NOBODY who actually works to permanently kidnap children as punishment for being in the USA without papers could possibly know ANYTHING about Christianity. Trump not only has a history of doing that, but is pushing for the powers of the US to do that right now. Also the well informed yet blatant disregard for human life and suffering in this time of pandemic is a decisive indication.
Of course I can complain. IF and mind you IF there were a thing called the separation of church and state, the government would have NO business registering churches. Your answers are pretty much what I expected. You were looking for an opportunity to pretend to be academically superior and needing an easy target. I'm not that easy to poke at. Everybody lays the blame on someone else, but at the end of the day, everybody answers to the powers that be. It's unfortunate that you cannot comprehend reality and your response is so much pious cant as to be devoid of any real meaning.
The translation of Messiah is 'Anointed one' and there were many of those in the OT. There's no reason to believe that Jesus was divine. 'Matthews' Nativity stories are all taken out of context from the OT.
Perhaps he only denied "the divinity of Christ" as you stated first. Maybe he did not actually "deny the Christ".
Zeus' mythological family is complex. You can learn about it here. No mention of Christ who came along centuries after the decline of Greece.