[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbhZCqNZP2U"]WTC POWER-DOWNS BEFORE 9/11 - WTC EMPLOYEE INTERVIEWS - YouTube[/ame] Comment: Most people who have followed 911 know about the power down but still a lot of people don't. The MSM never really brings it up.
Suppose the idea that this didn't occur is because it is not real ??? There were ONLY EVER two people whom ever made the "power down" claim ... Scott Forbes and Ben Fountain. Ben Fountain was a financial analyst whom worked for Firemans Fund on the 47th floor of the South Tower ... whom claimed that there were various power downs referring only to his own Tower and only in his localized area. Mention of Scott Forbes, however, can ONLY be found on conspiracy sites ... yet he "claims" to have worked for Fiduciary Trust on the 97th floor. Fiduciary trust covered floors 90 through 97 ... That's eight acres of floor space. Imagine how many of his dozens of colleagues would have had to know about this power down fantasy ??? Yet no one ... NOT A SINGLE COLLEAGUE ... supports his story !!! And is very, very, very easy to counter ... from someone whom was on the Observation Deck ... when claim of power downs were supposed to be happening ... http://www.classbrain.com/artfree/publish/article_70.shtml And this blog ... which has photographs of ticket stubs dated and time-stamped 8th September ... again when claims of power downs were made ... http://www.roundededge.com/cip/Sep11_2001.html Forbes is the only one claiming there was a power down, the 20,000 other people who worked in the Tower didn't mention it. There was ALSO a free outdoor festival on the Plaza between the Towers in the evening. NO-ONE EVER MENTIONED EITHER OF THE BUILDINGS IN DARKNESS !!! This outright lie of a story first came up in 2004 ... THREE YEARS after 9/11 ... and in years since ... NO-ONE ... NOT ONE SINGLE SOLITARY PERSON HAS COME FORWARD TO CORROBORATE THIS ... Are you seriously believing that in downtown MANHATTEN in the "city that never sleeps"... home to over a MILLION people (roughly 70,000 PER SQUARE MILE) that ONLY ... ONLY two people noticed the TALLEST buildings in DARKNESS and INOPERABLE several times and over a weekend !!! C'mon seriously ... http://screwloosechange.blogspot.com/2006/05/ben-fountain-meet-scott-forbes.html http://wtc7lies.googlepages.com/wtcprimaryandemergencyelectricalpower [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IergOYj63oE"]9/11 Debunked: No Drop in WTC security pre-9/11 - YouTube[/ame] THE PAPER TRAIL FOR A MULTI-FLOOR POWER DOWN IN A BUILDING THAT CONDUCTED BUSINESS 24/7 WOULD BE ENORMOUS !!! The fact that the unseen Mr. Forbes has been UNABLE to produce ANY documentation of such speaks volumes more than his "claims" !!! So yet again a truther has brought up OLD, reeeeelly old stuff that was debunked years ago as if if is the first time ever ... do you really all think that people "forget" that this has been looked at before AND REJECTED AS THE GUFF IT IS ???
The shills like to pretend there were no power downs. (too tough to explain I suppose, so they simply say they didn't exist).