Santorum knows what he's talking about here... yes or no? I think he's terribly homophobic; what do you folks think? [ame=""]Rick Santorum - Can Gay People Stop Being gay? - YouTube[/ame]
How would Santorum know anything about close quarters in the military? No doubt he's homophobic which will ultimately deny him residence in the Whitehouse.
I'm on the fence on this one. I mean, (and don't kill me for saying so), if having black and white integration in the military really was going to cause trouble and weaken our forces, I could understand and support the segregation for sake of more pressing concerns - like the defense of our nation. It's not that I support the irrational and discriminatory behavior, but we do have to be practical in the matter. Of course, this argument only applies under two conditions: 1: There's an actual threat pressing against us, forcing us to make decisions to do whatever we can to strengthen our military, even if they are counterproductive with social concerns. 2: That there will actually be a problem created with the integration. I can't speak for the sentiments of our military personel, so I don't really know what to say. I believe we are better off in the long run for having integrated blacks and whites, even if had weakened us at a time. I believe the same will be true with allowing gays to openly join the military. I also don't believe we are in a time of crisis where we can't afford to play with a social experiment. Lastly, I highly doubt gays in the military are what people are thinking about when they decide to join the military. But this is all just my opinion.
Having had the concern of being "discovered" over my head for 3+ decades in the military, I'd say that its a cross between a right and a form of protection. They could literally hunt you down via investigations and other evidence you wouldn't imagine them digging up. I met a future Marine today, who had another recruit tell him that he was gay. The young guy I was speaking with was straight, and he told me that it didn't bother him a bit. Just a year ago, that never would have happened. The times and people are still changing, and where it concerns homosexuals having EQUAL rights and protections, it's all for the better.
I glossed over this in my prior response, but I'll take the opportunity now to take a shot at the logic itself that Santorum presented. And it's flawed. He defended allowing the blacks to be integrated with whites because you don't have a choice in the color of your skin. But being gay is a choice, so it can therefor be used as a reason to segregate (or disallow membership). To which I ask, if the need to promote good morale among the military, why does it matter if you're discriminating against something that's a choice or not? Or we could just play a reductio and say... I'm born with no arms and no legs.... That wasn't a choice, should I be let into the military? Probably not... because choice or not, there are practical matters to be considered. And taking up the opposite reductio, ... so, we can discriminate based on choice.... how about religious choice? Religious choice, and any other given multitude of personal choices are allowed to be made. It's not just a question of if it's a choice or not, but if it should or should not be acceptable, and WHY it should or should not be acceptable. Both sides of this reductio highlight that the status of something as a choice or not is practically irrelevant... The question is of it's practical impact on the military. Whether you're black, white, gay, straight... in times of crisis, no choice or lack there of should be immune from consideration.
homophobic That's one of those weasel words, like "racist", where Marxist liberals try to pathologize behavior that is perfectly healthy and normal. Of course there is no phobia of homosexuals. Most of them are limp-wristed weaklings, my only worry in a fight would be spilling their blood and running the risk of AIDS.
What makes you the authority on what gay men are like? You don't see me judging all straight people based on what I see them doing here in Vegas, do you? And no, homophobia is not like being afraid of snakes. It's an irrational fear or desire to not want to be around them. Why else would you not let gays in the military serve openly except for some misplaced fear that he will come on to you. I see no explanation beyond a fear of interacting with them and possibly being identified as one. Or some fear that all homosexuals are child molesters and want to recruit and molest your child. It is an irrational fear, and this a phobia that stigmatizes homosexuals.
Oh my god what a (*)(*)(*)(*)ing moronic simpleton, I cant stand that hes my senator PLEASE republicans you can have him take him outta my state