An Update On Dianna's Health

Discussion in 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) News' started by Durandal, Mar 7, 2023.

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  1. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Good! As I said I’m very thankful Covid vaccines work as well as they do.

    I hope we don’t start seeing severe disruption of antibody affinity maturation with repeated Covid vaccination like we do with influenza vaccines. That would be bad news for younger folks moving into their senior years.
  2. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Very good point. I guess it pretty much “infected” our whole society for a couple years. What an experience to live through and how sad so many didn’t live through it. My community lost our finest it seems to the nasty bugger.
  3. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    It was the same in my community. My wife lost a couple relatives. Outside of our family, the community lost(among many others) a beloved high school girl's basketball coach that had been with the program for over 30 years and was pretty much universally loved.

    So many people on both sides of the aisle made COVID all about their own issues and agendas. From the mask police to the rebels who weren't gonna do what "the man" told them to, from the hardcore vaccine proponents to the folks who thought COVID and the vaccines were all a diabolical scheme to jumpstart 1984, there was so much nonsense that one had to wade through just to get through the day. I never knew for sure if masks were effective or not, I wore it just in case it was because it didn't cost me anything except slight discomfort to do so and the trade-off being that it could potentially keep someone else from getting sick. I got the 2 dose Pfizer vaccine in 2021 and I encouraged others to do so too but I was never really on board with forcing folks to do it, and absolutely not after it became apparent that the vaccines weren't preventing transmission. Looking back now, it's easy to see what we should and shouldn't have done, and how both sides capitalized on it to further their own goals.

    I'm just glad we seem to be through it now, for the most part.
    557 likes this.
  4. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Sorry about your family. My mom passed away in December of 2019 from dementia. Looking back I’m thankful she didn’t have to endure Covid —she wouldn’t have understood why nobody was allowed to visit etc.

    Yes, Covid was far too political. Unfortunately a lot of people died needlessly. The worst part in my opinion is a lot of deaths lie at the feet of the CDC and the healthcare community at large. Probably no sense getting into the details now but they were intentionally withholding masks capable of preventing infection and spread while telling people the type of mask wasn’t really important it was just important everyone wear something no matter how ineffective.

    The thing with masks that was never explained properly is that masks have the potential to protect individuals and those around them if the mask is the right quality and it’s worn correctly. But if the wrong masks are used incorrectly there is not going to be a meaningful population wide effect. Especially if the wrong mask gives people a false sense of security and induces more public interaction than would occur with no masks in use (social distancing). This riskier abandonment of social distancing based on false sense of security from masks was documented to be happening. But when I would point it out back in early 2021 I was just told I was anti mask. Never mind I was attempting to help people actually benefit from masking.

    I would propose it was easy to see what was effective and what wasn’t all along. We had access to plenty of science to guide us in the right direction. Unfortunately those tasked with fostering public health in this country more often than not CHOSE to misinform the public.

    I am glad as you are it’s mostly over. My fear is we have learned nothing from the experience as a society and will still listen to misinformation and disinformation from public health entities going forward.

    Again I’m sorry you lost your wife’s family members. We almost needlessly lost my father in law but he miraculously pulled through after being mis-diagnosed for a week and a half. His bout with Covid was a textbook example of all that was wrong with the false and incomplete narratives sold to the public.
  5. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    There are other diseases with long-term health impact. Epstein-Barr virus, for example.

    Why do you object to concern over long covid when it's going to cost the healthcare system a lot of money? Maybe we should have long EB.
  6. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Whooop, whoop, whoop—-Strawman alert! If I objected to concern over long term Covid why on earth would I post this in the post you just quoted?

    I object to NOT having concern for sequelae from other viruses like influenza. I object to NOT having concern about the myriad of ways we can PREVENT sequelae (long Covid) that are NOT being advertised by public health entities.
  7. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    There are ways to have safe in person visits for many dementia patients. A blanket ban is cruel.
    Full faceplate respirators, for example.
    When the pols chose to lie and people in the know were silent in the face of the lies, we were off to the races.
  8. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    I asked why you appeared to be unconcerned over long covid when it's going to cost a lot of money--well, unless we develop treatments or the variants become milder, a distinct possibility.
    We certainly agree there.
    Bowerbird likes this.
  9. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    The facility she was in (assisted living) was locked down through most of the pandemic. I agree it was cruel. Not allowing family to visit family members dying of Covid in hospitals wasn’t just cruel, it was diabolically evil.

    Yep. And when those and N95 masks were widely available the CDC was recommending AGAINST them and recommending homemade cloth masks instead.

    It was actually the other way around. The pols didn’t start the lying, those most in the know did. Those in the know never stopped lying. But we shouldn’t be surprised. The have been lying about multiple aspects of influenza for years.
  10. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    I’m very concerned about the long term health and financial ramifications of long Covid. My post wasn’t about concern or lack thereof for health and wealth, it was just to point out it’s a bit odd/silly to have the term “long Covid” when there are hundreds of thousands of people out there with damaged hearts from silent myocardial infarction caused by influenza infections that nobody cares about. Not even enough concern to create a term like “long influenza” to bring awareness to the problem.

    In the near future there will be grave consequences for those with screwed up bodies from Covid infections. And consequences for those of us on the hook to pay for their care.

    The only folks that will profit is the folks who went along with the CDC recommendation AGAINST quality masks. The same folks who STILL won’t advise the public on actions they can take to prevent infection, hospitalization, and long Covid that equal the protective effects of vaccination and increase the efficacy of vaccination when combined with vaccination. Follow the money…

    Incidence of long Covid is already decreasing. Less and less percentage of infected folks are developing the condition as time progresses.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2023
  11. chris155au

    chris155au Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    The deniers of what?
  12. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    The pols pull the strings on something like the pandemic.

    There has been clear evidence yearly CT lung scans of former smokers save a lot of lives. They don't promote them to patients as something they should pay for. Why? Because patients will want them covered.
  13. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Are you saying Biden told the CDC what to do and say after Trump was criticized for pressuring the “experts”? Hmmmm.

    No, the pols were in the backseat on this one. Take the original anti masker Fauci for instance in his March 2020 interview where he told Americans masks were essentially to make people feel better. To craft such a statement containing multiple pieces of disinformation one has to have a deep understanding of virology and epidemiology. Pelosi, Pence, AOC, McConnell, Trump, etc. have ZERO knowledge of either and no capacity to understand either. That initial lie and the subsequent lies about (paraphrasing) “cloth masks are just as good as masks from surgical supply stores, we didn’t know Covid could spread asymptomatically until April, etc.” are too deeply rooted in science to be formulated by a pol or person or bureaucracy without scientific background. Same with other lies like N95 masks being in short supply after January 2021. The CDC was the origin of that lie. They are the ones who certify the manufacturing facilities and actual masks produced as NIOSH certified. They KNEW hundreds of millions of masks were piling up in warehouses in early 2021 and were still telling pols and retailers not to sell them to the public.

    Biden was petitioned by manufacturers directly to reverse the policy set by the CDC. He was unaware of the surplus situation. He didn’t tell every hospital and healthcare provider to withhold available masks from employees. He didn’t tell Amazon not to sell the oversupply of N95 masks sitting unused while manufacturers faced bankruptcy because they weren’t allowed to sell to the public and hospitals wouldn’t buy their masks.

    Pols don’t know enough about virology and epidemiology to come up with disinformation like “pcr tests are gold standard and can identify infected/contagious individuals”. No, pols followed the lead of the CDC and folks like Fauci. Pols were victims of disinformation, just like the public.

    But treatments for lung cancer are covered and cost those providing coverage orders of magnitude more than a CT and early treatment. Nobody wants less spent. The more disease and the more severe the disease the more money everyone in the business makes—providers, insurers, litigators—everyone who feeds off the system.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2023
  14. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Maybe we'll get lucky and it will fade away as a concern. There are some promising treatments that clear the virus from sufferers bodies.
  15. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    There won’t be luck involved. Because of the inherent properties of coronaviruses like SARS-CoV-2 (including inability to exhibit antigenic shift and ability to limit antigenic drift by proofreading), over time the population in general will have gained immunity from infections at very young ages when risk of severe disease and sequelae are very low. Today, reinfections in older folks can result in higher rates of long Covid but that will change over time.

    Covid will eventually be very similar to influenza B—not harmless, but benign enough it will fly under the radar for most of society.
  16. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Sometimes it works that way, but often there are no direct orders.
    Why would Fauci initially say masks are unnecessary while at the same time telling healthcare workers to wear N95 and better respirators? Then he said the public should be wearing surgical masks and that he fibbed about masks not being effective. He never told us high quality respirators were our best individual protection. Are you thinking Fauci is acting on his own?
    Staffers get to tell the boss what's up, so I figure the pols knew. Even Trump is smart enough to understand about masks and respirators.
    Pols are happy to use experts and government agencies to advocate while not being responsible for their comments. Who says Trump or his White House minions didn't at least negotiate with Fauci on what he said to the public?
    I wouldn't know what Biden knew when. I do know I was able to buy P100 respirators in 2020. I think they were widely available by 2021.
    The pols want less spent if it costs them (Medicare, Medicaid).
  17. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    So after his inauguration somehow Biden made it clear to public health agencies without direct orders that even though he promised 7 fold testing increases on the campaign trail he wanted to actually decrease testing after inauguration? He somehow made it clear under no circumstances were widely available N95 and better masks to be made available to the public or hospital employees?

    Why would he say cloth masks were as good as N95s in April 2020 but say healthcare workers should get the N95s that were then in short supply? If cloth were just as good why not give healthcare workers cloth masks? Why would he tow the CDC line of recommending AGAINST N95 and better masks under two very different administrations? Even when masks were in oversupply?

    What about Biden? Is he smart enough? The exact same lies were told under two very different administrations. Either the pols were in the backseat or Biden and Trump are moral and intellectual equals and formulated the exact same Covid policies and imposed them on virologists and epidemiologists. I believe that’s highly unlikely.

    If they did, Biden’s did as well. And negotiated the exact same harmful public policies.

    Yes, you were one of 3-4 PF members following the science at the time and telling people the quality of the mask mattered and how to acquire a good one.

    Neither program costs pols. They don’t pay for them. They may pontificate about the programs to gain votes or lie about the opposite party’s position, but we never spend less. The only per person decrease in history was the decrease when the pandemic “ended” and that was not a result of political mechanizations. Some pols may say they want to spend less, but they say that about a lot of things that end up in more spending not less.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2023
  18. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Huh? We don't know what Biden intended when he promised to increase testing. We also don't know if he changed his mind between the campaign and inauguration.

    My guess is that Biden's campaign strategists went with the public appetite for testing being part of the solution to spiking covid cases. In September and October 2020, cases were increasing, we didn't have a vaccine or many effective treatments, testing was used to support covid social distancing mitigation, and Biden was happy to sell the idea more testing--a lot more--would reduce covid cases and the pressure on government to shutter schools, restrict large gatherings, shutter or modify operations on in-person service businesses, and even initiate lockdowns.

    A test didn't require anything of anyone. A free lunch.

    Cases were going down in most states in January 2021. A new hope was on the horizon--the vaccines.

    I think it's likely Old Joe emphasized telling Americans what they wanted to hear in 2+ months leading up to the the November 2020 election. Trump was on the defensive because people were blaming him for covid cases and covid deaths increasing.


    After taking office, Joe pivoted to getting people vaccinated. Cases were declining and reached a low in the summer of 2021 leading Old Joe to inexplicably declare the pandemic was pretty much over. Then there was Delta.

    Then there is the matter of "masks."

    There is a strong indication high quality PPE worn properly cuts transmission. Healthcare workers dealing directly with covid patients or working in covid wards aren't dropping like flies. Is superior PPE making a difference? The health of people working with covid patients is an issue. The CDC needs to know the answer to what keeps healthcare workers healthy.
    What did he make clear to whom?

    Superior PPE was widely available from the beginning of his Presidency. Why were surgical masks promoted to the general public even when better PPE is available?
    I think both Biden and Trump put their covid responses on masks, vaccines, mitigation measures--on politics.
  19. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    There is no such condition caused by a virus. If it can be confirmed the person in question has NOT been vaccinated with the covid jab, then we have to look at other potential reasons for the condition:

    * Previous (non-covid) vaccinations.

    * The roll out of 5G (EMF causes flu, neurological damage, heart & respiratory problems, metabolic disorders, etc. - people get sick at different times depending on physical, dietary, lifestyle & environmental factors)

    * If hospitalized:
    > Medications given (eg, toxic Remdesivir, Lagevrio, Paxlovid, Molnupiravir, Tocilizumab Anakinra, and many others)
    > Being put on a ventilator (can cause lung & brain damage)

    * Current medications

    * Regular flu being called 'covid' (if a person got flu, that flu will likely be worse due to 5G which will be called 'covid').
  20. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Epstein-Barr virus.
    How about covid?

    Fortunately, long covid seems to be less significant and we have treatments coming for those who have it.
  21. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    One has to first produce evidence of a pathogenic/disease-causing & contagious 'virus'. This has never been achieved.

    Thus, there exists no viable 'tests' (PCR, rapid-antigen, etc.) or clinical diagnostics to 'detect' said virus. This means ALL so-called covid 'cases' from people that were asymptomatic can be dismissed.

    This leaves us with people that are sick and those that have died among whom the condition/death has been attributed to the 'covid virus'. Each person has to be considered on an individual basis. We have to look at their medical history (eg, comorbidities, medications, past vaccinations, etc.), diet, lifestyle, environment, and so on.

    95% of deaths attributed to 'covid' involved 1 or more comorbidities, and ~92% of all deaths attributed to 'covid' were 65 or older.

    The science simply isn't being performed to find out what's going on.

    The two primary causes of acute & chronic illness is (1) artificial EMF, and (2) vaccinations. The other causes include man-made toxins in our food, water, personal products, home, furnishings, etc., and in our environment (pesticides, industrial toxins, etc.) - plus medications, drugs, malnutrition, and stress.
  22. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Epstein-Barr causes mono. Most people if not asymptomatic had symptoms they attributed to other conditions.

    "Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), also known as human herpesvirus 4, is a member of the herpes virus family. It is one of the most common human viruses. EBV is found all over the world. Most people get infected with EBV at some point in their lives. EBV spreads most commonly through bodily fluids, primarily saliva. EBV can cause infectious mononucleosis, also called mono, and other illnesses.


    Many people become infected with EBV in childhood. EBV infections in children usually do not cause symptoms, or the symptoms are not distinguishable from other mild, brief childhood illnesses. People who get symptoms from EBV infection, usually teenagers or adults, get better in two to four weeks. However, some people may feel fatigued for several weeks or even months.

    After you get an EBV infection, the virus becomes latent (inactive) in your body. In some cases, the virus may reactivate. This does not always cause symptoms, but people with weakened immune systems are more likely to develop symptoms if EBV reactivates."

    You're flat wrong about SARS not causing illness.
  23. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Viruses don't exist. So if they're attributing the disease to a 'virus' then we can assume the disease is caused by something else - eg, vaccines, artificial EMF, medical or recreational drugs, man-made toxins, nutritional deficiency, allergy, etc.
  24. LangleyMan

    LangleyMan Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    What do you think we see under microscopes?

  25. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    If this is a colorized electron micrograph, it's likely extracellular vesicles - eg, exosomes. Exosomes are identical to what are called 'viruses', and are observed when cells dye because they are parts of cells.

    Exosomes are secreted nanovesicles that are present in all body fluids under both normal and pathophysiological conditions. They have largely been recognized for their role in mediating intercellular communication by serving as carriers of different biomolecules, including proteins, RNAs, and lipids from one cell to another.

    The cells die not because of any virus, but because of the lab procedures which exposes the cell culture (in which they are allegedly 'growing' viruses) to a toxic biochemical environment - eg, antibiotics, fungicides, dyes, starvation/nutrient deprivation, etc.

    "In reality, these laboratory tissues and cells die because they are starved and poisoned as a result of the methodology of testing per se. Virologists mainly believe in the existence of viruses because they administer to the tissues and cells supposedly “infected” blood, saliva, or other presumably “infected” body fluids, and this, it must be emphasized, then on top of the cessation of nutrient solution and after the initiation of poisoning by toxic antibiotics. The great insight, however, is that the tissue and those cells would also die, and do so completely on their own – even without the addition of the supposedly ‘infected’ materials." - Dr. Stefan Lanka (former German virologist)

    Apoptotic cell-derived exosomes: messages from dying cells

    Note also that exosomes can contain genetic material.

    The role of exosomes contents on genetic and epigenetic alterations of recipient cancer cells

    Dr. James Hildreth (a virus believer) could not help but admit that exosomes look & act identically to 'viruses'. Despite this fact, he stubbornly clings to belief in the existence of pathogenic, contagious viruses.

    When is a virus an exosome?
    Hildreth now proposes that “the virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word.” Others have found that HIV particles contain MHC, but by the exosome hypothesis they may also contain proteins that exosomes use to fuse with target cells and to avoid attack by complement. As Gould points out, an exosome makes a perfect vector for HIV, because an exosome “is not just proteins in a vesicle, it's something that is meant to traffic.”

    In the same vein as Dr. James Hildreth stating that “the [HIV] virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word", research scientists in the following study admit they cannot tell the difference between alleged SARS-CoV-2 'viruses' and specialized endosomes (a cellular organelle) called MVB's.

    Multivesicular bodies mimicking SARS-CoV-2 in patients without COVID-19
    Most of the published images depicting the suspected virus are very similar, if not identical, to multivesicular bodies (MVBs). MVBs have been well-known since the 1960s and their appearance and occurrence is detailed in the classic monograph of Feroze Ghadially;3 however, their exact significance and function is unclear. We suspect that the EM images of SARS-CoV-2 published to date are in fact MVBs.

    MVBs: What are they? Roughly speaking, multivesicular bodies (MVBs) are acidic endocytic organelles defined by numerous luminal vesicles. MVBs were first visualised by early electron microscopists and formally shown to connect with the endocytic pathway in studies that followed the fate of internalised fluid-phase markers, such as horseradish peroxidase or small gold particles.

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