So they vote against their own interest. A small percentage of them anyway I would venture to say 15% or less on guns
How are they voting against their own interests? Name me one time anyone's guns were taken away from them in our history.
Short memory? Bill Clinton assault weapons ban which turned out to do absolutely zero to lower gun crime.
The latest attempt. Known as "Assault Weapons Ban 5 of 2021".
If you are so concerned then by all means get jabbed, but don't tell me I have to. My body, my choice.
The trace is part of the same group as mom's demand action, well known Bloomberg funded anti-gunners who push out totally false information.
Not accurate but that was carefully "weasel-worded". You specify "gun crime" and you're correct it was not measurably affected by the ban, BUT that wasn't the point of the ban. The ban was intended to reduce MASS SHOOTINGS, and it did that. In fact, a ban on extended and replaceable magazines seem to do the most to reduce MASS SHOOTINGS.
There are a lot of reasons to not get a firearm. For starters, some places like New Jersey make life more dangerous for gun owners. Next, transients and cross-country truck drivers will have difficulty carrying around firearms and obeying all the associated laws. Apartment dwellers have to worry about landlords snoopin' around.
Speaking of hesitations.... Life is short and there are only so many days in the week. Go buy the motorcycle!
Or you can just take your chances and depend on the police to protect you. When seconds matter police are only minutes away.
Have patience. For some people they believed that guns cause violence for so long. Let them come to the light.
Big talker. You won't take a fart in a strong breeze. Just advocate that someone else does it for you
I seen something like that real life on video the other day. Little skinny jean punks ran in the store to rob it and pointed a gun and the guy standing there swatted the gun out of his face at the same time he came across with his other hand and punched him in the mouth and skinny jeans little punk number two ran out of the store
You might want to find someone that left their car door unlocked and take theirs as opposed is trying to strong arm it from a grown man.