very interesting, does it mean that Muscovy wants 2 states solution for "Syria"? whats Trump´s administration plan for Syria? we all understand it will be no place for war - criminal Assadists in the new "Syria". so how do you think will be look like "Syria" without Assad?
Clever move. This aligns Russia with 2 of the three major factions: Kurds and GoS, and simplifies the playing board to a large extent. Now the USA-backed FSA is isolated amongst the three major non-ISIS powers. There are also interesting echoes into Northern Iraq / Kurdistan. Aligning Shia and Kurd interests there and in Syria extends the barrier separating Arab money and influence and Russia's southern sphere of influence.
does USA support FSA? as much as they support YPG?
Good point. I guess what I am trying to say is that the USA will not support Kurdish autonomy, so they are open to being superceded in the SDF camp by Russia.
USA supports not just autonomy but even Kurdish Independent state in Syria, and not just USA, Iran, Israel, EU, + many others in the region Syrian Kurds: 'Signs of Full Support' from Trump White House in ... Feb 1, 2017 - “There are signs of full support from the new American leadership – more than ... The PYD seeks to establish a Kurdish state within Syria. Why Trump Should Support a Kurdish State | The National Interest Jan 18, 2017 - In either case, the United States should support a Kurdish state. ... sole US allied force operating on the ground against ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
Trump is certainly arguing for a new direction, but I don't believe the State department supports his initiative. Maybe I'm wrong. His success so far in turning the government ship in any direction has been limited.
State department support 100%, and they will get militarily bases in the middle in the save heaven of MENA + Oil which is not in the hands of arabs
Oh come now, Litwin What the Russians term autonomous is different to the Western ear. Sort of like terming Ukraine as a Republic back in the ole USSR days. Aren't there Autonomous Regions within the current Russian Federation? How autonomous are they? Maybe they get to maintain their own roads? Moi Support an autonomous California fershur r > g Some Provinces were autonomous some were royal colonies before the unification and loss of local governing.
The same as the right for and the West to make such decisions for Syria. Goose and Gander Rule. Moi r > g Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
I'm guessing it would be the same Muscovites who gave themselves the right to make decisions for Georgia and Ukraine. Last I heard, some of them debating what decisions they should make for Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, too...
You're jumping to ridiculous conclusions about Assad. You forget there is such a thing as the Syrian people and democracy, that supersedes what Washington wants. So Assad is not going anywhere as long as the Syrian people want him. This agreement seems very much in tune with the Russian Federation in that there will be a state language and also a local language. This conflicts with what Washington wants, and that is to break Syria up into different countries. That way they will always be in conflict with one another, rather than living with one another peacefully the way they did before Washington sent in its NGO's to create trouble.
really, made Muscovites totally crazy, with all existential problems which they have today, first of all oil/gas 90% dependence they still dream about .....ALASKA !!! crazy , right? On Alaska Day, Russians Still Dream of Getting Alaska Back | Observer Oct 26, 2016 - As in the U.S., the attention given to Alaska Day—October 18—in Russia doesn't rise to the level of the national front page news. So far, it is not ... Russian nationalists want Alaska back - 150 years after it was sold to ... › News › World › Americas Mar 31, 2017 - There will be few events marking the 1867 sale in the US, but in Russia it has brought back bitter memories and is being seen as a "convenient" ... If USA wants Crimea returned to Ukraine, Russia wants Alaska back ... Feb 15, 2017 - President Donald Trump expects that Russia will return the Crimea to Ukraine to de-escalate the crisis in the east of the country, spokesman for ... Alaska wants to go back to Russia? - PravdaReport Apr 5, 2017 - Not that long ago, officials with the government of Alaska stated that the state would be better off as a part of the territory of Russia. Has Vladimir Putin set his sights on ALASKA after war-mongering ... Oct 28, 2016 - United States bought the icy state from Russia for just £6million back in 1876. After Crimea, Russians Say They Want Alaska Back Mar 31, 2014 - After Crimea, Russians Say They Want Alaska Back. March 31, 2014 — 23:00. A Russian Orthodox monastery sits near the coast of Alaska's ..
" Assad. You forget there is such a thing as the Syrian people " zhanna you say "Syrian people" you mean the Alawites, right? 10% of "Syrian" people?
I just noticed that the article goes back to January. I think that peace deal they were working was destroyed by the false flag chemical attack and America's bombing of the Syrian base. It's not the first time. Whenever it seems the fighting will end, the US does something to reignite it so the war can keep going on... and on... and on...
" peace deal they were working was destroyed " it has had 0 chance, sunni - arabs and kurds will be under the Alawite clan Assad again ...
Syria will be transformed by Russia and regional autonomy will replace Assad's one-man dictatorship. There are dozens of autonomous okrugs in Russia, on which this idea is modelled.
No Litwin, when I say the Syrian people, I mean the Chistians, Kurds, Alawites, Shias, moderate Sunnis, etc. In other words 90% of the population which includes just about everyone except the foreign terrorists. Why do have so much hatred for the Syrian people that you would want them to suffer under sharia law? Be careful, it might come back to bite you someday.
Assad wouldn't have needed Russian intervention to keep him in power if the Syrian people wanted him to remain in power.
"Chistians, Kurds, Alawites, Shias, moderate Sunnis" 1) Kurds? , you must be joking, Assad´s family have been arabizateing Kurds all 50 years in power , do you really think that YPG fights for Assad not for Rojava ?LOL "moderate Sunnis" 10% ?
I have news for you, having Assad as president is what the people of Syria, want but it's not what the Washington globalists want. So Litwin, do you believe in democracy or American tyranny? I disagree only in that the US does not want autonomy for the Kurds, it wants total independence for them... and so Turkey right now is at war with the US since an independent Kurdistan constitutes a threat to their sovereignty. But that's okay, Turkey is at war with everyone anyway. What the US plan is, and why it broke the peace agreement once again with the false flag chemical attack, is to create a jihadist independent Sunnistan, that together with Kurdistan would split Syria from Iran. If you look at the map you will notice the gray line that represents ISIS does exactly that. It splits Syria from Iran. This is why whenever the Syrian army starts defeating ISIS the Americans or Israelis intervene to help out ISIS. This is also probably why ISIS apologized to Israel for attacking their soldiers by mistake.