I would say that's very true.... But remember if you should go and try to take someone's firearm you should make sure they're not home or their car is unlocked. Otherwise taking a strong man's gun away from him generally doesn't work out well
Yes, those with a criminal mindset lie as well. But many of us do not have a criminal mind. If we all had your mindset, society would not be able to function. Those of us without a criminal mindset keep society safe enough that you can keep whatever communication device you are using to post here. Without us, another criminal would have already taken it from you, and likely your life as well. You should be thankful not everyone is a criminal at heart. You owe us your life.
My contention has always been that we are all criminals and/or that the criminal "mindset" does not really exist. We have a society for a REASON, after all, and one of its major purposes is that we are ALL sinners. With all due respect, I think conservatives need to read some actual criminal justice materials and watch a little less television and/or comic books. (..uh..." graphic novels"). A friend of mine who actually wrote CJ materials once noted that the majority of criminals take up crime because most of them have all the intellectual capacity of a rutabaga. Supervillains are as mythological as superheroes.
Being a sinner and pre meditated violent theft are not equivalents. You are choosing violence and to disrespect private property. That is a criminal mindset. Yes, society exists to keep people like that suppressed so they can do less harm to others. If we were all into premeditated theft and violence society could not exist. Would it surprise you to learn I do not even own a working television? And I’m one of very few here who can actually discuss crime statistics based on reality. Are you saying because you have openly admitted to the possibility of committing premeditated violent theft in the future you are in some way comparable to a rutabaga? That’s surely what your posts imply. I would not want to misinterpret your actual posts….
, I only contemplate violence to necessarily combat violence done against me. I have great respect for private property as part and parcel of the respect I have for my own I'm glad to see you have a computer. I once knew people who didn't have televisions. They were woefully ill-informed as to the modern world IMO, and some were not that well-read either.
You have no respect for the property of others. And you do not believe in the principles of non aggression. You said this, remember? Nobody can claim to respect property and adhere to non aggression principles and say this: LOL. I do not own a computer. So now you claim there is too much television viewing and then those who don’t watch television are ill informed! You seem to be an expert on television. What is the perfect amount of television watching to be informed but not be confused about the criminal mind as a result of too much viewing? If criminal minds didn’t have double standards they wouldn’t have any standards at all. LOL
I will only take your gun if it's you that is making me need one. Otherwise, I will respect your private property as I do my own I have no expertise as to tv viewing, nor did I claim any. I only noted that not having a tv does not seem the automatic indication of intelligence some seem to believe. I don't adhere to any principle of non-aggression, nor do I recall saying I did.
You claimed to be honest. And you have made two statements that are diametrically opposed to one another. And: I don’t believe we can believe anything you say at this point. Especially after your admission to being a criminal. You are the ONLY one who has made ANY statements of correlation between TV watching and knowledge/intellect. As you are the one making claims about correlation you should probably have some knowledge of the subject. Apparently you do not and are just speaking of things out of ignorance. Actually this quote from you is an apt description of the non aggression principle as it applies to the subject at hand.
Why do you ask? Never mind I already know the answer. But for your information I can have certain muzzleloaders as long as they were made on or before 1918 or reproduction thereof.