List Of Australians With No Criminal Convictions --------- Number Of Days Since Nov 2016 Democrats Have Never Said Impeach --------- List Of PF Mods That Don't Wear High Heels And Stockings
Bloody hell but that would be massive Apart from a trend in the last 20 or so years to make up names we have a rise in indigenous names and an added extra of migrants from Asia with some unique names
As if any of the people who are beginning their runs for President are careful with the truth. I'm afraid the skills needed to win the office (i.e. scandalmongering, lying and polarizing the public) are not the same as those needed to be successful in it (i.e. compromising and looking a situation over from a neutral perspective).
While it is true that all politicians lie the BLOTUS is INCAPABLE of ever telling the truth and his INCOMPETENCE makes him UNFIT for office.
My turn... I can do a lot of these. The French Guide to Winning Wars The Muslim Guide to Religious Freedom The German Guide to Respecting Your Neighbors' Borders The European Union Guide to Democracy The European Union Guide to Respecting National Sovereignty The Liberal Guide to Respecting Christians and Christianity The Iranian Guide to Respecting Human Rights The American College Guide to Respecting Free Speech The Latin American Guide to Political Stability The Haitian Guide to Economic Prosperity The Communist Guide to Respecting Private Property What's Yours Is Mine: All the Reasons Liberals Have For Taking Your Property List of Communist Defenders Who HAVEN'T Said, "That Wasn't REAL Communism" The Medical Industry's Guide to Drug-Free Living The NBA Guide to Standing Up For Freedom How Not to Be Evil, by Google How Not to Censor People You Disagree With, by YouTube Tolerance of Differing Opinions, by The American Left Why the Internet Is Great, by The Mainstream Media Why I Favor Open Borders and Live In a Gated Community, by American Leftists Non-Racist Reasons I Want to Live in Canada and Not Mexico, by American Leftists How to Tell the Truth, by CNN How to Be Objective, by The New York Times How to Get Along With Trump Supporters, by Maxine Waters and one more just for a little balance... How to Follow Through On Your Campaign Promises, by The Republican Party