For the benefit of those few disinformed persons who think that there was no wreckage found at the Pentagon, Bob Pugh, whom the tin foilers cite as a witness to the fact, filmed a considerable amount of it on the helipad during fire fighting operations. [video=youtube;AYtgumGX8aI][/video] The tin foilers go off the rail in thinking that there should have been seats and luggage outside. I cannot imagine why there would be. The seats are bolt to the centrall deck, which is the most rigid part of the fuselage and would, once the walls had been breached, had continued on inside, along with the engines and the wings out to the engine mounts. Te ends of the wings and tail section would have shattered. The luggage is mostly stowed under the deck, where it would also have been shielded from most damage other than the fires, and would thus have gone inside the building, where a great deal of it was discovered, some of it in such a condition that it could be indentified and returned to next of kin. Some parts of the skin of the fuselage were indentified outside the building. This is predictable since, if you over-pressurize an enclosed tube, the covering can be blown off to relieve pressure. This would account for a lot of small pieces of aluminum and fluffy-looking stuff which was used as insulation. Some personal affects would be among this mix as there would also be torn-out overhead bins attached to some of the fuselage pieces dislodged. These items would not have an easily-identified shape and could well make up a good part of what Pugh filmed outside on the helipad. No, the rubbish there would NOT have been there pre-crash. The Army and Air Force are very meticukous about removing debris from and aircraft operating areas because of the damage it can do when sucked into an egine or run over by tires.
"I walked through the hole, we were not covered in jet fuel, there was no plane, no plane parts, nothing that would give me any indication of a plane." [video=youtube;88JQL4esHFg][/video] another one of your PLONKS!
Yet she successfully sued American Airlines for her trauma. Whoops. More witnesses:
and she is laughing all the way to the bank. how incredibly ironic! Jet fuel in his lungs? Now thats (*)(*)(*)(*)ing hilarious! (complete bull(*)(*)(*)(*)) Rosati - how the hell does he know what jet fuel smells like? Red Herring) Schickler, Rob - yeh rob I bet lots of planes flew over your house including the e4b. (more trash) turner - There was a huge fireball! (wow more worthless trash) I do not need to read any more of this manure. if you want to sift through it to see if there is one fact just one be my guest and post it, otherwise its more useless trougher frivolous bull(*)(*)(*)(*).
You claimed she was a witness to 'no plane', yet she sued the airline. Clearly she doesn't believe what you attribute to her.
She claims there was no plane, she sues an airline and wins, she files more lawsuits, lets her attorney bleed her dry filing frivilous actions, and you do not wonder whether she has PTSD?
what is believed and what is sued out are 2 entirely different things. never spent a day in court I see.
that will teach her for hiring an attorney. LOL yep the pains of greed! doesnt change anything. she saw no plane parts anywhere in or around that hole.
so are you on the same planet? this is earth you know. It appears you took a wrong turn somewhere or are you communicating with aliens and lizards again? I suppose one thing I did not think of, maybe you are trying to hold the record for who can blow the biggest fart contest? if you are talking about gallop she made sworn statements that she saw no plane parts.
If they said that, then they either did not get close to the heliport, or are too stupid for their job. Everybody else who was in front of the fire trucks saw aircraft parts. You can see aircraft debris around the fire trucks in the video I posted. You just need to be bright enough to dress yourself in the morning to see it. A little hint for you is that military people spend a great deal of time not allowing rubbish to sit around on a helipad. - - - Updated - - - She was traumatized at the time and not working in an MOS that would make her opinion worth anything regarding the fire or what aircraft debris looked like.
she and others said they came out the hole claimed to be the entry hole, which means something other than what we are told happened. you are not a doctor, and she can tell us every though she had and she was thinking very rational which runs contrary to the opinion you are pedalling.
This debate is pointless, I have already shown what happened at the Pentagon.
No, that is not evidence that she does not suffer PTSD. Patricia Ondrovic is very sure that there were bombs going off around her and that her turnout coat caught fire for no good reason, but she is clearly wrong, based on Deshore's statements. The greater the stress of a situation, the less likely anyone is to remember it correctly.
more like you are just using that blog to advertize some bull(*)(*)(*)(*) engineering company. great file 13 bunk production, 300-500 pound poles being allegedly hit at 300 mph only tip over and another invincible plane that incurred no damage. this is so laughable I can hardly contain myself.
Her behavior has been erratic since the incident and she makes comments clearly in conflict with reality. Definitely consistant with PTSD.
You need to prove that it is impossible. To do that, you would have to also prove that something other than a 757 hit the poles and the building. Such evidence is not available, largely because the theory is crap. Freeway light poles are designed to break easily. Hitting them at the top will break them off more easily than hitting them at the base. (It's called "leverage." Look it up.)
I dont have to prove anything what so ever. you do! you are the one spinning the official fantasy, you prove it. you boyz are off to a great start with your pole mower! .