people with a Bachelor's degree or higher from said inefficient socialist institutions. They encourage this.
  4. squidward

    squidward Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    start a company and pay your employees high salaries, so they can buy your product.

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