US says Russia has lost 315,000 troops in Ukraine, equivalent to 90% of invading force

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Arkanis, Dec 16, 2023.

  1. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    I am just asking for proof that they lied about Russian casualties.

    Its easy to claim they committed perjury without offering a shred of proof.
    Ddyad likes this.
  2. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    And...that's how you claim to know how many casualties each side has taken.......?
  3. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    What I claim is, my clients have a much different account of whats going on in Ukraine than the leftist media does.
    All this idiotic virtue signaling about Putin isn't going to have the result you think it will.
    And when Ukraine falls, the next claims will be, its because of Republicans, when the US has given more to Ukraine in less than two years than the entire Vietnam war.
    So remember, you heard it here first.
  4. Ddyad

    Ddyad Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Advanced weapons systems deployed against obsolete armor based on WW II tech and WW II tactics is a grim reaper.

    NBC NEWS, Russia has suffered dramatic casualties in Ukraine, U.S. intelligence says, Russia had 360,000 ground troops before the war and has suffered 315,000 killed and wounded since February 2022, according to newly declassified intel shared with Congress., Dec. 12, 2023, 3:15 PM EST, By Dan De Luce.

    Vladimir Putin's army sees casualties soar 90% in assaults ... upload_2023-12-20_10-7-18.png
    Yahoo › amphtml › vladimir-puti...
    7 hours ago — Up to 350,000 Russian military personnel have been killed or wounded in Putin's Ukraine war, say British defence chiefs. Ad. Russia launched ...

    665 Days of russia-Ukraine War – russian Casualties In ... upload_2023-12-20_10-7-18.png
    Defense Express › news › 665_days_of_russi...
    6 hours ago — The russians are facing non-stop military losses on Ukrainian soil. About 349,190 aggressor's troops were eliminated, 8,576 air targets of invaders were shot ...

    The horrific casualties numbers are probably rather accurate.
  5. Glücksritter

    Glücksritter Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    ... the Baltics. And the test to the NATO if they will fulfill whats in the treaties or let them down.
  6. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    The information is coming from US Intelligence, not the media.

    Are your "clients" Russians who are in position to fill you in about the 'real' numbers?

    I didn't say anything about Putin

    No, I have heard many folks in your you camp say how they want Russia to win.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2023
  7. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    So now the sell is, if we don't stop Putin in Ukraine, he is going to attack NATO?
    I don't get how people jump these fences back and forth.
    First its, Ukraine will defeat Russia if we just support them.
    So there is this idea that Ukraine can defeat Russia and if they can, that says a lot about how weak Russia really is.
    But then, if Russia wins in Ukraine, they have the power to test NATO?

    The media certainly has the power to keep its dedicated viewers eyes off the ball.
    While every DOD supplier to include Textron, Lockheed, ManTech, (to just mention a few) are preparing form something completely different. Its hilarious to watch their eyes roll in meetings when someone who doesn't know any better starts asking (B-B-But what about Russia)

    This virtue signaling from the political left has all but incapsulated this country with the most idiotic ideas and even when they fail, they always have their scape goats. The problem is those who were sucked into this line of thinking couldn't possibly think they were wrong for so long so they just go along with these crowds blaming what ever scape goat is available at the time, and move on to the next virtue signaled theme.

    Would you like a few examples? I can provide dozens. To think that a country, economically devastated with most of its banking assets frozen on the world stage, still using liquid fueled missiles that take an hour to fuel, with over 95% of their bombers still propeller driven, have captured the imaginations of these arm chair military quarterbacks is just astounding.

    Just in 2022 they have estimated more than 1 million Russians have fled to the Baltics, Georgia, Belgrade, and Kazakhstan creating days long queues on the Russian borders for fear of being drafted into Putin's army.

    If you ever spoke with someone from the Ukrainian army you would realize, they are the same Russians just across an imaginary boarder with one of the most corrupt governments out there. I can give you one personal example of my dealing with them.

    We provide munition based loitering drones that are autonomous systems. Ukrainians are using racing drones (about 10,000 a month) to carry a grenade into a group of people. They fly them FPV with googles on 2.7 frequencies, not encrypted frequencies. This means every time they launch one, they are being tracked back to the pilots and killing the pilots who fly them. It takes about two weeks training to be able to teach someone to fly FPV and have the skills to fly them into targets.

    They refuse to buy anything else that safeguards their pilots and when we asked them why, their response was, because its 10K cheaper to use racing drones and we have an unlimited supply of people we can train as pilots. So in a nut shell, thats their own evaluation of the lives of their own countrymen.

    Nobody in the US military high command or DOD contractors have any concerns about Russia nor are they preparing any type of coalitions to defend against anything Russia might produce in the future. The only people out there convincing Americans of how Russia can take over anything is the media and they do it just to virtue signal those who will buy into to with their Putin scare tactics.
  8. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    You don't know anyone from US Intelligence. All you do know is what your comrades have told you.

    Yes, Ukrainians on the other side of this imaginary boarder are actually Russians that live in a different place.
    Now you're learning

    I didn't say you did. Try and keep up

    No you haven't. But you will falsely claim it just like the good Democrat you are.
    Nothing new here
  9. Glücksritter

    Glücksritter Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    He wont have to fight the NATO he will attack the Baltics. Countries US, European, whichever who are not willing to invest a few billion to stop that invasion will never be willing to invest hundred times more and foremost risk the live of their own countrymen and wont withstand the threat of nuclear retaliation just because a piece of paper says so.

    So which NATO are you talking about? If the Western alliance doesnt have the guts to stop it now, when its as cheap as it will never be again, he will rightfully assume, they wont do anything to stop him when the chips are down.

    He will just face the Baltics, which are so small in number, it will be as easy as to grab candies from children in comparison.

    You wanna tell me, you are not willing to invest a few billions into the Ukraine, but you will certainly agree with investments thousand times higher, will send hundred thousands of soldiers and take the risk of a nuclear strike, when he attacks the Baltics? You are funny.
  10. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Just wow. How do you even get sold on such gibberish

    The Baltic states or the Baltic countries is a geopolitical term encompassing Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. All three countries are members of NATO, the European Union, the Eurozone, and the OECD.
    What the hell are you talking about?

    We are investing billions in Ukraine. What cave are you living in? But we aren't investing troops, which they will run out of.
    But I do love how the media has cast their net and memorized those 15%ers running around screaming the sky is falling.
    Russia firing off nukes at NATO countries? :roflol:
    Where do you take these indoctrination classes. Good God. lol
    Do you people ever stop and read your own post?
  11. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    If I did, I wouldn't be naive enough to go by someone's personal opinion. You take the word of your 'client' for gospel, as if he somehow knew how many Russians have been lost in the war.

    I am going by what the US Intelligence told the US Congress. You can go with whatever you want.

    I deleted personal BS & misrepresentations. Have a nice day.
  12. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Yeah, well my client isn't a person. They are JSOC and SOCOM officers as well as this countries largest DOD providers.
    I think they have a better prospective on their involvement than you or the media does.

    Stop making unsubstantiated claims like people in my camp are telling you they want Russia to win against Ukraine and you won't have those problems. Especially since you don't know anyone in my camp.
    Hows that
  13. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Sure man. They tell you one thing, and then tell something else to the Congress and the American people. You are basically saying they are a bunch of liars, and you believe then anyway. Go figure.

    Whatever makes you happy.

    Merry Christmas.

    Your camp victory dance:

    Last edited: Dec 20, 2023
  14. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    So now you're excuse is, you think JSOC, SOCOM, and DOD are telling the American people or Congress anything.
    Just wow dude. You certainly have no idea how the chain of command works or who institutes policy.

    Which is why posters like yourself claim Bidens last second midnight Afghan evacuation abandoning Americans to terrorist was such a huge success.
    The left has always been an easy target for the media and will obviously say anything that supports their claims. Even though its somehow incomprehensible to you how officers, soldiers, and suppliers down range have a different story. I bet you even bought into going into Iraq to get those WMDs. Theres one in every crowd.
  15. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    They are DoD, and data from DoD is part of the US Intelligence report to Congress. It has nothing to do with chain of command, or policy. Its data collected from various US Intelligence agencies.

    You didn't know that, so at thins point I find it hard to believe anything you say, so I'll just which you a Merry Christmas and leave it at that.

    That's the thing. Soldiers and suppliers were there and that's somehow supposed to mean exactly how many casualties the enemy has taken. They know some things, because they were at some spot at some given some time, but not at every spot all the time, so they have no way of knowing everything, and a critical thinker would understand that.

    Data collection and compilation from multiple sources, including satellite imagery gives a far more accurate picture than "my client over there told me".
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2023
  16. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    I think we have all seen enough after action intelligence reports to know better.
    Well, most of us.
    But you do you.
  17. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    What's your report saying about Russian casualties?
  18. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    I never claimed to have such a report. I am addressing the media provisions you and other posters are so enamored by.
    For example, the claim that Russia has lost 90% of its forces against Ukraine. And the left goes hog wild with post.
    When actually, they only lost 90% of their initial invasion force. Which is about 160,000.

    And magically there is no mention of the other 800,000 trained forces Russia currently has.
    Theres no mention of Russia having sustained air and sea superiority
    Theres no mention of 20% of Ukraine already under Russian control.

    So no, your so called media/intelligence reports don't give the actual facts of the conflict any more than they did going into Iraq, evacuating Afghanistan, the Vietnam war, or any other conflict they only provide half the story for.
    Until after the fact, when we all found out how bad we were duped.
  19. Glücksritter

    Glücksritter Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    Are you slow or something like that?

    We were talking about the scenario of a Russian attack on the Baltics.I asked you a question here. In that scenario, are you willing to invest between hundred or thousand times of what you are investing into the Ukriane, intervene with your own soldiers and take the risk of a nuclear strike to defend another NATO country? This is a simple "Yes" or "No", but maybe you dont get the content as it seems intellectual challenging for you. So if you have difficulties to understand it, just ask which part is too difficult for you.

    I am pretty sure as soon as Putin attacks the Baltics you are not willing to do this, you would suggest to leave them over to themselves just as a lot of countries in Europe could too and Putin will simply take the Baltics.

    You can be sure the reactions of the US will be watched carefully by Russia (and China) and if the NATO states are not willing to even take the comparable ridiculous efforts of support of the Ukraine Putin will rightly so draw the conclusion they wont take the effort it would take to lead an all out war bc of the NATO treaty when he attacks the Baltics. You can blame him for every other sin in the book, but not for that, its just a logical step.
  20. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Nope, I'm saying your presentation of Russia taking over the Baltics and threats of nuclear strikes are just media fantasy for the gullible.
    And you are free to swallow as much as you want. Historically, thats what you will do.

    But you might want to reflect on some of that gullibility like going to Iraq to get those WMD,s, or maybe how a last second evacuation of Afghanistan abandoning Americans on location was such a success.

    Maybe your attention is being driven away from the increase in US Navel activity around Taiwon? Getting individuals through their media through virtue signaling to look at the shinny things is what keeps those dollars flowing and those in power to make decisions like, telling Americans through their 7 Democrat court, who they can and can't vote for. But I digress.
  21. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    That is not the claim. The intelligence report shows the losses were in relation to the size of the initial invasion force (360,000 personnel, - not all were combat troops) it had prior to launching the attack. The total losses amount to 90% of that number. Everyone knows they have been reinforced, and by now almost a million have been in and out, or still there, and they are capable of training 130K more every 6 months. I have not seen anyone claim Russia has lost 90% of their total fighting force. The war would be long over of that was the case.

    You just proved that they do give actual facts.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2023
  22. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    So by that statement, you believe Iraq had WMDs, as professed by your beloved intelligence agencies
    And you believe the Afghan evacuation was a success, as professed by your beloved intelligence agencies.

    Go ahead, you can answer. Its Ok.
  23. Glücksritter

    Glücksritter Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    You are funny! Putin claims the Baltics officially in his speeches, his media works already on the legend that the Russian minority is surpressed by Nazis there since 10-15 years, but yes, purely fictional of course.

    Yes, or all this nonsense stuff that Putin was preparing an attack on the Ukraine, all the wise Putin friends were laughing at since Feb 2022.

    Dont worry, if you wanna interfere in a Chinese invasion of Taiwan it will cost you so much more that this Ukrainian low budget project now, China will immediately see it as a bluff and call it, if they see that America has not even the willingness to react to threats. Its in that case not only depending on Americas willingness to intervene, but also the willingness of US/EU/Asian/Oceanian countries to sanction, but the credibility with which the US can make China at least think they could intervene plays a huge role.

    And by the way, you are unable to answer my question with a simple "yes" or "no" and I know why. Dont think for a minute the willingness of their rivals wont be tested by China or Russia.
  24. Glücksritter

    Glücksritter Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    Russia is using mainly ground troops for a long time already and obviously cannot use its airforce with impunity as the Ukrainian anti-air-force systems inflicted heavy losses when they did. So, you can claim Russian air supremacy as long as you want, you dont see a lot of tactical use of the Russian side. And if it was there, why are there a lot of succesful drone attacks by the Ukraine?

    Of course the Russian army is still huge, but it has a lot of obligations which they can no longer guarantee already. What happened to the peace keppers in the Azerbaijan-Armenian conflict? 2022 the Azerbaijani army would not have even dared to look at them in the wrong manner, lately, they just wiped them off the map, killed even Russian generals with it and Russia had to smile to all of this and pretend it was a misunderstanding, while in reality Turkey and Azerbaijan prepare Russia for its new role in the Caucasus.
  25. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Nobody claimed that Putin doesn't make idiotic claims

    Nobody claimed that either
    Your on a roll with this BS

    And yet again, the media mind flushing is so prevalent. You have no idea whats at stake.
    More than 50% of the earths merchandise ships travel through the straights of Taiwan.
    Giving China control of that would put the entire global community into financial ruin.

    As China claims to enjoy sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction over the Taiwan Strait and regards the waterway as "internal territorial waters" instead of being international waters, this means that the Chinese government denies any foreign vessel having the freedom of navigation to other countries. If they took Taiwan, it would cement their idea of control over that waterway.

    And China knows, that we know this, and this isn't going to be a bluff. Cross-strait tensions have escalated since the election of Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen in 2016. Tsai has refused to accept a formula that her predecessor, Ma Ying-jeou, endorsed to allow for increased cross-strait ties. Meanwhile, Beijing has taken increasingly aggressive actions, including by flying fighter jets near the island. A Chinese attack on Taiwan will draw the United States into a war with China.

    A direct confrontation between the big powers could mean global conflagration, global economic failures and a REAL potential for nuclear escalation.

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