Here in Tennessee, Governor Bill Lee has just issued an order to stay at home (except, of course, for "essential" purposes). In this, he mimics many other governors. I really do not know, however, if it will work. Someone on TV yesterday said--with good reason, I believe--that Americans are not at all like the Chinese in this regard. Whereas the Chinese people feel that they must be subservient to the government, Americans typically feel like "You [government] are not the boss of me." So this stay-at-home order is not certain to be followed.
In a way it doesn't matter since attendant to that order will be the closing of most venues where people normally congregate. The idea is to stop large groups from mingling. If you shut down the areas where they usually go to mingle, then that's half the trick right off the start.
They can listen, or die and/or kill a lot of people. This is the end of the road for the rw crackpottery. They are going to kill a hell of a lot of people.
Our (WA) stay-at-home order (from the Governor) was immediately followed by recommendations (also from the Governor) to go for walks outside (just stay 6 feet from people). It doesnt seem like it'd be at all difficult to just do w/e the hell you want, and just say you're going for a walk or going to the grocery or going to the doctor if someone takes issue. Unless you're a 'crowder' that tends to invade other peoples personal space, of course.
'They' primarily live in rural flyover America where Cvirus isn't really spreading because 'they' don't live stacked atop oneanother like rats.
Arizona issued it last week and it's not really being followed by anyone I know. Since most places are shut down however there is little reason to go anywhere. On top of that, our list of essential business are rather silly...things like golf courses and salons are considered essential.
Would it change the analysis at all in LeftWing "crackpottery" land that a vast majority of Tennessee's counties have had no deaths and fewer than a handful of cases (and by "handful" I mean FIVE or less?) Of course not. When the media malefactors who caused this towards their own greed and power hide away that the number of financial suicides as a result of this hoax is going to dwarf any virus deaths in a VAST majority of the country, wonder how facilely and easily that will be to conceal? Or maybe irony of ironies, they will try to tag those suicides on the Trump Admin somehow, we are dealing with completely amoral, craven liars after all.
There is a list of "essential" activities--I think it includes (among other things) going to and from work (not school; it is closed until the end of April); going to and from the grocery; going to and from the pharmacy; going to and from the doctor; going to and from the dentist; and many other things, as well. But I do not have access to this list.
You make a good point. But my wife went to her son's house today (on the other side of town); and that would not be permitted, under this order. Of course, this did not involve "large groups" of people, as you noted.
This would give the government too much power. (The majority of Americans--including myself--believe that the government should be subordinate to the people, rather than the other way around.)
Presumably, by "rw" you mean "right wing." But this thread is not at all about the right versus the left. And I will not respond in such a way as to allow your hijacking of it.
My wife goes to physical therapy twice a week (following surgery upon her knee). Someone there gave her a note, indicating that this was essential, just in case she should be stopped.
Most cons are not fighting being responsible behavior. I dont know any rw person in my red state that is like the rw you see on forums. The fringe element. People on both sides tend to use big blankets. Like the racists of my youth here in the south. Rw people dont want to die from this either . But we only hear of the low iq rw and then the left pulls out their blankets imo.
Just enforcing the penalties would help . If there is no teeth involved only the non criminal people will be responsible and do what is right.