finally , those who who kill "Syrians", will pay for their crimes.... respect to USA democratic institutions , and American great nation you guys...
[IMG] as we all know Turkey and OE were...
why all war criminals always come to " crematorium" solution? Koba, Hitler, Assad... my question : does it mean that Assad , Iran, and Putin will...
with other words cooperation with Kremlin kleptocracy is very unproductive thing ))), its clear that USA choice is 3 states solution for "Syria",...
3 world wannabees Turkey , Muscovy, and Iran once again made a massive PLBBBBBBGH in a water !! of cos USA/NATO will fly where it needs to fly ,...
does it mean that IS is done in Syria? or it can be saved, by Erdogan or Putin? what do you think about territory of Syria , defiantly Alawites ,...
bad news for sunni - Muslims, does it mean that Shia/ Muscovite coalition is absolutely sure that Trump will not act like he´d ? Syria's...
USA is tougher and tougher on Muscovy, for how long Putin and his "Nigeria in snow" can hold the USA pressure? whats funny Muscovite propaganda...
great news Kurds almost fixed "IS" for us. once IS fixed , the west can fix "Assad and his allies" , does it mean that war in "Syria" can be ended...
does it mean that people ´ll travel to "Greece" to get a taste of ancient Greece, like Byron and people like him did 200 years ago ? i have a...
well. a sight of final degradation of "upper Volta with defected Protons " , "A "Russian" naval reconnaissance ship is sinking after it crashed...
very interesting, does it mean that Muscovy wants 2 states solution for "Syria"? whats Trump´s administration plan for Syria? we all understand...
Well, Muscovy blames Turkey for at least sponsoring terrorism, if not using it as a tool , is it sort of pay back for AKP:s support of Trump´s...
Erdogan won, 51.35% and "No" on 48.65% shows that Turkey is not a new Putin´s Muscovy, its still a democratic country, my question whats new? what...
sound like Pakistan , A-stan or KSA? its a new turn in Muscovite barbaric gay-hunt , this time, Muscovite Muslims proclaimed "retribution...
China with other developed countries dumps Muscovy, what does it mean for Putin and his empire (khan juchi project) ? Finito for Putin´s war -...
Trump as all other developed countries dumps Muscovy, what does it mean for Putin and his empire (khan juchi project) ? finish , yes, but how...
Finally, this terrible crime has a chance to be investigated, my question, can it lead to collapse of Muscovite dominance over Caucasus? before...
well, as i predicted, Trump became an ordinary republican president and USA is a well functioned democracy ))) many afro - Asiatic tyrants...
well , one more great news in one week , Kazakhstan has left Putin´s " russki mir " , after occupation of Crimea,no one wants to be close to this...
quote of the day "The trans-Atlantic allies this weekend were composing a plan to demand that Russia halt military support for Assad and let...
Well, an expected development, look like Kremlin kleptocracy has provided the Alawite dictator Assad with Soviet made chemical weapons. .......
its getting, really HOT in "Syria". i have a technical question , what will Putin and Muscovy do and for how long can they help Assad?...
Turkey once again switched the side in this war , Israel/EU/Free-world provide full support to USA actions in Syria. so Whats new? What Muscovy,...
Well Turkey switched side one more time in this wart )) what will be Putin´s kleptocracy reaction to this Erdogan action ? visa/Turkish fruits...
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