Why We’ll Never Bake Your Fake ‘Wedding’ Cake

Discussion in 'Gay & Lesbian Rights' started by PatriotNews, Mar 9, 2015.

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  1. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    Again, mating isn't a requirement for marriage.

    What if those evil Tea Partiers refuse to pay their taxes? You break the law, you get punished. Plain and simple.

    If a male can marry a female, why shouldn't a female be able to marry a female?

    Please show where supporting SSM AND heterosexual marriage is being a heterophobe?

    I love it, you Christians are mad you can't discriminate against homosexuals and then you cry victim because of it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh you speak for all black people now? And it's called a comparison. Do you need it in crayon instead for you to understand that?

    Actually its because most Christians don't really care. As long as THEY aren't marrying someone of the same sex, they don't care if someone else is. Because THEY, unlike you, mind their own business and worry about their lives, not someone else's.
  2. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    No, but then again, I was talking about science and biology, not social reengineering.

    What happens if they refuse to pay the fines? You still have not said.

    Because marriage is between one man and one woman.

    Please show me were being against redefining marriage is being homophobic? The word homophobic is a made up word used to shut down opponents by pretending they are bigots. It is the gays who are bigoted against the Christians. They are the ones redefining the word marriage and the word bigotry.
    Wait, you want Christians to go against their beliefs which is discriminatory against Christians (and every other religion that believes homosexality is a sin, not just Christians) and then try to claim you are not imposing your values on them? Yes, that makes them the victim of your dogma. We don't have to abide by your nihilism.

    Being gay is not the same as being black. Black people are identified by their skin color. You need a crayon to learn how to tell the difference between racism and homosexuality.
    Now you speak for most Christians. Well most Christians voted against gay marriage in more that 30 states.

    You won't allow them to mind their own business because you bring your bedroom habits into the public forum and discourse.
  3. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    that is your opinion. To those who have chosen the homosexual lifestyle and like it, they will agree with you. For those who have chosen it and realize their error, they will disagree with you.

    True Christians will declare that gay sex is a sin but that's the sin and not the sinner.
  4. Paperview

    Paperview Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2013
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    For most, it's not a choice.
  5. Casper

    Casper Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 17, 2012
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    People do not get married because of science.

    Don't pay they will take your property and sell it to pay the fines, life is full of choices.

    Why because You say so? LOL

    Because those that oppose it almost always bigots, and yes Christians can be bigots just like anyone else can.

    The laws of this nation are Secular in nature, the sooner you come to realize that fact the sooner you will stop trying to discriminate based on your particular beliefs.

    True, yet people such as yourself seem to believe you can tell who the gay people are and feel you have the right to discriminate against them based on your own beliefs, Maybe in your personal life, one can be the worst racist or homophobe there is, do so as a business and you will put of business, as it should be.

    LOL, yet you try claiming you know who Christians are and how the vote, oh you are one of the confused that believes they can define who Christians are.
  6. Countryford

    Countryford Member

    Mar 8, 2015
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    According to whom? According to over half of the US it also includes one man and one man or one woman and one woman.

    You can have any belief you want. But using that belief to deny us our rights then you are imposing your values on us.

    When I speak, I speak for myself, a White Christian Gay Male.
  7. Casper

    Casper Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 17, 2012
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    Never met a gay person that thought they made an error, oh wait you think they can be "fixed". Like me saying we can now cure stupidity with religious Faux treatment, sorry there is not such cure.

    You are now defining what true Christians are, your arrogance becomes you.
  8. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    Which has NOTHING to do with marriage. Nice try on the deflecting.

    The same thing that happens to anyone that doesn't pay fines. Why, you think you should be allowed to break the law and no one else?

    Nope, not anymore.

    You are discriminating on the basis of something a person cannot change. Nope, you are the bigots.

    Baking a cake does not go against their religion. Please show us where in the bible it says that baking a cake is a sin.

    In the comparison of discrimination it is. ALL the gay people I have know were born the way they were. Your simple bigoted mind cannot phathom that one little thing.

    Never said I did, but I showed how Christians aren't sinning by baking a cake. Maybe you would like to show where they are.

    Sex has nothing to do with SSM, sorry you think it does. Sex isn't even a requirement for marriage, so YOU are the one in fact stating things you know nothing about.
  9. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    I suppose that is also a possibility....you know, much like Zombies, Sky Fairies, Worldwide Floods, and people made of salt.

    If you can belive these things....ignoring 31 out of fifty states should be quite easy.
  10. yguy

    yguy Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    Everyone who hasn't been brainwashed to believe otherwise.

    And if you expect this conversation to continue, you'll have to use "reply with quote".
  11. Countryford

    Countryford Member

    Mar 8, 2015
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    Or what? You'll brainwash me?
  12. Countryford

    Countryford Member

    Mar 8, 2015
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    In addition. I was raised by strict parents in a strict Baptist church. I was taught it was wrong to be gay, that I was going to hell. To me, I was being "brainwashed" to believe like them. Somehow I turned out gay. Guess their brainwashing didn't work on me.
  13. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Straw man #3. Nothing you have said here refutes anything I just said. You simply don't respect the First Amendment. Just be honest about it. You want to control what people do, and you don't respect their right to make their own decisions. Because it's not about equality. It's simply about micromanaging society and bending others to the way you think they should be. And you don't even care that you're doing it because as far as you're concerned, your way is the only "right way." Despite the fact that you will likely claim the mantle of moral relativism which states that morality is merely a subjective matter of opinion. Which of course flagrantly contradicts your entire stance.

    People like you turn people like me away from the LGBT cause. Because your agenda isn't about helping gay people. It's about stepping on Christians.
  14. Fugazi

    Fugazi New Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2012
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    Neither do I care about your wilful denials

    They should be prosecuted.

    Not an issue as a chapel is a religious organization and as such is exempt from the requirement.

    Again not relevant, do you have some sort of inability to distinguish between a for profit business serving the public and a religious organization that is not a for profit business .. it would appear so.
  15. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    I didn't say people get married because of science...strawman much?

    What if they have no property? What if the won't give up their property?

    Because that is the definition of marriage.

    Gay marriage people are bigots against Christians.

    Secular does not mean everyone has to follow your nihilistic beliefs.

    Following a religious belief is not discrimination.

    We voted on the definition of marriage. Gay marriage lost. Ever hear of Prop 8?
  16. Fugazi

    Fugazi New Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2012
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    Except of course the above misses (wilfully) the whole point, a for profit business that serves the public cannot offer something to one group of people and deny it to another .. even in your examples, if the bakery offered to bake cakes with Satanic messages on them for one group and then refused to bake one for another group of people based purely on their orientation, colour, age, sex etc then they would also be violating the civil rights of those people .. Any business can refuse to sell something that they don't actually sell. The fact of the matter is that the gay couple asked for nothing that any other couple who are getting married would ask for and as the bakery already supplied wedding cakes they cannot refuse just because it is for a "gay" wedding. Had the bakery not supplied wedding cakes to anyone at all then they would have every right to refuse to bake one REGARDLESS of if the couple were the same sex or not.
  17. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    I wasn't claiming it did. Nice strawman argument.

    Which is what? Jail? I don't think having a religious belief is against the law.

    Because you say so?

    That's not true. Lots of people have changed their orientation by choice. That is a fact. Bigotry is being against someone because of their religious belief or their race. You are turning the definition of bigotry on it's head.

    It is not against their religion to bake a cake. No one is making that claim. Another strawman argument.

    Not all gay people were born gay. I am not a bigot. That is a personal attack. Do you have to resort to personal attacks because your facts are wrong and your argument is weak?

    Recycled strawman argument.

    That does not justify redefining marriage. If sex has nothing to do with SSM, then why do they need to have SSM?
  18. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    If you believe in forcing everyone to believe that homosexuality is not a sin, you might as well believe in those things.
  19. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    You were the one bringing up the strawman, not me.

    It isn't. You aren't going to be fined or jailed for having a religious belief. However, if you run a business OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, you have to follow public accommodation laws. If your belief doesn't allow you to serve the public (i.e. homosexuals), better close up shop if you don't want to serve them.

    No because soon it will be the law in all the states that says so. You can have your opinion marriage is only between a man and a woman, but you can't legally prevent two gays from marrying.

    I'm not against you for your belief. I'm against you breaking the law and then using your belief as an excuse. Again, you wan the RIGHT to discriminate. That's all you are fighting for. Pretty pathetic.

    And it isn't against their religion to make a cake for a same sex wedding. A cake is a cake. It is the good being sold, that's it. When I sell you a bottle of alcohol, am I excusing you getting drunk and beating your wife? Am I condoning it? Nope. Those actions are all on you.

    LOL in the above quote you called me a bigot and now you are whining about a personal attack? Puhlease, healer heal thyself.

    Yes, your comments usually are.

    Because love is not always about sex. Sex is NOT a requirement for marriage. YOU are the one concerned about homosexuals having sex. I know you have a hard time, but this is a safe place. If you are a homosexual you can come out of the closet and let us know you're gay. Being gay is ok PatriotNews, I mean you even have a gay elephant dancing as your avatar. We will applaud you for coming out.
  20. Fugazi

    Fugazi New Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2012
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    There is it's called education.
  21. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    What denials? Prosecuted how? Thrown in jail? What if the chapel is a for profit chapel? What if it is a public employee who refuses to grant a marriage license? What if it is a not a religious exempt pastor? There are some who are not churches who do it for profit. My pastor was a former Catholic priest who did marriages for his business.

    Will he do jail time for refusing gays in violation of their civil rights?
  22. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    If it is determined that the FOR profit church performs marriages for OTHER religions and is open to the public (not a club), yes, they could be fined.

    The reason the last for-profit church got fined is they performed secular weddings.
  23. Fugazi

    Fugazi New Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2012
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    Denial that your OP with the article is in fact an incorrect interpretation and translation of 1 Corinthians 6:9, I would suggest getting a Greek to English dictionary, but then you would have to face the fact that what you follow is wrong.

    malakoi (μαλακοί) means soft - https://translate.google.co.uk/?ie=UTF-8&hl=en&client=tw-ob#el/en/μαλακοί

    Fined to start with and if they refuse to pay the fine then yes prison time, just as any other person who breaks the law .. why should so called Christians be treated any differently.

    then it is not a religious organization, it is a for profit business.

    Then they are breaking the law, your personal religious beliefs DO NOT give you the right to discriminate against others.

    Not exempt, then abide by the laws that cover all non-religious organizations and people.

    Then he must abide by the public accommodation laws, just like any other for profit business owner.

    Probably not, he would be fined, if he refused to pay the fine then sure he might have to do some time, but that is for refusing to pay the court ordered fine.
  24. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    I was stating a biological fact. It's called science. Don't be a science denier.

    So, if you have religious beliefs, you can't own businesses that are open to the public? I think that violates their First Amendment rights to freedom of religion. We do have an INDIVIDUAL right to freedom of religion, it is not the exclusive purview of organized religion.

    They states and the federal government can make the laws as they please. But they cannot violate the Constitution. Most states have made laws defining marriage as a union of one man and one woman. Liberal judges do not have the right to rewrite laws. State cannot pass laws which violate the full faith and credit of the Constitution. All gay marriage laws passed by either popular vote, legislation, or judicial fiat violate the full faith and credit of the majority of state which have defined marriage as a union of one man and one woman.

    You are making peoples belief against the law. That is a violation of the First Amendment freedom of religion. You want the right to tell someone what their religious beliefs can and cannot be. That mean you are fighting to discriminate for bigoted laws.

    Their religion does not allow them to facilitate sin. Baking a cake for a same sex couple is a violation of their religious beliefs for this reason. If I knew you were going to use that bottle of alcohol for a molotov cocktail, I can refuse to sell it to you.

    I don't think so. Which quote? Show me and I will be big enough to apologize.


    So, you think calling me a homosexual is a put down now? How homophobic of you. How hypocritical of you. Once again, you are resorting to personal attacks because your facts are wrong and your argument is weak. If being gay is okay, why do you consider it a put down? Don't pretend to know me, you don't know me. Restorting to third grade teasing is juvenile and demeaning to the discussion. Try taking it up a few grade levels.
  25. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Once again, what happens if someone refuses to pay the fine?
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