World of Warplanes/Warships/Tanks PC Game

Discussion in 'Music, TV, Movies & other Media' started by Junkieturtle, May 21, 2016.

  1. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    I started playing World of Warships last night. It's my first experience with any of the "World of..." military games.

    I'm up to level 5 now, and just researched and bought my first tier 3 cruiser. So far I'm enjoying the game. I haven't played a naval warfare simulation game since what was available in the mid 90s.

    What has me excited is that I noticed the premium membership you can purchase applies to all three of their games instead of separate subs. Pricing is the same as most MMOs out there, with 12.99 buying you 30 days(and higher, but I never buy a sub for longer than a month because of my fickle gaming habits), but increments of 7, 3, and 1 also available(although costing you more per-day than the longer duration offers).

    Since I'm just starting, I suppose I don't have much to add in the way of game insights. It's a rather beautiful game though, and my wife even commented out of the blue about how pretty the sky was. Since my wife doesn't comment very often on my games, and since she is the best woman in the universe, I'd peg that as a solid thumbs up.

    Does anyone play Warships?

    I'm downloading Tanks and Warplanes right now. Figure I might as well try them all since the premium sub spans all three.

    Thanks to Battlefield, I've done plenty of tank fighting, but I can't say I've done any WWII flying since Aces Of The Pacific in the 90s. Excellent excellent game, that one.
  2. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    Warplanes is cutthroat but the Warship game is awesome just remember when you get torpedoes be careful once launched they will hit friend and foe alike. ^_^
  3. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    I'll be flying in Warplanes with just keyboard and mouse. That worked for me in Battlefield games but I'll have to see how it is for this one. I always had a joystick when I played these kinds of games as a kid, but I haven't owned one since the 90s.

    Interesting that you bring up torpedoes, I just finished the first match where I used them and got a kill with them.
  4. Panzerkampfwagen

    Panzerkampfwagen New Member

    Dec 16, 2010
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    Warplanes sucks because the games are server side. Isn't really noticeable in Tanks or Warships but it is when you're trying to dogfight.
  5. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    So I've had a chance to play all three of the World Of games.

    Really enjoying World of Warships. Damage applications seems arbitrary at times, but for the most part it's a pretty solid game. Great looking too. I wouldn't have minded additional things to spend experience on. Once you get the 3-4 upgrades for a ship, there's nothing else but grinding for the next tier which takes a while once you get up to 5 and higher.

    World of Warplanes is cutthroat like Tkolter said it was. I do enjoy the game, but I cannot stand the flying style and how the horizon does not move with your plane, even in first person view. If anyone has played the space battles in the Star Wars: Old Republic MMO, Warplanes is basically that except with WWII era vehicles and no asteroids. I imagine it was designed to be easy to play and without needing additional equipment, but it makes it seem cheap and half-assed to me. Still, I enjoy the planes and am working my way slowly towards a P-38, my favorite WWII plane ever since that old arcade game 1942.

    World of Tanks was awful and I uninstalled it. I'm willing to cut them some slack as that was their first game, but it's like playing with plastic toys at my house instead of actually driving a tank. It's too bad as it seems to have the most content out of their three games(also I'm sure because it's their oldest).
  6. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    Well all their games including Master of Orion which is in playtest (and plays great) are arcade like not realistic. WoT does have a robust learning curve many tactics and such are involved in going from a Noobie to a decent player. World of Warships I would say is their most approachable game and beg disabled for me is the most forgiving if one makes mistakes. I would say for new players pick a country to focus on I was in the Beta Test so had tons of opportunities to get a head start but am average but never quit and try my best that seems a bit uncommon at times. :wink:
  7. Aphotic

    Aphotic Banned

    Oct 8, 2014
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    I play WoT on xbox1. Don't have a good PC unfortunately. I've got multiple tier X tanks.

    Kill Process. ADD ME.
  8. raytri

    raytri Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    I'm a former tanker, so I joined World of Tanks soon after it came out.

    It was terrible. Hard to aim and steer reliably. The gameplay just wasn't much fun.

    Haven't tried the other two. May have to. I like multiplayer combat games (addicted to Titanfall at the moment), as long as they're balanced and fun to play.
  9. raytri

    raytri Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    I didn't know they were developing a new version of MOO!! I loved MOO2. Been playing "Starbase Orion" on my iPhone/iPad as a substitute.

    It's fine, but not particularly challenging, and the combat system is too simplified and not interactive enough (in MOO2 I used to love the tactical control over combat, and boarding and capturing enemy ships; can't do that in Starbase Orion).

    So if there's a real replacement for MOO2 in the works, I guess I'll be ponying up for it.
  10. Herkdriver

    Herkdriver New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    I'm an avid sim player...simulation. 99% of which are flight sims.

    I've played a lot of these games. I call them games because it would be an insult to refer to them as simulations. This includes a brief stint with World of Warplanes. Wow...horrible physics. About 20 minutes of playing and I realized the target demographic is certainly not those interested in flight simulation.


    There is only one combat flight sim, WW2 genre with multi-player option, worth a darn and that is the IL-2 Sturmovik series. The flight physics are surprisingly well done.

    Everything else is equivalent to an arcade game, virtually (no pun intended) no basis in reality.

    Two cents from a former pilot in real life (non-combat).

    When you're ready to take the training wheels off of your bicycles and play with the big boys, feel free to join the IL-2 Strurmovik community. PC only unfortunately if you're exclusively a console player, SOL.

    Carry on.
  11. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    I saw the Master of Orion stuff on their website and I'm somewhat excited about it. I played the original in the 90s, and the 2nd one too I think. Between this and the X-Com reboots(though neither are as good as the original in terms of gameplay), it's like being a kid again.
  12. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    It never was a Sim if you ant that go play the Warthunder game they have options for realistic battles that seem very challenging, and more realistic physics and modeling. But the World of ... games lean to the game FPS model.
  13. Herkdriver

    Herkdriver New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    It's marketed as a flight sim, but War Thunder is not a true sim.

    To reach the widest audience of players, these are designed as accessible flight games that anyone with an interest in combat flight can pick up and play. There might be modes that introduce flight physics modeling like stalls and energy management and so forth, but from my own experience. The best 'game' of this genre, WW2 flight combat simulation, is the IL-2 Sturmovik franchise. Even that is somewhat buggy, but the physics modeling and instrumentation is well done. Of course many don't have the time to invest in simulation games, and games like World of Tanks, Warplanes, Warships.... is something a newbie can pick up and enjoy right out of the gate.

    Ultimately it's a question of what you're looking for. I prefer simulation and realism, and worry less about graphics and playability. If for example the stall speed of a Bf-109 is say 102 mph indicated with flaps down, in real life, I want to see that incorporated into the game. Most players don't care about that stuff, they want something that is easy to fly and the game is only exciting when you're engaging other aircraft as a first person shooter would do.

    It all depends on what you prefer. I thoroughly enjoyed World at War (Call of Duty) even though this was purely a first person shooter...sometimes if a game gets too technical it loses it's appeal.

    it's like Raytri said, in real life he was a tanker, so he tries World of Tanks and realizes this is an arcade game. Tanks don't handle or shoot like the real thing, it's disappointing. Someone else may enjoy the game.

    I demand realism, less on the graphical side, but more on the technical side of things.

    To each their own.

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