You obviously have not read, and have zero knowledge of Who Really Cares - Who Really Cares: America's Charity Divide, Who Gives, Who Doesn't and Why It Matters by Arthur C. Brooks Liberals DO NOT give. Atheists DO NOT give.
Ah, commentary from a humorless Brit. I can understand. Life is tough there. Socialism, outrageous prices, half of your population wants to keep the Muslim Stream flowing inbound, outrageous price of maintaining your archaic "Royalty." How's this for a short book: Names of British Subjects Who Want to Abolish Costly Royalty That Does Nothing
Not remotely. I simply pointed out your wonderfully short book! It saved so much on paper and ink. And I am not, and will never be your "darling." May I suggest you try one of San Francisco's many Tent Cities..... Eureka! There's a book. What California is Doing to Provide Housing and Civilize Barbarians
How to Be Successful at SOMETHING - ANYTHING! by Hillary Lesbo Two-Time Loser Clinton with non-introduction by Sallyally
Kindness and Honesty and America First by the Democratic National Convention Practicing What I Preach by Al Whale Gore
Ah yes, calling everyone "simpletons" because YOU LOST and YOU'RE HYPER-EMOTIONAL three years later will convert millions to your side. Well, that and beating them over their heads with steel pipes while you wear cowardly black masks. Since you have nothing worthwhile to say, you can join all the other GENIUSES on my Ignore List. ciao