Would you consider Ilhan Omar as an Islamist?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Glücksritter, Mar 22, 2023.

  1. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    Yes, your US white nationalist sites are dedicated to taking sentences out of context and then trying to turn them into partisan political attack screeds in the US. (Don't give me that India garbage.)

    The fundamental point is that Omar pushes for LEFT wing objectives - social equality for women, lgbtq, those needing healthcare and promotes OUR form of government.

    Islamists are absolutely opposed to that.
    Alwayssa likes this.
  2. Glücksritter

    Glücksritter Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    You could have read the OP instead of asking.

    She perfectly fits into one of these you gave as I responded already.

    The Taliban are a good example, if she is so eager about women's rights as you said, which was already refuted by her alliance with Erdogan, why does she try to whitewash the Taliban by supposing they are on par with the US or Israel. The Taliban refuse girls the right to education and to go to school!!! This is more extreme than any other Islamist government of the world, you would consider someone who supposedly fights for women's rights to cry out about it. Instead she tries to make them look nice, putting them in a line with Israel and the US, where girls can go to school, obviously.

    So far about your "women's rights activist" Ilhan Omar.

    Whats so difficult to understand that Islamists can easily use the woke ideology of the West? I dont see a united "woke" movement the only common ideology I see is spreading hate against White men and the nations they build which is a perfect start for Islamists who are oftentimes idealized due to an Islamic background to spread their propaganda.

    Your statement makes as much sense as "uhhh, next time they say Iran and North Corea work together and cannot decide whether they are communists or Islamists" ... yes, guess what, there is a cooperation in between them. Like Iran and Venezuela have ties too. They have a common enemy, which they share with the typical Western Guardian feminist.
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  3. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    I am not asking you anything. I am asking others. You already admitted you base your opinion on some comments she made about history, and you think that makes her an "islamist". Your take on the matter has been heard. No need to repeat it 10 times over.

    Besides, you are just making stuff up, so there is no point in discussion your posts

    Rep. Omar Statement on Taliban Barring Afghan Girls from Attending School
    March 24, 2022
    Press Release
    Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) released the following statement after the Taliban barred Afghan girls attending school beyond sixth grade.

    "All kids deserve an education and the opportunity to reach their full potential. Limiting educational opportunities for girls is not just cruel and inhumane, but harms the entire Afghan society.

    "The more young women and girls are able to get an education, the more they are able to contribute to their local economy, serve in public office, and pass along that knowledge to others.

    "Before breaking their promise, the Taliban explicitly stated that they saw no religious justification for girls not to attend school because there is none. The dreams of millions of Afghan girls and women shouldn't be limited and our solidarity with them is needed now more than ever."
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2023
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  4. Glücksritter

    Glücksritter Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    Not only history, the Taliban e.g. she put on eye-sight with the US and Israel are very present today. Seems to be her way to promote democracy to put it on the same level like the Taliban system.
  5. Talon

    Talon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 4, 2008
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    She's definitely a jihadist sympathizer and apologist, and the vast majority of jihadist sympathizers and apologists are Islamists. Of course, being a jihadist sympathizer and apologist doesn't necessarily make her an Islamist but it does make her a traitor.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2023
  6. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    This is about the USA - NOT INDIA.

    And, your USA white nationalist sites are taking Omar's views WAY out of context for the PURPOSE of misrepresentation and partisan political attack.

    Her direction is diametrically opposed to the policies that Islamists demand.
  7. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    This is just plain nutty.

    Nothing she says about India or Kashmir could possibly make her a traitor.

    And, the views of the Indian reporter aren't some sort of protected speech nor are then necessarily a rational evaluation of the situation in India.
  8. Chrizton

    Chrizton Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2020
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    I don't know a lot about her but I have seen some clips of her where I think she was on the right side of the issue and had a more nuanced position than was being represented by whoever was clutching their pearls at the time. That is not to say that I would ever vote for her, but I cannot say I wouldn't.
    Ddyad likes this.
  9. Talon

    Talon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 4, 2008
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    Did you mean to respond to my post because I didn't mention anything about India and Kashmir. It was her failed attempt to negate who was responsible for 9/11 and minimize the atrocity they committed along with her appeal on the behalf of an ISIS recruit that makes her a traitor. As I stated earlier, she's a jihadist sympathizer and apologist, i.e., a traitor.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2023
  10. Surfer Joe

    Surfer Joe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 13, 2008
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    Well, maga is always throwing bullshit at the wall, hoping something sticks. I imagine that somebody's panties are in a wad because it's the start of Ramadan.
    I think people like mtg and the rest of the seditious maga gang in congress are way more anti-American than Omar.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2023
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  11. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    That is not what Lucifer said or implied. Just you.

    You are trying desperately to state that she is an extremist, a Muslim Extremist, in so far as that you will try to use the religious test so that she cannot run for office. Meanwhile, we can make you a supporter of insurrectionists on January 6th in the same manner because you refuse to look at the crazies within your political sphere. Get it now?
    Lucifer likes this.
  12. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    Shouldn't you do that due diligence and look up what her exact position is on related issues before you start condemning her? It is called context. For instance, if I were to take your worst day in your life, the day in which you FU big time, does that define you in the past, present, and future? No, it does not. And the same is with what others have said on YT, through their cut and paste with political end game is doing the same, and you fell for it.

    I don't live in her state, and thus, I don't keep up with her. I have enough crazies in my state, mostly Republicans, but a few Democrats, Greens, Libertarians, and so forth, that I have to deal with. We even have in my state legislature trying to "secede" from the union in the bill, which probably won't pass the state house or senate, much less in any referendum, but I hear it on a constant basis anyway.
  13. Lucifer

    Lucifer Banned

    May 8, 2014
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    I didn't vote for her. The people in the district she represents did. Are you one of them?

    She was 36 years old when she entered the office and you expect her to be complicit in the Armenian genocide? That must be some good crap you're smoking. Or do you just have a hard-on for her? She is cute.
  14. Lucifer

    Lucifer Banned

    May 8, 2014
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    What do you mean by this?
  15. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    I'm glad you're rejecting the nonsense about Kashmir/India etc. Sorry to misunderstand who was talking about that specifically.

    Please cite the full text of what she said - hopefully, what she herself states in her material.

    The thing is, her positions in America are absolutely contrary to what Islamists want - across the board.

    But, one of the mistakes America made (and continues to make) is that nobody bothered to analyze why the 911 event was conceived. In fact, even raising that as an important direction to understand was attacked as being pro Jihadi!!

    My own senator at the time asked that question and the right wing went berserk. Any serious foreign policy expert, military elite, etc. would absolutely ask that question. Being ignorant of what is motivating those opposed to America is just plain STUPID.

    Yet, we had large numbers advocating that we NOT ask such questions.
  16. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    Amen. MTG directly attacks OUR form of government.

    Asking serious questions about what is motivating others is what any military would demand. It is important to our defense and our progress with international relations.
  17. Ddyad

    Ddyad Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Ilhan Omar appears to be an independent thinker.
    How in the hell did she get into Congress! ;-)

    "The Minnesota Democrat implied the former president’s “hope and change” message was an illusion – saying his immigration policies involved detaining children at the southern border and pointing to his repeated use of lethal drone strikes overseas.

    We can’t be only upset with Trump. … His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was,” Ms Omar told Politico.

    “And that’s not what we should be looking for anymore. We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognise the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.”
    THE INDEPENDENT, Ilhan Omar suggests Obama was a 'pretty face who got away with murder', By Maya Oppenheim, March 9, 2019.
    Chrizton likes this.
  18. Talon

    Talon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 4, 2008
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    You can look it up yourself, Will.

    Supporting jihadists and whitewashing their atrocities is consistent with what Islamist want and do. She may not be an Islamist but she's a traitor all the same.

    It's been my observation that researching and talking about why 9/11 happened - which has been analyzed upside down and sideways - will prompt the people who don't want you to understand it to call you an "Islamophobe" and the like, which is strange because many of the people who have researched, discussed and talked about it are anti-Islamist Muslims, such as M. Zuhdi Jasser. It's all dishonest BS intended to keep the facts and truth from people, but fortunately Islamists, jihadists and takfirists are quite open about what they believe and what their goals are, so one can go straight to the source. Of course, it helps to know the ideology and history that men like Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Osama bin Laden base their beliefs and goals on, but if one takes the time to study those things themselves they have no need or use for the people who are trying to keep the facts/truth from people, and quite frankly, many of those people don't have a clue what they're talking about. They've never read bin Laden's writings, they never picked up a copy of Qutb's Milestones or Ali Dashti's 23 Years, they've never read and analyzed Islamic scripture and they haven't studied the long history surrounding all this going back to the days of Muhammad.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2023
  19. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    I don't have an opinion. I do have an overall opinion about her and that is that she is anti-American and confused. She doesn't have an ounce of common sense.

    Yawn. You are arguing just for the sake of arguing. It doesn't work on me.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2023
  20. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    YOU are the one making serious accusations. YOU need to support those accusations.
    Once again, you need to identify the full context of what was said.

    And, your "traitor" idea is even more ridiculous than your "pro Islamist" idea.
    Yes. Those opposed to Islamic fundamentalism include MUSLIMS! S. Hussein certainly opposed them, and Islamic fundamentalism didn't form an argument for the US conquest of Iraq. Everybody in Syria opposed them. Iran is certainly radical, but it's foreign policy is not interested in promoting Islamic fundamentalism.

    Who do you think was on the ground in Syria fighting Islamic fundamentalists??? It sure wasn't Christians.

    I'm fine with you reading the Quran and the Bible and all. But, you have to be careful with how you apply that to what various political entities are doing today. Israelites slaughtered every man woman and child in Jericho in a clear act of terrorism that got them the surrender of other city states. Does that mean we should hate Judaism? Of course not.
  21. Chrizton

    Chrizton Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2020
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    The problem I have with her seems to be that she sort of takes her ideological positions a bit toward the absurd even if I might generally agree with them in moderation. Anyway, nowhere near my district so I won't get to vote for or against her ever so I have never felt a need to deep dive into her politics.
    Ddyad likes this.
  22. Ddyad

    Ddyad Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    IO, is not like other DP politicians, and that is a big plus.

    "The Minnesota Democrat’s final tweet on the matter focused on unity in the face of politics.
    "President Trump signs coronavirus relief package passed by Congress"
    “Finally, we should never let politics get in the way of good policy. This is a great start and hope others will be part of a united front to push for good policies that will help us work through the economic anxiety the country is feeling right now,” Omar wrote.
    On Wednesday, Trump signed a coronavirus aid package passed by Congress providing free testing and two weeks’ paid sick leave for full-time workers who fall ill.
    The bipartisan, multibillion-dollar relief bill was approved by the House late Sunday and passed in the Senate earlier Wednesday after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin brokered the deal last week.
    The bill also provides $1 billion in food aid to the needy and $1 billion in unemployment funds to states as the number of coronavirus cases soared to 7,000 across the country."
    THE NEW YORK POST, Ilhan Omar offers Trump rare praise for coronavirus response, By Emily Jacobs, March 19, 2020.
  23. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Ok, so you do not wish to discuss the topic, so you come here to discuss something else. Got it.
  24. Pred

    Pred Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    I know she’s an antisemitic, America hating radical Muslim. Easy enough to just listen to her speak.
  25. Pisa

    Pisa Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2016
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    @Glücksritter yes, Ilhan Omar is definitely an Islamist. Her ties to CAIR, an organization affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, are well documented. The Muslim Brotherhood are as Islamist as they come, their stated purpose is to infiltrate democratic structures and destroy democracy from within, replacing it with an Islamic caliphate. This is exactly what Omar's pal Erdogan is doing in Turkey.

    Details here:

    According to the above link, Omar acted, at least once, as a foreign agent, while she was a Minnesota state representative.

    Her refusal to vote in favor of the recognition of the Armenian genocide earned her a $1500 contribution from a pro-Erdogan lobbying group. It's all about the benjamins after all, isn't it?

    @Pro_Line_FL here's the definition of Islamism and Islamist:
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