Why do Liberals Hate Prosperity?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Libhater, Sep 10, 2011.

  1. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Everything concerning Capitalism, prosperity, workplace advancement, invention, entrepreurialism and success tells me that liberals despise them all.

    Liberals readily engage in class warfare, always seeking to punish the rich and or the producers/movers in our society.

    Liberals love to unionize workers into a drone/clone fashion where everyone is equally satisfied to stay stagnated to the same position in life. There is no incentive for a liberal union worker to invent, to prosper, to advance, to accomplish or succeed in a work related endeavor.

    Liberals love to criticize an American oil corporation (Haliburton) for making money overseas in the Mideast. Here's an American corporation that makes money and reinvests that money here in America creating more capital and more jobs, yet the liberals mock and denounce this particular American enterprise simply because it prospers, and or perhaps because the Republican Dick Cheney was it's former CEO. Interesting that we don't hear prostests or criticisms from liberals when capitalists George Soros or Warren Buffet invest their filthy billions in capitalistic enterprises. Wonder why that is?

    Obama's income redistribution (socialism theft) obviously puts a strain on prosperity and capitalism where the competive free enterprise system is left in shackles.

    America was built on CAPITALISM as the industrial barons/giants of the late 19th and early 20th centuries created steel plants and railroads etc, yet liberals and liberal presidents have been shackling those industries with heavy taxes and regulations going back to the Sherman Act of 1890. Again, liberals doing their best to stop prosperity.

    Liberals cannot stand the fact that America could be energy independent if we would drill baby drill and rebuild our refineries here in America. But no, the spotted owl and protecting the seal is more important to these nitwits then is the expansion of and independence of our American economy.

    I could give you a perpetual example list of liberal hatred of a prosperous America and of Capitalism itself, but I thought it would save time by giving you my belief as to why libs hate prosperity.

    At the age of 12 I was made to get a job after school hours on a farm. After the farm job and after dinner I delivered newspapers in my neighboorhood. I was taught early on to be self dependent--to have a feeling of self confidence in whatever endeavor I chose to procure. There was this desire to better myself and not ever to expect a free ride or a free handout. My self confidence grew exponentially over time having these basic tenets.

    I do believe that liberals were raised by parents that gave them everything they needed in life at that time. Lib boys were not allowed to play with toy guns, and were certainly not made to do any sort of menial work--especially if it made their hands dirty.

    So it comes as no surprise that adult liberals feel the need to have the rich or successful become a proxy in way of their former doting parents by redistributing (trickle down) their accomplishments/capital if you will to them. Liberals were never raised to get a sense of self worth, of self accomplishment or self confidence in themselves.

    Liberals can deny the fact that they were raised to hate prosperity, but until they can show me even one example of how they love or how they set out in life to make the case for a prosperous America or a prosperous self, then I'll just have to accept the fact that liberals hate prosperity, and go on to the next issue.
  2. skeptic-f

    skeptic-f New Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    What really annoys me about Tea Party zombies is that their version of reality has very little to do with reality. They have a series of tropes and patriotic fictions stuck in their heads which are reinforced by the worst sort of reactionary talk radio and similar media. Just for a start, Lib-hater, Trickledown is a conservative economic theory and not a liberal one. Liberals have traditionally believed that if the mass of Americans are prosperous (and especially the middle-class) the rich will inevitably get their share.

    Wealth inequality

    The current system in the United States is to take money from the middle-class and the poor and give it to the rich, and then take some money from the middle-class and give it to the poor. And to really make this a non-viable system, you also allow globalisation so that the middle-class gradually shrinks and most of that shrinkage (6 out of 7) become poor. Please don't mention income-tax levels, because they are riddled with loopholes and exemptions while other important taxes and fees that hit everyone are not.

    Wealth inequality is at an all-time high, even more so than in the late 1800s and ealy 1900s (which Lib-hater seems to find is a good thing). The fact that several Presidents were basically selected by the railroads and/or Morgan Stanley isn't a bad thing, nor that the wealth gap shriveled real growth in the economy and unsustainable financial growth had to be substituted (why does this sound familiar?).



    Halliburton has become the object of several controversies involving the 2003 Iraq War and the company's ties to former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney. Cheney retired from the company during the 2000 U.S. presidential election campaign with a severance package worth $36 million. As of 2004, he had received $398,548 in deferred compensation from Halliburton while Vice President. Cheney was chairman and CEO of Halliburton Company from 1995 to 2000 and has received stock options from Halliburton.

    In the run-up to the Iraq war, Halliburton was awarded a $7 billion contract for which 'unusually' only Halliburton was allowed to bid.

    Bunnatine Greenhouse, a civil servant with 20 years of contracting experience, had complained to Army officials on numerous occasions that Halliburton had been unlawfully receiving special treatment for work in Iraq, Kuwait and the Balkans. Criminal investigations were opened by the U.S. Justice Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Pentagon's inspector general. In one of Greenhouse's claims, she said that military auditors caught Halliburton overcharging the Pentagon for fuel deliveries into Iraq. She also complained that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's office took control of every aspect of Halliburton's $7 billion Iraqi oil/infrastructure contract.

    In early December 2010, the Nigerian government filed corruption charges against Cheney in connection with his role as the chief executive of Halliburton. The case relates to an alleged $182 million contract involving a four-company joint venture to build a liquefied natural gas plant on Bonny Island in southern Nigeria.[48] Earlier in 2009, KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, agreed to pay $402 million after admitting that it bribed Nigerian officials, and Halliburton paid $177 million to settle allegations by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission without admitting any wrongdoing. In mid-December 2010, the case was settled when Nigeria agreed to drop the corruption charges against Cheney and Halliburton in exchange for a $250 million settlement. According to Femi Babafemi, the spokesperson for the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, the $250 million would include approximately $130 million frozen in a Swiss bank, and the rest would be paid as fines.

    The Federal Contractor Misconduct Database details 10 instances of misconduct since 1995 under which Halliburton has agreed to pay settlements of $791 million. A further 22 instances of misconduct relate to the company's former subsidiary KBR (which got lucrative contacts to build internment facilities.
  3. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Liberals see what others have, and want it too.

    Attachment leads to greed, greed leads to jealousy, jealousy leads to anger, anger leads to hatred, and hatred leads to communism(forced redistribution of the attached).

  4. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Your entire diatribe here against success and prosperity makes my point. All you can do is whine and point fingers that one class of achievers got their capital through hook or crook while the lower class and socialist enablers sat by idly complaining that they couldn't compete or coudn't live in a world populated by go-getters. How pathetic is that?
  5. NetworkCitizen

    NetworkCitizen New Member

    Mar 5, 2011
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    All of the mortgage lenders and big banks were doing some hook and crook, weren't they? Well, they just dropped all of their losses on all of our heads. It's not the free market that establishment Republicans AND Democrats are supporting. It's selective corporate cronyism and rule by the banking elite. The government picks the winners and losers, just look at Obama and the healthcare waivers and ties to GE.

    I think it is an idiotic idea in the first place to have the federal reserve run by international bankers and pay them interest for no useful industry of theirs. As a tea-partier, I'd guess that you have admiration for Thomas Jefferson. Then, you should realize that corporate America has ventured far from his vision.
  6. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Here is an example of how I, a liberal Democrat intend to gain prosperity in the workplace, although it may be an area that you abhor.

    I have an ambitious goal of becoming a United Nations dplomat. As a high school student, I realize that I will have to be highly educated, knowledgable of economics, diplomacy, international relations and affairs, politics and government, law, and current events. I need to have the ability to read and write effectively, and speak in public in a convincing and intelligent manner.

    To increase my understanding of economics, I am currently taking an AP Macro-economics course. To increase my comprehension of diplomacy, international relations and affairs, and current events, I have been actively engaged in my school's Model United Nations club, learning about the structure and organization of the United Nations, and the viewpoints of all nations on pressing issues. To increase my understanding of politics and government, I am taking an AP United States Government and Politics course. I also got some first-hand experience in politics when I worked for a local affliate of the Democratic National Committee. To increase my understanding of law, I am taking a few introductory law courses.

    In order to gain more experience, and move up the job ladder in my intended job field(s), I will be applying for two more internships, one unpaid, another paid. The unpaid internship will be at the state office of Senator Chuck Schumer. The paid internship will be at the New York office of the United States Department of State.

    As an honors student, I intend to double major in college. I will be majoring in international relations and affairs, as well as political science and government/public policy. I have a goal of receiving my master's degrees in both intended majors, as well as at least one doctorate degree, possibly in public administration.

    In order to support myself in college, I will be looking for paying jobs on campus, off campus, and may create my own. I originally was going to major in graphic design, and I still have enough artistic skills to improve on my own. One option that I have been considering is starting up a freelance advertising/graphic design business in college to support myself.
  7. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    From what I have seen, most of the "have-nots" don't have for a reason. They seem to be stuck in a very unhealthy worldview that states that anything that causes them to lift a finger is fundamentally predatory or oppressive. Because they have a "right" to whatever they want. Nothing is a luxury to them. Everything is a "right." And if somebody else has it, by golly, they're entitled to it too.
    webrockk and (deleted member) like this.
  8. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Well Libhater, after hearing this statement from you, what is your opinion on the complex events that led to the Financial Crisis of 2008?
  9. webrockk

    webrockk Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 7, 2010
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    A perfect dissection of the 'hive mind'
  10. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Skyrocketing energy prices led to the finacial crisis in 2008. More people were buying homes then ever before, but as soon as they got in those house, the price of energy about doubled, raising the price of everything else. Suddenly people couldn't afford there homes, and the market collapst. The energy prices began to rise in 2006, when Dems took the house. NUCLEAR POWER will cause a boom in our economy like nobody has ever seen. Time to make plugging your car into the wall affordable.
  11. NetworkCitizen

    NetworkCitizen New Member

    Mar 5, 2011
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    The federal reserve held interest rates low leading to a false housing market boom and the resulting bust. You also had the pro-active equality police nudging the banks to relax their lending policies, and a guarantee that their failures would be dumped on the public. It was an inside job by bankers, regulators, and politicians. They are all one and the same.
  12. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    To leave the price of energy out of the "bust" shows you don't get it. Blame the bankers/regulators all you want. But a huge lack of energy policy is killing America
  13. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    You support crony capitalism and corrupt government officials .... so according to your twisted logic.. if you can steal others peoples wealth and enrich yourself its all ok? Even when your the one being stolen from.. thats nice..
  14. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Thank you, if you hav ever seen the movie Inside Job, it provides a good account of the events that led to the Financial Crisis of 2008. I don't beleive it is the most comprehensive account of the causes and effects of the event, but it is educational and informative. I actually had to write a research paper based upon the movie.
  15. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Blame the banks, not the lack of energy policy... good plan. Another inside job, like 9/11 right? It's all Bush's fault.
  16. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Are you saying that people are not successful and prosperous in Western Europe? You don't get out of your BMW much, do you?
  17. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    No, it is Obama's fault, Bush Jr's fault, Clinton's fault, Bush Sr's fault, and Reagan's fault. For the past 30 years or so, financial deregulation has consumed most economic policy. In my research paper, I actually explain how the 30 year "marriage" between government and investment banks caused the Financial Crisis of 2008 from a historical standpoint. I also explained how the effects of the Financial Crisis of 2008 led to the rise of the Tea Party movement.
  18. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    LOL, sounds like pure propaganda to me. The greedy bankers (aka jews) are to blame for the housing bubble. I was un-aware the housing bubble was 30 years old. Funny cause I remeber the housing boom. I lived threw it. It began in the late 90s and bubbled up to 2006, till gas hit 5 bucks a gallon. While gas has gone down a little, the price of energy continues to climb, continueing to choke people out of there homes.
  19. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    I am not talking about specifically the housing bubble, because that was only one cause of the financial crisis. Financial deregulation over the past 30 years has included the following:

    1. Deregulation of the savings and loan banks under Reagan that led to extensive fraud and failing of many investment banks.
    2. Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act to allow Citibank and Travelers to merge via the Citigroup Relief Act. This allowed the "too big to fail" scenario to manifest.
    3. Creation of the Securitization Food Chain, a new lending system that allows investment banks to combine loans and mortgages to create CDO's, CDS's, and other financial derivatives. This provided a reason for investment banks to make more risky loans that people could not pay back.
    4. Paying off of rating agencies by investment banks to give risk-transfer agreements such as CDO's and CDS's triple A ratings, when they were deserving of junk ratings. #3 and #4 is what created the housing boom, which did start to simmer in the late 90's.
    5. Consolidation of investment banks after the repeal of Glass Steagall.

    I don't deny the rise of energy prices as a result of all these events. However, I consider it an indirect side note to the real causes of the Financial Crisis of 2008. You are giving a main street reason for the cause of the financial crisis, when you have to consider the event through a Wall Street-based perspective.
  20. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Funny that this kid is more aware of what caused the housing bubble than you are.. you should listen to this kid.. he will teach you what you dont know about what you have lived through.

    Banking deregulation ( including margin ratio for bank loans, Deregulation of securities specifically) is THE direct cause of the housing bubble.. you actually think it was the price of gas that drove people out of thier homes? Listen to this kid and stop embarrasing yourself. The loss of industry/employment and bank deregulation are the main causes of the housing bubble and its collapse.. one fed off the other. Securities deregulation served to multiply and spread the contagion all over the world.

    Did you know that beef is really just muscle tissue from cattle?
  21. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    The price of energy is key. When energy prices are down, the ecconomy booms, when they are up, it crashes. I agree that some banks made risky loans, but there are a zillion different banks, and they all can't be run by crooks (aka, greedy Jews). All of this is to hide the HUGE fact that America needs new, modern energy policy that works to replace expencive, distructive coal plants with nice clean nuclear ones. America is being held up by the price of energy. As our energy prices continue to rise as demand increases, and supply decreases, you'll continue to see people losing there houses do to the price of living increases.
  22. P. Lotor

    P. Lotor Banned Past Donor

    Oct 25, 2010
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    Because they hate mankind?
  23. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    You are trying to prove that a FINANCE-based crisis was caused by a lack of independent and comprehensive energy policy? This claim is simply a deflection from the truth in order to support your ambitions for this nation to become energy independent. I hope you realize that we had a FINANCIAL crisis in 2008, not an energy crisis. If you want to refer to an energy crisis in our nation's history, please take a look at the 1973 OPEC oil embargo, and the 1979 energy crisis. The FINANCIAL crisis exposed a much larger economic crisis in this nation, such as the lack of energy independence, etc. However, it was not the cause of the FINANCIAL CRISIS OF 2008.
  24. P. Lotor

    P. Lotor Banned Past Donor

    Oct 25, 2010
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    The financial crisis was clearly caused by monetary manipulation. Artificially low interest rates lead to over investment in higher order capital goods, combine that with GSEs whose purpose is to direct capital towards real estate and BAM, a financial bubble and a housing bubble. We all suffer at the hands of the morons with the keys to the printing press. Thank you big government!
  25. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    It was caused by monetary manipulation, as well as financial deregulation, which includes GSE's which participated in the risky securitization system with the nation's most prominent investment banks. GSE's served as the investors, along with non-affiliated international bankers within the Securitization Food Chain, that put CDO's, CDS's, and other financial derivatives developed from mortgages and loans on the global market for "betting purposes."

    I consider the events that caused the financial crisis to have started over 30 years ago under Reagan, and every President after him making the situation gradually worse. Even Obama is trapped in the "marriage" between government and the investment banks.

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